程序代写代做代考 CSE 523S:

CSE 523S:
Systems Security

Computer & Network
Systems Security

Spring 2018
Jon Shidal

Plan for Today
• Announcements

– Readings reminder
– HW1 due today

• Questions?

• Getting to know our systems
– Do we know Windows and Ubuntu Linux?

• Assignment

Using Windows and Ubuntu Linux

• See “E03 UsingWindowsAndLinux” in
handouts/inclass folder
• Form 10 groups
• Do not write answers in the spaces, only your

group #
• Phase 2 will start at 1:45 PM


• For Monday
– Readings

• HTAOE Ch. 2 25-68

• For Wednesday
– Readings

• HTAOE Ch. 2 69-80

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