程序代写代做代考 Mod_1_workflow-revised


Module 01 Workflow

This is a brief outline of how to get started.

Choose your images:

1. Open the two or more images that you want to work with (choose images with
the same orientation—either horizontal or vertical).

2. Decide which image is on the bottom layer—that will be the image that you use
as your starting document. You will paste the other images that you are going
to use into this document.

3. If you are not familiar with Photoshop, when you copy and paste into the
document each image will come in on its own layer.

4. You should now be aware of how Photoshop tabs your documents from the
Getting Started tutorials.

To copy and paste an image from one document into another:

1. Go to the top menu in Photoshop.

2. Click on the image that you want to copy to bring that document to the

3. Choose Select > All.

4. Now you will have a selection—“the dancing ants.”

5. Choose from the top menu Edit > Copy.

6. Select the document that you want to paste into.

7. Choose Edit > Paste.

Cutting into the image or making a shape to copy and paste:

Use the selection tools (marquee or the lasso) to make a selection. When making a
selection, make sure that you are on the correct layer. Click on the layer to make sure
that it is the active layer.

At this point, you really need to review Working With Selections in the
eTextbook learning material found in Module 1.

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