程序代写代做代考 database prolog algorithm AI Unit3-Abduction


In the previous lecture, we have introduced three forms of reasoning: deductive, inductive and
abductive. In this lecture we will look in more detail at the notion of abductive inference. We will give
a brief introduction of what abductive inference is versus the other two forms of reasoning, and
formalise the notion of abductive reasoning task in a rigorous manner. We will see one of the existing
abductive inference algorithms for computing abductive solutions of a given abductive inference task
using a goal-directed proof procedure and operational semantics. We will discuss pro and cons of this
approach and in particular show the role that integrity constraints, or denials formulae, have during the
computation of abductive solutions. We will then give few examples of applications of abductive
inference, in particular in the area of fault diagnosis in systems and medical diagnosis. In the next unit
we will instead look at goal-directed planning as one of the key applications of abductive inference.


As shown in the above example, abductive reasoning is a form of reasoning that is particularly relevant
when solutions to a given problem have to be computed in the presence of incomplete knowledge. In
the intuitive example illustrated above, for instance, the problem is how to explain the observation that
the “apple has fallen on its own”. The general commonsense principle used by Newton in his reasoning
is that “anything, including also apples, would fall down on earth on their own if the earth pulled things
towards it”. The incomplete piece of information is whether “the earth pulls things towards it” or not.
This is knowledge that at that time was not know to be true and false.
Abductive reasoning helps therefore make assumptions about incomplete information, which are
needed in order to explain given observations, or in order to solve a given problem. The answer in the
example above is clearly the explanation that “the earth does pull things towards it and therefore pulls
also apples towards it”.
In this lecture we aim to answer questions such as:

• What are the semantic properties of abductive reasoning?
• How do we compute abductive explanations?
• How to make the proof procedure for abduction satisfy the given semantic properties?
• What is a sound and complete algorithm for performing abductive reasoning?
• What are applications of abduction in real life problems?


In everyday life, people can perform a number of different types of reasoning. Consider, for
instance, the two forms of argument given in this slide.
The first argument seems perfectly alright, it assumes an implicit knowledge about how the switch
is connected to the lightbulb and the power supply. But in practice we don’t have this full complete
knowledge about the state of the world, so we perform reasoning by making lots of implicit
assumptions: e.g., the switch is not broken, the connections are in order, the lightbulb is not broken,
and there is a supply of power. You have seen in the first part of this course the notion of default
reasoning. Essentially one way of performing reasoning in the presence of incomplete information
is assuming that, typically, things behave normally, unless there is evidence to the contrary. In the
above argument, electric circuits are “normally” in order. The statement, however, is not in general
true, as it describes just the “normal” case. Any evidence that contradicts the implicit assumptions
would invalidate the given argument. For instance, any exceptional circumstance, such as a power
cut in the area, or the lightbulb is broken, would make the above statement false.
The second argument extends the default reasoning expressed in the first argument by, not only
making assumptions about what is false, but also making assumptions about what is true. We
observe that the light bulb does not switch on, so a possible explanation (i.e., assumption about what
might be true) is that the lightbulb is broken. But this is only one of the possible explanations, so it
cannot be guaranteed to be true. For instance, there might be a problem with the power supply
instead, or the switch might be broken.
Hence, both default reasoning and abductive reasoning have the common characteristic that
however plausible their conclusions may seem, they are not guaranteed to be true in the intended
state of the world, because the information we have is incomplete. In default reasoning, the
conclusion might be false because the state of affairs is not “normal” as it is assumed to be. In
abduction, there might be several alternative explanations, and we do not know which one to


Before going into the details of an abductive proof procedure, let’s see what are the desirable
properties that abductive explanations should have.
One desirable property is that explanations should be basic. They should be themselves explainable
in terms of other explanations. For instance, in the slide above the positive assumption that tweety is
a bird could for sure explain the observation that it flies, but being a bird can itself be explained in
terms of the assumption that tweety is a sparrow. Given the above theory, the explanation that tweety
is a sparrow constitutes a basic explanation, as we cannot identify in our knowledge any further
assumption that would explain it.
Logically we say that explanation have to be ground literals expressed in terms of predicates that are
not defined in the given theory. The predicate bird(.) for instance is defined in the theory as there is a
rule with bird(.) in the head. Whereas the predicate sparrow(.) is not defined.


A second property of abductive explanations is minimality. Explanations should not be subsumed by
other explanations. An example is given in this slide. Assuming, in fact, that the theory had other
definitions of the notion of a bird, multiple explanations could be constructed. Although some of
these would be minimal, other would not. The set of ground literals {sparrow(tweety),
woodpecker(tweety)} is an alterantive non minimal explanation, as there exists also the minimal
explanation {sparrow(tweety)} that “subsumes it” (i.e. that is included in it) and that equally explains
the given observation. A second alternative minimal explanation would be {woodpecker(tweety)},
which also subsumes the non minimal explanation given in the slide, whereas {sparrow(tweety)} and
{woodpecker(tweety)} are both basic and minimal as they do not subsume each other. So both valid
abductive explanations.
It is easy to see that an abductive task may have multiple basic and minimal explanations. We will
see later that integrity constraints can be used to control the number of possible explanations.


A third property that an explanation must satisfy is the consistency with the given theory. For
instance, the given theory may include some integrity constraints. The computation of the
explanation has to take into account the integrity constraints in the given theory.
If the explanation violates any of the existing constraints, then it cannot be an abductive
solution. In the example above, for instance, the possible minimal and basic explanation where
tweety is a woodpecker cannot be a valid explanation because it violates the constraint that
tweety is not a woodpecker.


Abductive reasoning requires three components, < BK, A, IC >, where BK is a set of normal clauses,
A is a set of ground literals, called abducibles, whose predicate names are not defined in BK, and IC
is a set of integrity constrains in the form of denials, ← A1,.., An, not B1,…, not Bm. Such an integrity
constraint means that it is not possible for all A1,.., An, to be true and at the same time for all
B1,…, Bm to be false.
Informally, the normal clauses in BK provide the formal description (or model) of a given problem
domain. The integrity constraints in IC specify general properties of the problem domain that need to
be respected by any solution to our problem.
Given a specific abductive framework, an abductive task is defined in terms of a given goal (or
observation) G that needs to be explained. G is represented by a conjunction of positive and negative
(NAF) literals.
An abductive solution to a given abductive task G is essentially an abductive explanations of G.
An abductive explanation of an abductive task G is a set of ground abducibles that, when added to
the given theory BK, explains the observation G and satisfies the integrity constraints IC.
Thus, abductive explanations extend the given theory BK with assumptions about some of the
abducible predicates. These assumptions form the solutions of the problem.
The extension or completion of the problem description BK with the abductive explanations provides
new information, not contained in the initial problem description. In addition to the properties
described before, quality criteria that help prefer one solution over another, can be often expressed
via integrity constraints over abducible predicates.


A problem domain can therefore be modelled as an abductive logic program by identifying a tuple of
three elements: a theory (or set of normal clauses), known as the agent’s knowledge based, KB, a set of
abducibles (Ab), i.e. undefined predicates expressing the concepts which are unknown and therefore for
which the KB is incomplete, and a set of integrity constraints (IC). The latter are assumed to be
expressed as normal denials.
Goals G are conjunctions of ground literals and solving a given goal means computing explanations of
G, in terms of the abducible predicates, that together with KB consistently satisfies the integrity
constraints and derive the goal. We will see later on that integrity constraints are used to prune
explanations that are not desirables but also to introduce in the solution additional assumptions needed to
preserve the consistency of the solution.
The four conditions given above are, in principle, independent of the language in which KB, A, IC are
formulated. They apply to problems represented as definite clauses, as well as to problems formalised as
normal logic programs, and to problems formalised as answer set programs (as you will see later in this
course). Depending on the type of language and formalisation you use to express the knowledge of the
agent, the underlying semantics would differ. When the KB is a set of definite clauses, the augmented
theory KB∪∆ will also be a set of definite clauses that accepts a unique minimal model, the Least
Herbrand Model. The entailment relation, in this case, would be under the minimal model semantics. So
the last three conditions will simply require that the given goal and the constraints are satisfied in the
Least Herbrand Model of KB∪∆.
The concept of integrity constraints (first arose in the database community to capture the fact that only
certain states of the knowledge base are considered to be acceptable) and satisfiability of integrity
constraint also depends on the chosen underlying semantics and its related notion of consistency. In
general, the three main semantics of logic programming with negation as failure (completion, stable
models and well-founded semantics) have been used to define different ALP frameworks. In the cases
where KB∪∆ accepts a unique model, these three semantics coincide. We will assume for now this to be
the case. So you can read the symbol ⊨ as entailment under the Least Herbrand Model semantics.


The above example is from Peter Flach’s textbook “Simply Logical, intelligent reasoning by examples”.
As mentioned in the previous lecture, deduction proves information that is already implicit in the
knowledge based (being this in the form of rules and/or facts). But what about if the knowledge base is
not complete, for instance we don’t know enough information about a certain situation (facts), but we
know the general rules? A resolution derivation would fail as it would terminate with clauses (or denials)
that cannot be resolved due to the incompleteness of the knowledge base.
For instance, consider the simple example given in this slide with goal G = peter likes paul. There might
be various reasons why somebody likes somebody else, and a couple of these principles are given in the
knowledge base. When performing SLD on the given query we reach the sub-goals friend(paul, peter) in
one possible derivation and the sub-goal studentOf(paul, peter). Both these two sub-goals would
respectively fail in SLD.
We can imagine to extend the proof procedure by using an accumulator ∆ to which unproved sub-goals
are added as assumptions. Such an accumulator ∆ will basically contain, during the derivation process,
explanations found so far in the proof. So, for instance, in the example above, in the left branch derivation
the fact studentOf(paul, peter) would be assumed to be true and added to the accumulator ∆1. In the
alternative right branch derivation the fact friend(paul, peter) would instead be assumed to be true and
added to the (alternative) accumulator ∆2 . These two accumulators would, respectively, represent the
abductive solutions for the given problem G=friend(peter, paul) given as initial goal.
As you can see, given to the existence of alternative derivations, alternative explanations could be
generated. Note that explanations should not be unnecessarily strong (i.e. include more ground literals that
what is needed) or unnecessarily weak (too few to prove the given goal in all circumstances). They have
to be parsimonious and the proof procedure has to guarantee the computation of “minimal” abductive
explanations that, together with the given theory, prove the goal.
But, is it sufficient to just include an accumulator and extend the SLD with the additional rule of adding
literals that are not provable into the accumulator, as a procedure for performing abductive reasoning?
Let’s consider the example given in the next slide.


Let’s assume now that our background knowledge includes negated conditions. For any negated
condition, there will never be a rule with the negated literals in the head. So, we might on a first instance
assume that it might be sufficient to also assume the negated literals that are needed in order to explain a
given goal. Consider for instance the above background knowledge and let’s assume that we want to find
out if tweety flies.
If we use the same procedure we described in the previous slide we end up with two possible
explanations, one stating that tweety flies because it is a penguin and it is not abnormal, the other
explanation says that it flies because it is a sparrow and it is not abnormal. Bur, for both these two
explanations there are two main problems:
1) In the first explanation the assumptions not abnormal(tweety) and penguin(tweety) are together

inconsistent with the BK.
2) The assumption not abnormal(tweety) is a negated literal whose predicate name is defined in the

background knowledge, so literally it is not an abducible.
So how do we compute explanations that are consistent with the background knowledge? We need to
reason about negation explicitly in our abductive proof procedure, and not just assume relevant negated


To maintain consistency when negated literals are assumed the abductive reasoning process has to perform a
consistency reasoning phase. This in order to identify explicit explanations for the assumed negated literals.
Accumulating these explicit explanations stops the reasoning process to later one assume additional
information that may violate the assumed negated literals, as we have seen in the derivation shown in the
previous slide, where the assumption of penguin(tweety) caused inconsistency with the previously assumed
negated literal not abnormal(tweety).
How do we perform such a consistency reasoning phase? Consider the example given in this slide.
The abductive derivation tries to explain the goal flies(tweety).The standard derivation is performed and
when the negated condition not abnormal(tweety) is generated as sub-goal, we assume it to be true and add it
to the accumulator ∆1. But at this point a consistency phase is started (the proof in the double lined box) that
tries to fail ←abnormal(tweety). This proof essentially looks for explanations, in terms of abducibles, of
why abnormal(tweety) fails. The derivation identifies the sub-goal ←penguin(tweety), which has to fail.
This is now an abducible for which no assumption has been made so far. So try to fail it is equivalent to try
to succeed its own negated form ←not penguin(tweety). This is why in the slide a standard (abductive)
derivation is started with sub-goal not penguin(tweety). Now we have to find an abducible that has to
succeed but of which we have no information. Therefore, this is then assumed as true and added to the
current accumulator ∆1. Essentially, the assumption not penguin(tweety) is the explicit explanation of why
not abnormal(tweety) can consistently be assumed to be true. The success of this inner branch makes the
outer double boxed derivation also succeed in proving the failure of abnormal(tweety), and the initial
derivation can continue with the next sub-goal ←bird(tweety) and the accumulator ∆1 constructed so far.
The slide shows only part of the full derivation and the relevant accumulator ∆1 . But, it is easy to see,
although not shown in the slide that the next steps of this derivation would lead to two possible branches. On
one hand, bird(tweety) can be proved if penguin(tweety) can be proved, but since we have already assumed
not penguin(tweety) in ∆1, this branch fails. The second branch tries to prove bird(tweety) by proving the
sub-goal sparrow(tweety). This is again an abducible and can be assumed (added to ∆1) so completing the
proof. The final explanation would be the set

∆1 = {not abnormal(tweety), not penguin(tweety), sparrow(tweety)}


This slide shows a slightly more complex example where the literal abnormal(tweety) has multiple
definitions. So in proving the negation of it, explicit explanations for every possible way of failing the goal
abnormal(tweety) have to be computed. All these explanations are accumulated together as part of the
same abductive solution to the given problem.
Please note that the above derivation is presented in an informal way, as we are trying to understand the key
relevant aspects of an abductive reasoning process. We will see later one the formal definition of the full
abductive proof procedure and the formal way of diagrammatically structuring the derivation.
The full abductive explanation would be

∆1 = {not abnormal(tweety), not penguin(tweety), not dead(tweety), sparrow(tweety)}
As you can see the set of abducibles (or explanations) computing during the derivation grows along the same
derivation branch of the proof tree. Alternative branches would lead to alternative explanations as we have
seen briefly in slide 10.


One of the important principle of abductive reasoning, is that the order in which the negative and positive
literals appears in a given clause does not affect the abductive solution. Consider for instance the example
given in this slide. The two background knowledge are identical except for the ordering of the body
conditions in the first clause.
The abductive solution of the program on the left is as given in the slide, and shown in the derivation
presented in the previous slide.
The abductive solution of the program on the right, is set theoretically identical, as it includes the same
literals but just assumed during the computation in a different order. Would you be able to generate the
derivation tree of the program on the right and show that it does indeed produces the set ∆1 of explanations
given in the slide?


We have defined the notion of abductive framework in terms of a tuple . We have seen
what BK and A look like and how abductive solutions have to be consistent with the given
background knowledge. Basically, we have seen what kind of inference steps we would need to use
in order to generate solutions that satisfy the following three conditions of an abductive framework:

• ∆ ⊑ A
• KB ∪∆ ⊨ G
• KB ∪∆ ⊭ ⊥

What we haven’t see is how integrity constraints can be satisfied by an abductive solution.
Essentially, how do we guarantee the following 4th condition:

• KB ∪∆ ⊨ IC
We consider a diagnostic example that consists of finding an explanation of why jane suffers of
headaches. It is easy to see that given the above abductive framework, the goal “headache(jane)” has
three possible alternative explanations. Let’s assume now that our BK has some integrity constraints
(see next slide).


The integrity constraint states that students cannot be overworked. It also happens to be the case that
Jane is a student. When the abductive framework includes integrity constraints that involve
abducibles (in this case the ground fact overworked(jane)}, making an assumption on these
abducibles requires checking the satisfiability of the integrity constraints that involve such an
assumption. For instance, assuming overworked(jane) needs to be followed by a phase of checking
consistency with the integrity constraint that mentions overworked(jane).
Satisfying a denial clause (or integrity constraint) means proving that at least one of its literals is
false, because clearly if all literals were true then the constraint would imply falsity, which is
inconsistency. This computational process is also part of the consistency phase that we have briefly
described before when dealing with assumptions of negated literals.
So, the abducible overworked(jane) can only be assumed (i.e. added to the accumulator ∆), if the
constraint is satisfied, that is if student(jane) is not true. But in the given background knowledge we
have the fact student(jane), so overworked(jane) cannot be assumed after all.
The effect of the integrity constraint, in this case, is to cut possible abductive solutions. Let’s see how
the derivation tree would look like.



But depending on whether literals in the integrity constraints are positive or negative, the effect on
the final explanation may also be that of adding additional assumptions, for the sake of establishing
satisfiability of the integrity constraints.
Consider this second example. The assumption of overworked(jane) requires the satisfiability of the
integrity constraint. But under the assumption now that overworked(jane) is true, the constraint
would only be satisfied if “not jetlag(jane)” fails, which essentially reduces to prove that
“jetlag(jane) succeeds. Since jetlag(X) is an abducible itself the only way to succeed is to assume that
it is true.
This is why explanation ∆1 includes both overworked(jane) and jetlag(jane).
The process of satisfying the integrity constraints may therefore force additional assumptions in the
final explanation.



Various abductive inference systems have been developed. We consider here one of the basic
but still effective systems. The main characteristic of this proof procedure is the interleave of
two phases, called respectively abductive phase and consistency phase.
In simple terms the abductive phase extends the standard SLDNF resolution by allowing the
assumption of abducibles when they are encountered during the resolution process. Note that
all negated literals, even those whose base predicate names are not abducibles, are considered
to be abducibles. This is because we need to assume them and check for consistency.
The consistency phase is called when an assumption is made and the idea is that constraints
that mention this assumption need to be checked for satisfiability.
In each of the above phases difference cases may arise depending on whether the goal to prove
is positive or negative, abducible or not abducible. The next two slides provide the definition of
the two phases respectively and for each phase it gives the various cases that can occur.


This and the next slide formalise the different cases that can occur during the abductive reasoning phase and
consistency phase respectively. This is what is often referred to as operational semantics of abduction. Note
that the two phases can interleave. One can call the other and vice-versa. The important thing to understand
is, at which point each of these phases is called and why. As mentioned in the previous slide, to guarantee
consistency between assumptions and negative literals, the set of abducibles A, of a given abductive
framework, implicitly includes the negation of all defined predicates as abducibles; and a consistency
constraint of the form ←A, not A, for any predicate A, is assumed to be part of IC.
Starting from a given observation (or goal), the first phase is always an abductive phase. So the observation
becomes the goal of the abductive derivation that needs to be proved. Note that this goal may well be a
conjunction of ground literals, not just a single literal. This is why the first thing to do is choose the literal to
prove. The procedure follows the left to right strategy of prolog. At the beginning the set of explanations is
empty as nothing has been assumed yet. The abductive phase is a derivation that succeeds when no further
sub-goals are left to prove. This phase can be called at any point of the proof. So the current (goal) literal to
prove could be of different types:
A1. The current goal is not an abducible. Then an SLDNF derivation is initiated with the current goal to be

proved by refutation. If the literal is positive then standard resolution is applied. If the literal is negative
then case three (iii) below is performed. (Note that this is because the negation of all defined predicates are
implicitly part of the abducibles A, and they need to be assumed and checked for consistency.

A2. The current goal is an abducible (positive or negative). Since the abductive phase considers in each case
the current KB ∪∆i, if such a goal is already part of the current ∆, then by resolution the literal is proved
and the abductive derivation proceeds with the rest of the pending sub-goals (Gi’).

A3. The current goal is an abducible not yet assumed. (Remember this could also be the negation of a
predicate defined in KB). In this case, the literal is assumed (i.e. added to the current ∆i), but a consistency
phase needs to be triggered to verify that such an assumption does not introduce inconsistencies. The
consistent phase is a failure derivation. So its success requires the derivation to finish with a failure. If
such consistency derivation succeeds, then the abductive derivation can continue with the remaining
pending sub-goals (Gi’) and the current accumulator ∆i, is the one produced during the consistency proof.


In the consistency phase, the new assumption is added to the current set ∆ and resolved with any
constraint that includes it. The new set of resolvent denials have each of them to fail for the
consistency phase to succeed. A literal is selected from the first resolvent denial. Different cases need
to be considered here:
C1. The selected literal is not an abducible (this means is a positive defined literal). An SLDNF failure

derivation of this literal is then applied.
C2. The selected literal is an abducible already assumed in ∆. Then this literal in the denial resolvent

succeeds, so for the resolvent to be proved to fail the remaining literals will need to be checked for
failure. So a new resolvent is generated by removing from it the selected literal, and adding it at
the front of the set of pending resolvent denials left to check.

C3. The selected literal is an abducible whose negation is already assumed in ∆. In this case, the
selected literal fails, and the denial is considered to be satisfied. A next denial is picked from the
remaining pending resolvent denials left to check.

C4. The selected literal is an abducible who is not assumed and its negation is also not assumed. In this
case, since the literal has to fail (because we are in a consistency phase derivation) an abductive
derivation of its negation (as subgoal) is started. If this abductive derivation succeeds then the
chosen literal fails and the consistency derivation of the initially chosen denial succeeds. The next
pending denial is picked and the consistency derivation starts again.

An example derivation is given in the next slide.


Let’s consider a simple example and run through the various steps of the abductive proof procedure. The
background knowledge is a normal logic program with no domain specific integrity constraints. The set
of abducible includes b(a) as b is the only predicate that it is not defined in BK.
The negation of any predicate that appears in BK has to be added to the set of abducibles and denials of
the form ← P(X), not P(X) has to be implicitly added to the set of ICs.
The full abductive framework is given in the next slide, where the implicit constraints and abducibles are
colored in blue.


This example proof shows how abductive and consistency phase interleave during the derivation. The
label of the specific case applied in the derivation is included next to the related sub-goal.


One of the simple uses of abduction is for knowledge assimilation. Databases are composed of an
implicit “database view” and an extensional database of facts. The database view is used to infer
further information from a given extensional database of facts. So, when we want to add information
to a database view: it can either be the case that the information is already derivable by the database,
or it is related to the existing database view through the given intentional database. Similar cases
happen when we want to delete a piece of information from a database.

In the second case, we can perform addition/deletion of information from a database by first identify
the fact(s) in the extensional database that are related to the new given information and then assimilate
the latter by either adding or deleting these facts.
Similar mechanisms could be used to detect inconsistency in a given database and abductively identify
the (minimal) causes for the inconsistencies, and resolving it by deleting these causes.


Slightly more elaborated is the case of using abduction for default reasoning.
In the first half of this course, you have since the notion of default reasoning as a mechanism for
reasoning in the presence of incomplete information. Poole stated that abductive reasoning
provides a natural mechanism for performing default reasoning. In default reasoning, default rules
state what is “normally” derivable, namely conditions upon which we expect by default some
conclusions unless evidence is provided that shows the opposite of the conclusion. For instance, in
the example given on the left of this slide, the default rule (D) states that if for a particular value b
of X it is possible to prove bird(b) then by default fly(b) can also be proved as long as this default
cannot be contradicted for the same particular value b.
Given the facts in F the object “john” is a bird, so therefore john flies. But the object tweety, is
also a bird, but the default rule instance cannot be applied because it is possible to prove that
tweety does not fly (using the second rule).
It is possible to reformulate a default reasoning task in terms of an abductive task with the
advantage that the abductive proof procedure can be used to compute the relevant explanations for
the defaults made during the inference process. The transformation mechanism consists of naming
the default rule and add this label as condition to the default rule. In the example above the default
label is “birdsFly(X)”. Constraints need then to be added that capture the notion of contradiction
with the default assumption. In the example above the contradiction with the default is the
possibility of proving not_fly(X). So the integrity constraint ← birdsFly(X), not_fly(X) is added to
the program. The default label is then considered to be abducible.
It is easy to see that solutions to the abductive problem given in the right-hand side of this slide are
the same as the extensions computed by the default reasoning to prove the same set of conclusions.


In the previous slide, we have shown that default reasoning can be performed by means of
abduction by introducing abducible predicates explicitly into the rules. These predicates express
explicitly the default assumptions that we make when we compute default consequences from a
given default theory. In this slide we show that these assumptions can be expressed in terms of
negation as failure, also known to be a powerful mechanism for performing non-monotonic
reasoning. The main difference between the two approaches, a part from the fact that the abducibles
are opposite in “sign”, is that the abductive interpretation of negation as failure already implicitly
includes the integrity constraint ← abnormal(X), not abnormal(X). So there is no need to have
additional domain specific integrity constraints as we have introduced in the previous slide.
In this case, the default rule can be read as “X flies if it is a bird and is not abnormal”. Instead in the
previous slide the default rule was stating that “X flies if it is a bird that normally flies”.
The abnormality rule given in this slide captures instead the exception cases.


In the previous slide, we have mentioned the concept of abductive interpretation of NAF. In this slide, we
show what we mean by this. Consider the background knowledge given on the left of the slide. The
SLDNF proof procedure would be able to prove p(a) from the given KB, (i.e. KB ⊢ SLDNF p(a)). Similar
proof can be generated using abduction.
The idea is as follows: (i) transform the KB into a new KB* but replacing the negative literals that appear
in KB with new predicate names (starred). In the example given here, the new predicate names are q*, p*,
and b*. The knowledge base KB* is generated from KB by replacing the negative literal “not q(X)” with
The important thing is the addition of ICs. For each newly introduced predicate name, an IC is added that
captures the meaning of the “starred” predicate, i.e. semantically opposite to the non starred predicate.
Performing abductive proof of p(a), we get as abductive explanations { q*(a)}, which means that to prove
p(a) we need to assume that q(a) and b(a) are false (i.e. their derivation fails), which is exactly what
happens in the pure SLNF derivation on the left hand side.


The word “diagnosis” is very general and can have slightly different connotations. In the case of
medical diagnosis, it indicates specific medical conditions assumptions that a doctor makes in order
to explain a given set of patient’s symptoms. A patient describes his/her various symptoms, “I have
pain here, and here, but not here ….”. These are goals, the only ”externally” observable information
available to the doctor. The doctor’s job is then to give a diagnosis, namely identify a particular
disease that can explain the observed symptoms. Sometime, a combination of diseases must be
suggested in order to explain the given symptoms.
This can be seen clearly as a case of abduction, whose tuple is defined as the doctor’
knowledge expressed as a large collection of rules about which disease and medical conditions may
cause which symptoms (KB), the set of all possible medical conditions and diseases (A), and the set
of relevant medical constraints (IC). The observations (goal) of an abductive task are the patient’s
symptoms. Abductive solutions are hypothesis on medical conditions. It is often the case that
alternative hypothesis are available. The doctor may choose one, which may well turned up to be not
the correct one. Further new observations and tests may confirm it to be the correct assumption or
not. This is because abductive reasoning is itself not a sound reasoning process in the sense that even
though an abductive assumption may explain a given observation with respect to the given
background knowledge and satisfy the integrity constraints, it may be disproved once further
evidence is collected. This potential unsound nature of abduction is clearly apparent in the case of
medical diagnosis, as a doctor may choose the wrong (out of alternative) diagnoses.
A more general notion of diagnosis is for finding explanations for systems that shows certain wrong
behavior. A system can be a structure of interconnected primitive components, and where possible
malfunctioning is caused by the malfunctioning of one or more of the primitive components. This
type of task can also be formulated as an abductive problem and solved using abductive inference.


In this slide, we give an example of fault diagnosis. Consider the above electric circuit. It is composed of
two components, an AND-gate and an XOR-gate. Each of the gates works in the usual logic gate
manner. When all components work correctly, given certain inputs the circuit should generate certain
output. In the case of faulty gates, the output of the gates and therefore of the circuit is not one that is
expected. A faulty gate is either be blocked on the status 0 or status 1 independently on the input. This is
expressed in this slide by using the predicate fault. A diagnosis task computes assumptions on error states
of the gate that cause the circuit to generate wrong outputs. Abduction can be used to perform this task.
The background knowledge is the representation of the circuit given in the slide. The set of abducibles is
given by all ground instances of the predicate “fault(.)”, a goal (or observation) is a ground instance of
the predicate “adder”, which is the name of the circuit that takes in input two Boolean values (for A and
B) and returns in output two Boolean values for Sum and Carry.
When a goal with wrong output is given, the abductive procedure generates explanations about wrong
states of the gates that explain the wrong outputs. For instance, if the given goal states that the circuit
generates Sum=1 and Carry=0 for A=0 and B=0, the abductive procedure diagnoses that there is a gate
blocked in status 1. A richer representation can be also proposed in which each gate has a specific label
used as argument of the fault predicate, so that the explanation identifies the wrong status and the


specific gate that is in that wrong status.


Planning is another key area of Artificial Intelligence, which refers to the computational task of
finding a sequence of actions that achieves a given goal when executed from a given initial state.
Artificial Intelligence planning is a very wide field of AI and a variety of different approaches and
techniques have been proposed, starting from the initial STRIPS (Stanford Research Institute
Problem Solver) automated planner developed in the 70s, and ranging through more recent
approaches of regression planning, forward planning, partial-order planning, hierarchical planning,
graph planning, etc.
Abduction can be used to perform regression (or backward) planning where the objective is to start
from the goal state and identify relevant actions whose consequences satisfy the current (state) and
progressively search the state space backwards continuing from the states in which identified
relevant actions can be applied, etc, until a given initial state is reached.
This slides gives a simple planning example, where actions are ground instances of the abducible
predicates given in A, goal state is the given goal, initial state can be any and integrity constraints
can be used to express constraints on the action applications. These constraints are sometimes
expressed as precondition of actions.
Such a simple planning problem can be then expressed as an abductive problem where abducibles
are possible ground instances of actions and the background knowledge is a theory describing the
domain of the planning problem. In the next lecture we will look at more specific types of planning
and formalisms for representing the background knowledge needed by a planning agent.



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