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Simple Social Card
Collection & Battling

By Lee Kelvin and Qianxiang Ma


● An intense card-battling game like Hearthstone, Yu☆Gi☆Oh, and Magic The Gathering.

● With simpler and more straightforward card effects.

● Greatly emphasizing on social elements.

● Easily customizable deck options to support a variety of playstyles.

Tools Used

Design Challenge

● TCP or UDP

● Communication Protocols

○ Information Retrieval & Uploading

○ Packets Processing

● Gameplay Balancing

● Game Mechanics

Game Rule Explanation

Basic Game Mechanics

● Two types of cards: Buildings vs. Creatures
○ Building Cards: provide SP and VP, takes some turns to activate
○ Creatures Cards: consume SP and provide various effects, protecting allies or

damaging enemies

● Two parameters: SP vs. VP
○ SP (summoning points): Determines the number and strength of the creatures on

board. Each player has 1 SP and additional SP is generated by finished buildings.

○ VP (victory progress): The only factor determining victory. Each player starts with 0,
and whoever the earlier reaching 100 wins the game.

Sample Building Cards
Card: Farm

A basic building, that

provides a decent

amount of summoning

points and victory


Takes 1 turn to finish.

Each turn: Summoning

Points +2, Victory

Progress +4.

Card: Castle

A defensive building, can

deal 2 damage to an

enemy unit.

Takes 2 turns to finish.

Each turn: Summoning

Points +3, Victory

Progress +5.

Sample Creature Cards
Card: Healer

A functional creature,

can use 2 mana to

recover all friendly

creature’ hp by 2

Consumes 2 sp to

summon and in each

turn. Recovers 1 mana

at the end of each turn.

Card: Wizard

A powerful attacking

creature, can use 2

mana to damage an

enemy unit and the unit

behind it by 4.

Consumes 3 sp to

summon and in each

turn. Recovers 1 mana

at the end of each turn.

Combat Window

2 x 4 field each

Backline card unattackable if

covered by a frontline card.

5 cards in hand


● End Turn
● Surrender
● Cancel
● Start chat


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