程序代写代做代考 database SIT104: How to Telnet to Deakin Server

SIT104: How to Telnet to Deakin Server

How to Telnet to Deakin Web Server
It is common that you create an html page, upload it to your public_html directory on Deakin Web server, test
it in a browser window and get a “permission denied” error. This error might be caused by an incorrect URL or
improper access permission settings for the directory and the html page. To fix the “access permission” error,
you can use Telnet/SSH clients.

Update! It is now discovered that all the files saved to public_html will automatically be granted with “proper”
access permission. There is no need to use “chmod” command to reset the access permission for a file, which
is GOOD. After the installation of PuTTY, please skip “change file access permission” and directly
jump to “Access Oracle database” on page 4 to view the database part.

Install PuTTY

You can download PuTTY pro from here (http://software.deakin.edu.au/category/connectivity-tools/). Install it.
Apply the same settings for Teraterm pro.


Now SSH (using PuTTY) to Deakin web server: host is set as interactive.deakin.edu.au.

Change file access permission

Input Deakin user id and password, and select “Shell” from the menu:


Input ls -l to list the contents of current directory.

To enter public_html directory where all the html pages are, input cd public_html.

To list the contents of public_html, input ls -l.

You see the permission settings for test.html is rwx——. The first three letters (e.g. rwx) represent access
settings for the owner, the second three letters (e.g. —) represent access settings for group members and the
last three represent access settings for other users (e.g. —). For the owner of test.html, rwx means readable,
writable and executable. But for group members, it is —, which means NOT readable, writable or executable.
For general users, it is —, which means NOT readable, writable or executable. To publish an html page, it is
important to make it readable and executable for everybody, which means the settings should be rwx—r-x.

Input chmod 705 test.html to make it readable for other users. 7 (in binary 111) represents readable, writable
and executable. 5 (in binary 101) represents readable, executable, but writable. 705 represents rwx for owner,
and rx for other users.

Input ls -l to view the new access permission settings for test.html:

Now you should be able to view test.html in browser without the permission denied error. Similar commands
can also be applied to directories and server-side scripting files. E.g chmod 705 a_dir_name or chmod 705
example.php to make it readable, writable, executable for owner, readable and executable for other users.

To know more about chmod, please go to wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod). You can also google
“shell commands” for more information about shell commands.

Access Oracle database

You can access Oracle database using TeraTerm pro. Input exit and you are taken back to menu. Select
“SQLplus to SSID”

By defualt, your Deakin password is also your Oracle database password. We’d better change the Oracle
password as we have to hardcode it in the php file later on in week 8. Under SQL> prompt, type
“password” to change it.

Please let me (shang@deakin.edu.au) know if any other questions regarding the use of PuTTY.

Install PuTTY
Change file access permission
Access Oracle database

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