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Microsoft Word – Connecting FME Data Inspector 2015 to PostGIS

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Connecting FME Data Inspector to PostGIS

NB: This document provides instructions for FME 2015, which is currently installed on the UCL

machines and on UCL Desktop Anywhere. Instructions for later versions of FME may be slightly


NB: As Desktop Anywhere is running on virtual machines with no graphics cards, performance can be

very slow. Ideally run FME on a UCL Desktop machine or on your own machine.

1. Run the FME Data Inspector 2015.1 – you will see the following screen

2. Click on FILE > OPEN DATASET and select PostGIS as the format (you may have to click on

‘more formats’ to find this)


CONNECTION and fill in details as follows (change to your own user account)

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4. Click TEST to make sure the connection works, then click SAVE

5. Click on the SCHEMA option to get a list of your schemas, which might look similar to the

following. Select the required schema from the list

6. Now click on the TABLES option to get a list of tables within that schema, and select the ones

you want to visualize

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7. Click OK 3 times, to close all the windows. The data will start loading. Depending on the

data you have selected, your screen may appear as follows:

(NB: Depending on the data you may not see anything in the 2D view)

8. To see the data in 3D, you can use the ‘Lock the Current View in 3D’ option and then

navigate around the 3D view using the ‘Use the orbit mode to control the camera’ option

(both circled below). Selecting one of the rows of your data – by clicking on the data row in

the table at the bottom of the screen, and then clicking on CAMERA > ZOOM TO SELECTED


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