程序代写代做代考 data mining database algorithm Presentation_final


Combinational Collaborative Filtering: An Approach
For Personalised, Contextually Relevant Product
Recommendation Baskets

Research Project – Jai Chopra (338852)
Dr Wei Wang (Supervisor)
Dr Yifang Sun (Assessor)

• Recommendation engines are now heavily used online
• 35% of Amazon purchases are from algorithms
• We would like to extend on current implementations and

provide some more efficient way of generating goal-oriented
item sets that are complementary (i.e. combinational item set


Company background

• Kent and Lime (KAL) is an online styling service
• Data driven business which collects style profile information,

feedback and purchase history
• We would like to combine our the KAL dataset, and domain

knowledge to produce an autonomous styling agent

Problem space definition

• Goal oriented recommendations
• Contextual recommendations
• Domain knowledge is highly relevant for the design of our


Problem space definition


Complementary preferences

Clashing preferences

Implementation goals

• Recommendations delivered in a timely manner
• Complementary by nature
• Well suited to the customers profile
• Learn and perform performance over time
• Reasonable performance at the start (i.e. avoid cold start)
• Deployed online in a web application environment

Overview of presentation

• Data Preprocessing
• Recommendation engine implementation
• Web application deployment and architecture discussion
• Demonstration
• Experiments and evaluation
• Future considerations

Data preprocessing – version mismatches

• Over time, profile schemas changed
• Solution: pick a subset of data that was common across all


Data preprocessing – missing values

• Many missing values
• Solution: use a mean average, or an initialised value, or discard


Data preprocessing – inconsistent fields

• Inconsistent values when merging different versions of the

• Solution: pick a consistent way, then transform

Data preprocessing – outliers

• Outliers were discovered after the implementation had started,
producing highly skewed results

• Retrospectively had to be cleaned (removed) after some analysis

Data preprocessing – outliers








0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000




Instance count (i.e. the number of customers)

Data preprocessing – initialised state objects

• Define an initialised state for each customer row

• Run a check to see, how dissimilar the row is to the initialised
state. If dissimilarity < threshold, clean/remove row [0,0,0,0] [0,0,1,0] Initialise state: One-hot encoding: Data preprocessing - product content data • Tags are metadata which allow for item to item filtering and some pre-selection • However, we are unable to perform these on older products that do not have tags, thus we filter them out Product Slim fit V neck Plain Implementation (Recommendation Engine) • Xue et al describes two broad types of CF: • Memory based approaches • Model based approaches • There are also hybrid approaches, our system would like to use both techniques, primarily memory • Pennock et al describes a hybrid approach using ‘personality type’, where customers have some pre-selection based on what personality they are Content boosting using product tags • Problem: CF will only suggest products that have been purchased previously (bias toward older products) • KAL dataset contains tags, we can use this to perform some clustering based on classification • Classification solves: • Newer products not being selected • Evaluation techniques, as it is too difficult to classify on a granular product based level • Products are usually out of stock (OOS) Product clustering design decisions • What value of K? • 5 was selected after analysing results with inventory staff Clustered Instances 0 78 ( 22%) 1 113 ( 32%) 2 53 ( 15%) 3 37 ( 11%) 4 71 ( 20%) Product clustering design decisions Final cluster centroids: Cluster# Attribute Full Data 0 1 2 3 4 (352.0) (78.0) (113.0) (53.0) (37.0) (71.0) ======================================================================================= Casual10 1 1 0 1 0 1 SmartCasual11 1 0 1 1 1 0 Dress12 0 0 0 0 0 0 Regular13 1 1 0 0 0 1 Slim14 0 0 1 1 1 0 Check15 0 1 0 0 1 1 Pattern16 0 0 1 0 0 0 Stripe17 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plain18 0 0 0 1 0 0 Cluster 0: {Casual, Regular, Check} Goal is to select product class, not product Product Category (LS Shirts) Casual, Regular, Check, … Smart Casual, Slim, Pattern, … Casual, Smart Casual, Slim, Plain, … Smart Casual, Slim, Check, … Casual, Regular, Check, … Goal is to select product class, not product Product Category (LS Shirts) Casual, Regular, Check, … Smart Casual, Slim, Pattern, … Casual, Smart Casual, Slim, Plain, … Smart Casual, Slim, Check, … Casual, Regular, Check, … How do we determine winning class? • Problem: We wish to find the winning class • Naively, we can find the winning product and abstract this to its class, but this is flawed • Thus, we wish to find the average score for each class, and pick the highest one Problems with selecting winning class • Dominant product scores • Products that are older have more rating (time is biased) • Products that new new have no rating • Sparsity • No rating products can thus influence the class selection Thresholding dominant product scores • Use a generalised logistic function (modified) Smoothing for “unrated” products • Common technique used to reduce sparsity • Select the average score of the cluster and associate with unrated products Noise reduction • Remove customers that have not purchased more than 2 times (i.e. 2 baskets) “Slow start” problem of CF • Customers that have never purchased before have poor system accuracy • How do we resolve this? We can build a model where similarity is built on customer profiling, rather than purchase history • We can then combine “votes” for product classifications in an ensemble classifier “Slow start” problem of CF CF (Classifier 1) C (Classifier 2) [0.2, 0.3, 0.5] [0.3, 0.5, 0.2] [0.25, 0.4, 0.35] “Slow start” problem of CF • Introduce a weighted “voter” function, and treat each category classification as a probability. Similar to MLE. Self weighting • We also want to vote the active users votes higher than its peers in the neighbourhood, if it has rated products or given feedback Design decisions - producing customer clusters • Initially k-means was unable to produce some nice clusters that reflected both our fit and style knowledge domains • We prefer to weight physical attributes higher over non- physical attributes (as this is what a stylists naturally does) • We also increase k to capture both style knowledge domains Feedback data incorporation • KAL dataset contains negative explicit feedback based on style, as well as negative implicit feedback based on fit • Author chose to discard fit based feedback (too noisy/ uncertain) • Explicit feedback was used to rate product classifications, and then subtract a value from the final vote, i.e. add to the ensemble method Ensemble voting classifier CF C NF Output votes for product class Select the highest product class Building combinational (complementary) baskets • Use rule mining to build IF-THEN statements so we can modify our baskets before our final item sets • Look for common trends between product classifications e.g. If LSShirts_1, Shorts_2 => Socks_3

Web architecture design decisions

• The goal of the project is to implement an efficient
recommendation system, thus the web application itself should
be fast

Node streams and HTTP chunks

• Use data frames to split a product list into products
• Operate on each product, rather than a data frame
• Send the product to the client while the next data frame is


Optimising database queries

• Filter noise (i.e. only query customers with purchases > 2)
• Filter OOS products (useful for item to item filtering)
• MongoDB Pipeline aggregation queries

Online / incremental updates

• Once a customer has given feedback, we wish to suggest them a
new item immediately

• Thus, we want our model to be online, that is, it updates

• With instance based learning techniques this is possible

Experiments and evaluation

• Experiments:
• Does our ensemble method increase accuracy? What value of

lamda do we use?
• Optimisation methods: smoothing, self weighting, reducing

noise impact
• Speed of transfer in web

Experiments and evaluation

• Measure to use, mean absolute error (MAE)

Experiments and evaluation

Experiments and evaluation

Experiments and evaluation

Production results

• Deployed to production on 18 November

Future work and considerations

• Implement new rules based on stylist domain knowledge with
respect to product attributes: colour, seasonality, time-variant

• Filter categorical products for non-relevant seasons
• Testing memory-based CF vs model-based CF (i.e. given

training set, build model, probabilistic measure of likely product

• Explore other research based methods, genetic algorithms


• Very interesting project
• Many different fields of CS – Machine learning, data mining,

data warehousing, web application development, human
centered design

• Ground work for future potential in this area
• Thank you for listening

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