程序代写代做代考 Microsoft PowerPoint – assignment2-background [Compatibility Mode]

Microsoft PowerPoint – assignment2-background [Compatibility Mode]

21Computer Science, University of Warwick

Assignment 2 – What to Do in General

– You will be given a serial program, called Karman

– You need to parallelize the Karman code and write a

– 80% of the full mark comes from the parallelization
using MPI

– 20% of the mark comes from the parallelization using
both MPI and OpenMP (a hybrid approach), i.e.,
parallelizing the computations in one machine using
OpenMP, while parallelizing the computations across
machines using MPI

22Computer Science, University of Warwick

Assignment 2 – Detailed Requirements for Programming

• Parallelize the Karman code, using a pure MPI
approach (80% of marks) and a hybrid MPI-OpenMP
approach (20% marks)

• Profiling which Karman functions are more time

• Design your decomposition strategy, date exchange
strategies between neighboring partitions, the MPI
functions (e.g., collective operations)

• For a hybrid approach, design the parallelization
strategy for OpenMP

23Computer Science, University of Warwick

• Benchmarking the execution time of your parallel
program as you increase the number of processes

• If you develop a hybrid MPI-OpenMP implementation,

• benchmark the runtime of OpenMP code

• Compare the performance between OpenMP and MPI

• Ensure the simulation results are the same after the

• Your parallel program should contain the adequate
comments as the evidence of good programming

Assignment 2 – Detailed Requirements for Programming

24Computer Science, University of Warwick

Assignment 2 – Requirements for Report

• Profiling the functions to determine which functions
are more time consuming; discuss the profiling

• Discuss your MPI implementation, for example,

• your decomposition strategy and load balancing strategy;

• your strategy of exchanging the boundary data between
neighboring partitions;

• collective operations you used;

• Benchmark the change in execution times of your
parallel program as you increase the number of
processes; present the results in graph or table

25Computer Science, University of Warwick

Assignment 2 – Requirements for Report

• Analyze and discuss the performance of your parallel

• If you develop the hybrid MPI-OpenMP

• Discuss OpenMP implementation

• Benchmark the runtime of the OpenMP codes and present the

• Discuss the performance comparison between the hybrid
approach and the pure MPI approach

• Writing skills: pay attention to spelling, punctuation
and grammar

26Computer Science, University of Warwick

Assignment 2 – Submission

– Submit a compressed folder (.zip) to Tabula; the
folder should contain

– your parallel code (the directory structure used in the project
should not change)

– your report (pdf format and place your report in the top level
directory in the folder)

– Deadline: 12pm, March 14th, 2018

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