程序代写代做代考 Java javascript COMP284 Practical 8

COMP284 Practical 8
JavaScript (3)


• This worksheet contains further exercises that are intended to familiarise you with JavaScript
Programming. While you work through the tasks below compare your results with those
of your fellow students and ask for help and comments if required.

• This worksheet can be found at


and you might proceed more quickly if you cut-and-paste code from that PDF file. Note
that a cut-and-paste operation may introduce extra spaces into your code. It is important
that those are removed and that your code exactly matches that shown in this worksheet.

• The exercises and instructions in this worksheet assume that you use the Department’s
Linux systems to experiment with JavaScript.

If you want to use the Department’s Windows systems instead, then you can do so.

• To keep things simple, we will just use a text editor, a terminal, and a web browser. You
can use whatever text editor and web browser you are most familiar or comfortable with.

• If you do not manage to get through all the exercises during this practical session, please
complete them in your own time. Note, however, that this is the last scheduled COMP284


1. Dialog boxes are a quick way of obtaining user input, but from an interface design point
they are almost always the wrong choice for doing so. Forms are a much better way to
build user interfaces.

a. Open a text editor and enter the following HTML markup:

JavaScript and Forms

JavaScript and Forms



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