程序代写代做代考 IOS SIT206: iOS Programming

SIT206: iOS Programming
Assignment1: Tic Tac Toe Game
Weight – 30%

Due date
End of Week 5, 11:59pm on Cloud Deakin.

Deliverables – submit to Cloud Deakin
· Project source code: we should be able to compile & run the app. Your code should be readable and documented enough for assessor to mark it.
· App demo video – link to YouTube video for you explaining your project source code, and how to play the game
· Optional: Submit a link to your GitHub Repository. This will be mandatory for assignment2
· Optional: Submit a link to your project Trello Board. This will be mandatory for assignment2

Have you played Tic Tac Toe before? If not please try it here: https://playtictactoe.org
Fig.1: Me playing Tic Tac Toe

In this assignment, we want to try and build an iOS Tic Tac Toe Game that could be played by two players, or one player against the phone. Here are the user stories:
Core User Stories:
1. As a player, I want to be able to choose the mode of the game: Single player (Play against the computer) or two players.
2. As a player, I want to be able to choose my symbol: [X] or [O].
3. As a player, I want to see my score – how many times I won vs the other player.
4. As a player, I want to be able to start/restart the game, at any point.
5. As a player, I want to hear music while playing.
6. As a player, I want to see a message when the game is over.

1. As a player, I want to be able to see the history of the games I played, and who won.
2. As a player, I want to see an image for me and the other player displayed next to our scores.
3. Extra features you want to add to the game

We should start working on assignment 1 from the first week. We will slowly build the app as we progress. Here is a proposed timeline:
1. Week1 – Assets Design: In this week you need to should start preparing images required including X, O, and the Grid. See here again https://playtictactoe.org

2. Week2 –Tic Tac Toe Project: In this week you should be able to create an iOS app for your assignment, add your assets to the project, work on your screen UI. You should be able to handle “TouchUpInside”.

3. Week3 – Game Logic: In this week you should be able to add game logic including when to decide win/lose, single player, multiplayer, update score of both players, etc.

4. Week4 – Game Logic and UI Functionality: In this week you should complete your game logic, add UI logic – e.g. name/image of the players, mode, symbol, etc. You might need to revise game logic accordingly.

5. Week5 – App submission: Polish your app and get it ready for submission.


Source code
Player vs player

Player vs Computer

Check/decide who Win/lose

Other features [choose symbol, see score, start new game, restart, switch mode, etc.

2 marks
Code readable and documented

App Video
3 marks
Code explained

3 marks
App Demo

4 marks
2 Extensions + Extras


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