程序代写代做代考 database SQL SQL: Queries, Constraints, Triggers

SQL: Queries, Constraints, Triggers

SQL Aggregates

Practice Queries

Lecture 9

Slides based on “Database Management Systems” 3rd ed, Ramakrishnan and Gehrke

Example 1

“Find the average age of students taking some course with 3 credits”

Simple solution, but if same student takes multiple 3-credit courses, it may not be
what we expect

FROM Students S, Enrolled E, Courses C
WHERE S.sid = E.sid AND E.cid = C.cid AND C.credits = 3

Example 1

“Find the average age of students taking some course with 3 credits”

FROM Students S1
FROM Students S, Enrolled E, Courses C
WHERE S.sid = E.sid AND E.cid = C.cid AND
C.credits = 3)

Example 2

“Find the average age of enrolled students for each course with at least 10 enrolled
students. List the course name(s) as well.”

SELECT C.cname, AVG(S.age)
FROM Students S, Enrolled E, Courses C
WHERE S.sid = E.sid AND E.cid = C.cid
GROUP BY C.cid, C.cname

Example 3

SELECT C.cname, AVG(S.age)
FROM Students S, Enrolled E, Courses C
WHERE S.sid = E.sid AND E.cid = C.cid AND S.age <= 25 GROUP BY C.cid, C.cname HAVING 10 <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Enrolled E1 WHERE E1.cid = C.cid) “Find the average age over enrolled students that are 25 or younger for each course with at least 10 enrolled students (of any age)” Example 4 SELECT C.cname, AVG(S.age) FROM Students S, Enrolled E, Courses C WHERE S.sid = E.sid AND E.cid = C.cid GROUP BY C.cid, C.cname HAVING AVG(S.age) > 20 AND COUNT(*) >= 10

“Find the average age of enrolled students for each course satisfying following two
conditions: (1) course has at least 10 enrolled students and (2) average enrolled
student age higher than 20”

Example 5

SELECT C.cname, AVG(S.age)
FROM Students S, Enrolled E, Courses C
WHERE S.sid = E.sid AND E.cid = C.cid
GROUP BY C.cid, C.cname
HAVING ANY(S.age) > 20 AND COUNT(*) >= 10

“Find the average age of enrolled students for each course satisfying following two
conditions: (1) course has at least 10 enrolled students and (2) at least one enrolled
student has age higher than 20”

Example 6

SELECT Temp.cname, Temp.avg_age
FROM (SELECT C.cname, AVG(S.age) AS avg_age
FROM Students S, Enrolled E, Courses C
WHERE S.sid = E.sid AND E.cid = C.cid AND S.age <= 25 GROUP BY C.cid, C.cname HAVING 10 <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Enrolled E1 WHERE E1.cid = C.cid) ) Temp WHERE Temp.avg_age = (SELECT MAX(Temp. avg_age) FROM Temp) “Find the courses that have the highest average age computed among students 25 or younger (i.e., highest among all courses) and also have at least 10 students of any age enrolled. Output the course name and the above-mentioned average age value.”

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