程序代写代做代考 Java jquery AI javascript Requirements


The JavaScript program implements a simple game that consists of three stages, setup, play and
end. During the play stage the game proceeds in rounds. The game is played on a grid with 6 x 6
cells. The game involves red piecescontrolled by the user, black pieces controlled by your
programs, and blocks that are placed on the grid and do not move. There are up to 12 red
pieces and up to 12 black pieces. Each piece has a number between 1 and 6. There are at most
3 red pieces with the number 1, at most 2 red pieces each with the number 2, 3, 4, and 5, and at
most 1 red piece with the number 6, The same for the black pieces.

The game always starts in the setup stage and the setup stage consists of three rounds. During
that stage the user is shown the grid and a button that allows the user to proceed to the next
round of the setup stage. After three rounds have been completed, clicking on that button
takes the game to the play stage.

During the setup stage the user places objects on the grid, red pieces, black pieces, and blocks.
No grid cell can contain more than one object and once an object has been placed on a cell it
cannot be changed.

In the first round of the setup stage, the user places an arbitrary number of blocks on the grid.
The user does so by clicking on a cell and typing the letter “b”.

If the user types a character different to the letter “b”, an error message should be shown
and nothing is placed on the grid.
If the user tries to change an object already on the grid, then an error message should be
shown and nothing changes on the grid.

In the second round of the setup stage, the user places up to 12 red pieces on the grid. The
user does so by clicking on a cell and typing one of the numbers 1 to 6.

If the user types a character that is not among the numbers 1 to 6, an error message
should be shown and nothing is placed on the grid.
If the user tries to place more pieces with a particular number than is allowed (e.g., the
user tries to place three pieces with the number 5), an error message should be shown
and nothing is placed on the grid.
If the user tries to place more than 12 red pieces, then an error message should be shown
and nothing is placed on the grid.
If the user tries to proceed to the next round without placing any red piece on the grid, an
error message should be shown and the game remains in the current round and stage.
If the user tries to change an object already on the grid, then an error message should be
shown and nothing changes on the grid.

In the third round of the setup stage, the user places up to 12 black pieces on the grid. The user
does so by clicking on a cell and typing one of the numbers 1 to 6. The same error conditions
apply as for the second round, only with red’ replaced by black’.

If in the third round of the setup stage, the user clicks on the button for the next round, and
there is at least one red piece and one black piece on the grid, then the game proceeds to the
play stage.

At the start and during the play stage, the user is again shown the grid, initially with all the
objects that have been placed on the grid during the setup stage, plus additional status
information: The number of the round currently played, the number of red pieces left on the grid,
and the number of black pieces left on the grid. In addition, there must be the possibility for the
user to end the play stage at any time, for example, via a button. For each piece it must be
clearly visible what number it has.

While in the play stage, the game proceeds in rounds, each round starts with the user’s turn
followed by the computer’s turn. At the start of a round, the number of the round currently
played is increased by one (the first round has the number 1), and the status information shown
to the user is updated.

During each turn, the user and the computer try to move one of their pieces. It might be the
case that either the user or the computer do not have a piece left that they can move. This
should be checked at the start of each turn and the game should proceed to the end stage if
this case occurs.

During his/her turn, the user attempts to move one of the red pieces horizontally or vertically
on the grid by clicking on the piece (the piece becomes selected) and then typing one of four

“a” attempts to move the selected piece one grid cell to the left,
“d” attempts to move the selected piece one grid cell to the right,
“w” attempts to move the selected piece one grid cell up,
“s” attempts to move the selected piece one grid cell down.

If the user types any other character, then an error message should be shown and the user has
the possibility to type another character. If the attempted move would result in the selected
piece ending up outside the grid, or on a cell occupied by a block, or on a cell occupied by a red
piece, then the selected piece does not move, an error message should be shown and the user
has the possibility to move a different piece (i.e., the user’s turn does not end). Otherwise, the
attempted move is successful and the selected piece changes cells:

If the cell to which the selected piece has moved was previously empty, then nothing
special happens and the user’s turn is over.
If the selected piece ends up on a grid cell that contains a black piece, then one piece is
eliminated as follows:
if either the number of the red piece is greater than the number of the black piece or the
number of the red piece is 1 and the number of the black piece is 6 (i.e., the numbers 1 to
6 form a ring in which 1 > 6), then the black piece is eliminated, else the red piece is
eliminated. The number of red and black pieces is adjusted accordingly and the status
information shown to the user is updated.

Once the user has successfully move exactly one of the red pieces, the user’s turn ends and the
computer’s turn starts.

During the computer’s turn your program attempts to move exactly one black piece. Its aim is
to eliminate all red pieces from the grid.

Black pieces move in the same way as red pieces, that is, they can move horizontally and
vertically but not diagonally.
Black pieces can also not `leave the grid’ (e.g., a black piece in the left-most column of the
grid cannot move left and thereby end up in the right-most column of the grid.
Black pieces cannot move onto a cell containing a block and cannot move onto a cell
containing another black piece.
Black pieces can move to empty cells and to cells containing a red piece. In the latter case,
one piece is then eliminated as follows:
if either the number of the black piece is greater than the number of the red piece or the
number of the black piece is 1 and the number of the red piece is 6 (i.e., the numbers 1 to
6 form a ring in which 1 > 6), then the red piece is eliminated, else the black piece is
eliminated. The number of red and black pieces is adjusted accordingly and the status
information shown to the user is updated.
If there is a black piece and a red piece such that the black piece could move to the cell
containing the red piece, then one black piece which satisfies this condition must move to
a cell containing a red piece. However, if several pairs of black and red pieces satisfy this
condition then the computer can choose which black piece moves to which red piece.
Exactly one black piece must move if there is any black piece that can move.

Once exactly one black piece has moved, the computer’s turn and the current round ends.

The play stage ends if one of the following conditions becomes true:

the user ends the play stage (by pressing the button provided for that);
there are no red pieces left that could move (this includes the case that there are no red
pieces at all left);
there are no black pieces left that could move (this includes the case that there are no
black pieces at all left);

Once the play stage has ended, the game is in the end stage. In the end stage the program
determines the outcome of the game. The outcome is a win for the user if there are no black
pieces left on the grid; the outcome is a winfor the computer if there are no red pieces left on
the grid; otherwise, the outcome is a draw. The program should display a message indicating
the outcome of the game and then stop. During the end stage the program should not react to
any user input or actions.

Additional Requirements and Comments:

You should carefully analyse in which situations none of the red pieces or none of the
black pieces can move in order to correctly end the play stage in such situations.
Ideally your program would move the black pieces in a way that increases the computer’s
chances of eliminating all red pieces. Techniques that you have learned on the AI module
might help you with that.
Ideally your program would allow the size of the grid to be changed easily (by the
maintainer of the system), independently for each dimension.
JavaScript engines differ from browser to browser. You should make sure that your system
works in all commonly used browsers (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft

Internet Explorer 9 or higher) and on all commonly used platforms (e.g., Linux derivatives
and Microsoft Windows).
Your JavaScript program should only depend on your own code. JavaScript
libraries/frameworks, like jQuery, should not be used.
Your code should follow the COMP284 Coding Standard. This includes pointing out which
parts of your code have been developed with the help of on-line sources or textbooks and
references for these sources.

A script that deals satisfactorily with these additional requirements and comments, in addition
to providing the basic functionality required, will receive higher marks.



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