程序代写代做代考 case study Lab 2 page 1

Lab 2 page 1

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EBU5304: Software Engineering

Lab 2: Simple Banking System

(Lab2- Lab7 will be assessed at the end. Individual work, online submission and


In the next few weeks (Lab2-Lab7), you will be required to develop a simple banking system

using Agile methods, from requirements, through to analysis/design, implementation and

testing, following the guidelines and activities outlined in the lectures.

Each week you will be required to carry out one phase in the development lifecycle. Bear in

mind that there is no absolute right answer – the sample solutions given are guidelines only,

your solution may be perfectly appropriate.

In this lab, you are suggested to do the following activities:

1. Read the case study document.
2. Read guideline lecture notes.
3. Write Epics.
4. Write break down stories.
5. Prioritise the stories.
6. Create product backlog.
7. Estimation.
8. Iteration plan. (Scrum)
9. Paper prototype user interface (if GUI)

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