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Student Code Policy

Student Code of Conduct Page 1 of 6
Version: 2.3 Effective 14 August 2017

Student Code of Conduct

Version Approved by Approval date Effective date Next review

2.3 UNSW Council 14 August 2017 14 August 2017 December 2015



The Student Code of Conduct (“the Code”) sets out the University’s
expectations of students as members of the UNSW community. All students
at enrolment must accept their shared responsibility for maintaining a safe,
harmonious and tolerant environment in which to study and work.

The Code details the University’s responsibilities and what students can
reasonably expect in terms of quality provision, a safe and fair learning
environment and the UNSW student experience.

Student Conduct

The Code provides a framework for the standard of conduct expected of
students of the University with respect to their academic integrity and
behaviour. It outlines the primary obligations of students, and directs staff
and students to the code and related procedures.

Where a student breaches the Code the University may take disciplinary
action. Such matters will be handled in accordance with the Student
Misconduct Procedure.

Student Complaints

The Code also provides a framework for the Student Complaint Procedure
which outlines guiding principles and processes in student complaint


This Code applies to:

• All enrolled students of UNSW on all campuses both domestic and

• Students previously enrolled, not currently enrolled and students on
program leave, where the event forming the basis of the complaint
occurred while they were enrolled or is directly related to their enrolment

• Higher degree research students including those awaiting examination
of submitted theses

• Students on exchange from other universities where the matter relates
the student’s experience at UNSW

• The University and its staff

In the context of:

• All aspects of a student’s experience at the University

• All activities on UNSW premises and all external activities related to
study and research, including workplace or clinical placements, fieldwork
or other practicum

• Activities in relation to online examinations and online academic work,
and to examinations and academic work in remote locations

• Actions taken by students representing the University (such as at
conferences or sporting and cultural activities or on a University
facilitated international exchange)

• Behaviour in University owned or managed accommodation, affiliated
colleges or home stays managed by UNSW

• The activities of the University and its staff in relation to students.

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Version: 2.3 Effective 14 August 2017

The Student Code of Conduct

1. Preamble
The Student Code of Conduct is the basis for the relationship between the University and our students.
The University is committed to providing a fulfilling and rewarding learning and research experience that
enables students to achieve their full academic potential. This commitment is underpinned by an
expectation that all members of the University will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the
University’s values and guiding principles to maintain our strong tradition of excellence in learning,
teaching and research, innovation and community engagement.

2. University Responsibilities
This Code is underpinned by two primary objectives:

1. To provide a learning, teaching and research environment that enables students to achieve their full

2. To provide a University experience for students consistent with the University’s values and guiding

2.1. Learning, teaching and research
The University aims to provide students with the opportunity to:

• Study in an academic environment which fosters student participation in debate and in which
students can freely express alternative points of view

• Be considered for selection into courses or programs on the basis of criteria that are valid, explicit,
fair and reliable

• Enrol in courses and programs of study that are of a high standard and satisfy relevant professional

• Have reasonable access to appropriately qualified academic staff and academic and learning
support services

• Have reasonable access to materials, equipment and other resources to enable completion of
academic courses

• Receive timely and clear information in relation to courses and administrative procedure

• Receive timely and clear feedback on assessment

• Provide feedback on the teaching, learning and research environment

• Receive recognition of their copyright in relation to theses, essays and other submitted work; receive
recognition for their contribution to published work of UNSW staff; and, protection of their legitimate
share of intellectual property rights

• Study and work in a safe, tolerant and productive academic environment.

2.2. The University experience
The University will use best endeavours to ensure that students:

• Are treated with courtesy, tolerance and respect as valued members of the University community

• Are provided with opportunity to participate in the decision-making processes of the University
through elected student representatives

• Are treated fairly, impartially and consistently in all aspects of University policy, procedures and

• Are treated equitably, free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment, including sexual

• Have reasonable access to support services if experiencing personal, academic or disability related

• Have reasonable access to records held about them

• Receive respect and protection of their privacy

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• Can make a complaint based on any aspect of their experience at the University

• Can lodge a complaint or appeal without fear of victimisation and with assurance that the matter will
be treated seriously, expeditiously and sensitively having due regard to procedural fairness and

3. Student Responsibilities
There are five primary student responsibilities under this Code:

1. A condition of enrolment that students inform themselves of the University’s rules and policies
affecting them

2. An obligation to act with integrity in academic work, to ensure that all academic work is conducted
ethically and safely

3. An obligation to observe standards of equity and respect in dealing with every member of the
University community

4. An obligation to use and care for University resources in a lawful and appropriate manner

5. An obligation to not diminish the University’s reputation in the carrying out of academic and other
associated University activities.

3.1. Conditions of enrolment
Students must:

• Inform themselves of all University rules and policies which apply to them

• Ensure that their contact details in MyUNSW are up to date

• Ensure that they read all emails sent by UNSW to their UNSW provided email address

• Identify themselves truthfully when required to do so by a University staff member and produce their
student card on request to a University staff member fulfilling the requirements of that staff member’s

3.2. Integrity in academic work
Students are expected to:

• Conduct themselves honestly and in compliance with University policies

• Not engage in plagiarism or other academic misconduct

• Conduct themselves in a manner conducive to the proper functioning of the University, recognising
that a primary function of the University is the pursuit of academic excellence

• Actively participate in the learning process

• Attend scheduled course teaching and learning activities

• Submit assessment tasks by required dates and times, unless unforeseen or exceptional
circumstances arise

• Behave ethically, avoiding any action or behaviour that would unfairly advantage or disadvantage
either themselves or another student

• Comply with the conventions of academic scholarship and ensure the proper use of copyright

• Ensure their academic activities are conducted safely and do not place others at risk of harm,
including abiding by all ethics requirements in relation to that academic activity

• Be familiar with the programs and resources made available or recommended by the University to
assist them in conducting their studies and research appropriately, including resources to help
students avoid plagiarism and to comply with the ethics requirements of research

• Not behave in any way which impairs the reasonable freedom of other persons to pursue their
studies, work or research or to participate in the life of the University.

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3.3. Equity, respect and safety
Students are expected to:

• Treat all University staff, other students, and visitors to the University with courtesy, tolerance and
respect. This extends to teaching staff in venues off-campus and online, and supervisors and others
involved in workplace or clinical placements, fieldwork or other practicum

• Respect the rights of others to be treated equitably, free from all forms of unlawful discrimination,
harassment and bullying

• Respect the rights of others to express political and religious views in a lawful manner

• Not engage in behaviour that is perceived to be threatening or intimidating or causes any person to
fear for their personal safety or well-being

• Not behave in a way that disrupts or interferes with any teaching, learning or academic activity of the
University or any political, cultural, social or sporting gathering conducted by the University or
authorised to be held on a campus of the University

• Not engage in unlawful behaviour

• Comply with any reasonable direction or request from a UNSW staff member where the direction or
request supports safety, good order and compliance with UNSW policy

• Not use, possess or supply a prohibited weapon or any prohibited substance on campus

• Not participate in any learning activity, such as, tutorials, laboratory class, under the influence of
alcohol or a prohibited substance.

3.4. University resources
Students are expected to:

• Use and care for all University resources, such as buildings, equipment and grounds, library,
information and communication technology resources, in a lawful and ethical manner, mindful of the
need for resources to be shared by all members of the University community

• Use and care for resources, such as buildings, equipment and grounds, library, information and
communication technology resources, in a lawful and ethical manner in venues off-campus and
online, whilst on workplace or clinical placements, fieldwork or other practicum

• Not engage in behaviour that is detrimental to University property, including the University Library

• Not misuse library, computing or communications or other facilities in a manner which is unlawful or
which will be detrimental to the rights and properties of others.

3.5. University reputation
Students are expected to:

• Conduct themselves in an appropriate manner while on a UNSW facilitated exchange program at an
overseas university, including complying with relevant academic standards and protocols

• Conduct themselves in an appropriate manner while on workplace or clinical placements, fieldwork
or other practicum

• Ensure their actions or inactions as a student do not harm, or bring into disrepute, the University’s
reputation or good standing

• Not use the University’s name, reputation or crest for private gain or the gain of a third party, or
private business or commercial purposes, without prior permission

• Not use University resources for private gain or the gain of a third party, or private business or
commercial purposes, without prior permission

• Not engage in any fraudulent or corrupt conduct (for a definition about what constitutes fraud and
corruption, see the University’s Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy).

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4. Legal & Policy Framework
The Student Code of Conduct operates within the context of, and subject to, State and Commonwealth
anti-discrimination and harassment legislation and within the context of other University policies.

In addition to this Code, the following codes of conduct may also apply to some students:

• UNSW Research Code of Conduct

• UNSW Staff Code of Conduct (where students are also employees or affiliates)

• Individual Faculty, School or Department codes or requirements, such as Health and Safety rules in

It is not possible, to cover every circumstance and situation in the Code. If a circumstance or situation
arises which is not expressly covered in the Code, individuals are expected to act in accordance with the
underlying principles of the Code.

5. Implementation
Student complaints and allegations of breaches of the University’s obligations under the Code are to be
dealt with pursuant to the Student Complaint Procedure.

Allegations of student breaches of the Code or complaints of student misconduct, whether academic or
non-academic, are to be dealt with pursuant to the Student Misconduct Procedure.

5.1. Roles, Responsibilities and Rights
The responsibilities of the University and students are set out in this Code.

The President and Vice-Chancellor has overall responsibility for supervision of the discipline of the
University and has power to impose penalties for breach of discipline or for misconduct or any kind. This
power may be delegated.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic has overall responsibility for the operation of the Student
Misconduct Procedure.

Any student or staff member may make a complaint about an aspect of the University’s responsibilities
or make a report of an allegation of student misconduct to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic or the
Director, UNSW Integrity, pursuant to the Procedures.

6. Acknowledgements
• NSW Ombudsman Complaint Handling at Universities: Best Practice Guidelines 2006

• Overseas Students Ombudsman: Better Practice Complaint Handling for Education Providers 2011

• UK Office of the Independent Adjudicator, Guidance notes for Higher Education providers

• Discussion Paper 21 (1989) – Alternative Dispute Resolution: Training and Accreditation of
Mediators, Lawlink NSW

• Discussion Paper 30 (1993) Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), Lawlink NSW

• Complaints policies and procedures from a range of Australian universities were reviewed as part of
the revision of the UNSW Student Conduct and Student Complaints Policies. Related policy
documents from the following universities are gratefully acknowledged: Australian National
University, Macquarie University, Monash University, Queensland University of Technology,
University of Melbourne , University of Newcastle , University of Sydney, University of Technology
Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Western Australia.

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Version: 2.3 Effective 14 August 2017


Responsible Officer President and Vice-Chancellor

Contact Officer Director, UNSW Integrity

Supporting Information

Legislative Compliance

This Code supports the University’s compliance with the following legislation:

University of New South Wales Act 1989 (NSW)

This Code operates within the context of, and subject to, State and Commonwealth anti-
discrimination and harassment legislation and within the context of other University

Supporting Documents Nil

Related Documents

Student Complaint Procedure

Student Misconduct Procedure

Managing Plagiarism for Students Enrolled in Coursework Programs – Procedure

Research Code of Conduct

Health and Safety Policy

Acceptable use of UNSW Information and Communication Technology Resources

Acceptable use of UNSW Information and Communication Technology Resources

Handling Allegations of Research Misconduct Procedure

Superseded Documents Student Code Policy, version 2.2

File Number 2010/02710

Definitions and Acronyms

Revision History
Version Approved by Approval date Effective date Sections modified

In 2009 the Student Conduct Policy and associated Student Misconduct Procedure replaced the Student Misconduct

Historical version (1.2) 21 February 2008 to 30 November 2009
Historical version (1.1) 31 October 1994 to 20 February 2008

1.0 Vice-Chancellor 11 November 2009 1 December 2009 New policy replacing the Student Misconduct Rules

2.0 President and Vice-Chancellor 6 December 2012 6 December 2012

Administrative update
authorised by Acting Head
of Governance

18 February 2016 29 February 2016
Administrative updates
reflecting changes in senior
leadership positions.

2.2 Administrative update by the Director of Governance 20 September 2016
20 September

Duplicate Section 2 numbering
fixed and template refresh

2.3 UNSW Council 14 August 2017 14 August 2017

Changed name to Student
Code of Conduct.
Administrative updates to
senior position titles.



1. Preamble
2. University Responsibilities
2.1. Learning, teaching and research
2.2. The University experience

3. Student Responsibilities
3.1. Conditions of enrolment
3.2. Integrity in academic work
3.3. Equity, respect and safety
3.4. University resources
3.5. University reputation

4. Legal & Policy Framework
5. Implementation
5.1. Roles, Responsibilities and Rights

6. Acknowledgements

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