程序代写代做代考 Java Assignment 1a, 2017

Assignment 1a, 2017

To provide programming practice in a monitor-oriented concurrent programming language and to get a

better understanding of safety and liveness issues.

Background and context
There are two parts to Assignment 1. This first part, 1a, is worth 10% of your final mark; the second part,

1b, will be worth 15%. This first part of the assignment deals with programming threads in Java. Your task

is to implement (or rather complete) and test a simulator for a bicycle quality control system.

The system to simulate
The system to be built is a simulator of a quality control station in a bicycle manufacturing factory. The

purpose of the quality control station is to check that bicycles are not defective before they are packaged

and shipped to distributors and retailers (Figure 1). The simulated part of the system is responsible for

moving bicycles through the quality control station on a conveyor belt. Prior to arrival, bicycles have

previously been subjected to an initial check, which has tagged some bikes for a more detailed quality

control inspection. Tagged bicycles are removed from conveyor belt and subjected to a more thorough

inspection. After inspection, tags are removed from bicycles found to be non-defective. After leaving the

quality control station, bicycles which are not tagged will be packed and shipped, while those that are tagged

will be recycled.

We will assume that the initial check is too conservative. It correctly identifies (and tags) all defective

bicycles, but also incorrectly tags some non-defective bicycles. The more thorough inspection in the quality

control station is intended to catch these errors, and we assume that it does so perfectly; that is, it always

removes the tags from non-defective bicycles and always leaves the tags on defective bicycles.

Figure 1: The quality control station to be simulated. Prior to arriving, bicycles have undergone a quick

check, which has tagged some (stars) for more thorough inspection (dotted box). After leaving the quality

control station, bikes will be taken off the conveyor belt for packing and shipping, unless they remain tagged

as defective, in which case they will be taken off the conveyor belt and recycled.

The conveyor belt has five segments, each of which can hold a single bicycle. The flow of control in the

quality control station is that bicycles are placed onto the belt at the left end (segment 1). Some bicycles are

tagged for quality control inspection. If a bicycle is not tagged, it travels along the belt (to segment 5) and is

taken off the belt there. If a bicycle is tagged, it needs to be removed and inspected by a quality control

inspector. A sensor placed at segment 3 will identify a tagged bicycle, which is then moved to the inspector

by a robot arm. The inspector can inspect only one bicycle at a time. After the quality control inspection, the

inspector will remove the tags from bicycles found to be non-defective, and leave tags on those found to be


In our first version of the model we will assume that all inspected bicycles (non-defective or defective)

are returned to segment 3 of the belt by the robot, but only when that segment is free.

To the left of the belt, there is a producer that loads bicycles (some of which are tagged) onto the belt at

random times. At the end of the belt, there is a consumer that takes the bicycles off the belt and (outside of

the simulated system) packages and ships those that are non-defective, and recycles those that are defective.

A partial solution
A partial simulator has been implemented, and the source code can be found on the LMS (in file scaffold.zip).

You should study it carefully, compile it and run it. It is flawed, because the sensor, the inspector, and the

robot, have not been implemented. Hence tagged bicycles make it all the way to the end of the belt without

being inspected. This would mean that some non-defective bikes will be recycled unnecessarily.

Your tasks
Your task is to implement a better simulator. Just like the initial, flawed, simulator, it should produce a trace

of the important events (to standard output), such as arrival, movement, inspection and departure of

bicycles. You should provide two solutions in this project.

Solution 1: First assume that all bicycles have to go back onto the belt’s segment 3 when the inspector has

finished with them. This is not an ideal solution, but we want to see it implemented because

Assignment 1b will make use of it.

Solution 2: As a second solution, introduce an additional short belt, to take all bicycles (non-defective or

defective) from the inspector to the handler (the Consumer) at the end of the main belt. This belt needs

just two segments. The handler will need to take bicycles off both belts.

You should implement the new components (sensor, inspector, robot) and whatever other components

you may need, and update the provided code as necessary, for the two required solutions. You will need to

decide which of these components should be implemented as separate processes (ie, by extending

BicycleHandlingThread) You must submit code for both solutions.

The scaffold code

Part of the project is to make sense of the provided code. The driver of the whole simulation is Sim.java. Most

other classes should be easy to understand, and their names reflect the categories (bicycles, belts, and so

on) that they represent. Suggested parameters and exception classes have been provided. Some of these are

used in the scaffold code; others will be useful when implementing the required solutions.

Procedure and assessment
The project should be done by students individually. On the LMS you will find a zip file containing the

scaffolding to start from.

The submission deadline is Friday 24 March at 17:00. A late submission will attract a penalty of 1.5

marks for every calendar day it is late. If you have a reason that you require an extension, email Nic well

before the due date to discuss this. Submit a single zip file via LMS. The zip file should include two separate

folders (or directories), called sol1 and sol2, and a text file called reflection.txt. The folder sol1 should be a

complete and self-contained solution for task Solution 1, and similarly for sol2. Each should include:

• All Java source files needed to create a file called Sim.class, such that “java Sim” will start the simulator.

• A makefile that will generate Sim.class (it may be very simple; perhaps just containing the action “javac


The file reflection.txt should contain 300–500 words evaluating the success or otherwise of your solution,

identifying critical design decisions or problems that arose, and summarising any insights from

experimenting with the simulator.

We encourage the use of the LMS’s discussion board for discussions about the project. However, all

submitted work is to be your own individual work.

This project counts for 10 of the 50 marks allocated to project work in this subject. Marks will be

awarded according to the following guidelines:

Criterion Description Marks

Correctness The code runs and generates output that is consistent with the


4 marks

Design The code is well designed, potentially extensible, and shows

understanding of concurrent programming concepts and principles.

3 marks

Structure & style The code is well structured and readable. 1 marks

Layout The code adheres to the code format rules (Appendix A) and in

particular is well commented and explained.

1 marks

Reflection The reflection document demonstrates engagement with the


1 marks

Total 10


The 4 marks for correctness are spread evenly over Solutions 1 and 2.

A Code format rules
Your implementation must adhere with the following simple code format rules:

• Every Java class must contain a comment indicating its purpose.

• Every method must contain a comment at the beginning explaining its behaviour. In particular, any

assumptions should be clearly stated.

• Constants, class, and instance variables must be documented.

• Variable names must meaningful.

• Significant blocks of code must be commented.

However, not every statement in a program needs to be commented. Just as you can write too few

comments, it is possible to write too many comments.

• Program blocks appearing in if-statements, while-statements, etc., must be indented consistently.

They can be indented using tabs or spaces, and can be indented 2, 4, or 8 spaces, as long as it is done


• Each line should contain no more than 80 characters.

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