程序代写代做代考 Branch Prediction Championship – Checkpoint 1

Branch Prediction Championship – Checkpoint 1

1. Download and compile the simulator following previous instructions.
2. Run all traces on the simulator using the runall.pl script. This will take

a few minutes to complete.

3. After the run is finished, process the results using the getdata.pl
script. For examples on how to use runall.pl and getdata.pl look at

4. The current GSHARE predictor uses 32KB of storage. Modify the
GSHARE predictor in predictor.cc to use only 4KB of storage.

5. Re-run all traces on the simulator as in (2) making sure to save results
in a separate directory, e.g. /results/GSHARE.4K

6. Compare the results of the two runs for all benchmarks as follows:
7. /getdata.pl -d ../results/GSHARE.32KB ../results/GSHARE.4KB
8. Save the result to a file and submit using Carmen Dropbox. Submission

should be in firstname_lastname.txt format.

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