程序代做CS代考 information retrieval database data mining COMP3030 / COMP8430 Data wrangling – cscodehelp代写

COMP3030 / COMP8430 Data wrangling
Lecture 19: Record linkage evaluation (1) (Lecturer: )

Lecture outline
● Evaluating the record linkage process ● Linkage quality measures
● Linkage complexity measures

The record linkage process

Evaluating the record linkage process
● Different techniques are available for each step of the record linkage process (cleaning and standardisation, blocking, comparison, and
● When employing a record linkage system, one wants to get the
best possible results within operational constraints
(linkage time, computational resources, minimum linkage quality, available software and human expertise, etc.)
● Measures are required to evaluate the two main aspects of record
– Linkage quality (effectiveness) – Linkage complexity (efficiency)

Measuring linkage quality (1)
● Achieving high linkage quality is a main goal of most record linkage projects / applications
● Questions: What affects linkage quality?
What is required in order to be able to measure linkage quality?

Measuring linkage quality (2)
● Ground truth data is needed to measure linkage quality – A set of true matching record pairs
– A set of true non-matching record pairs
● How to obtain such ground truth data?
– Results of a previous linkage
– Manual clerical review (more in the next lecture) or manually classified
(sampled) record pairs
– Contact all individuals in the databases and ask them?
● How confident can one be such ground truth data is always correct?

Measuring linkage quality (3)
● Various difficulties with manually prepared ground truth data
– It is easy to classify record pairs that have totally different attribute values
as non-matches
– It is (generally) easy to classify record pairs that are very similar as matches
(but what about twins, or if not enough information is available?)
– It is difficult to classify record pairs where some attribute values are the
same/similar while others are different
– Studies have shown that manual classification of record pairs is never
100% correct
– Domain expertise is often required (such as knowledge about names and
their origins / cultures)
– If randomly sampled, most record pairs will be non-matches

Measuring linkage quality with ground truth (1)
● Assuming ground truth data are available, the classification of
record pairs into matches and non-matches has four possible
– True positives (TP): True matches correctly classified as matches
(correct matches)
– False negatives (FN): True matches incorrectly classified as non-matches
(false non-matches)
– True negatives (TN): True non-matches correctly classified as non-
matches (correct non-matches)
– False positives (FP): True non-matches incorrectly classified as matches
(false matches)

Measuring linkage quality with ground truth (2)

Measuring linkage quality with ground truth (3)
● Due to the quadratic comparison space, the number of true
non-matches is usually much larger than the number of true
– As the number of records in the databases to be linked increases, the
number of true matches increases linearly while the number of possible record pairs increases quadratically
● This holds even after blocking
● Question: Assuming no duplicates in two databases with 1 and 5 million records, respectively, what is the maximum number of true matches between these two databases?

Error or confusion matrix (1)
Predicted classes
Actual classes
True positives (true matches)
False negatives (false non-matches)
False positives (false matches)
True negatives (true non-matches)

Error or confusion matrix (2)
● Based on the values in the four cells of the error/confusion matrix, different linkage quality measures can be defined
● These measures are binary classification measures as also used
in other domains
– Machine learning and data mining – Information retrieval (Web search) – Medical tests
– Security (airport screening), etc.
● There is often a trade-off between the number of false positives and false negatives (as one goes down the other goes up)

● Widely used in machine learning and data mining ● Considers both true positives and true negatives
acc = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)
● Question: Is accuracy a good measure for record linkage? Why or why not?

Precision (or positive predictive value)
● Widely used in information retrieval (Web search) to assess the quality of search results (how many documents retrieved for a query are
● Considers only true positives
prec = TP / (TP + FP)
● For record linkage, it measures how many of the classified matches are true matches

Recall (or positive predictive value)
● Widely used in information retrieval to assess the quality of search results (how many of all relevant documents have been retrieved for a
● Considers only true positives
reca = TP / (TP + FN)
● For record linkage, it measures how many of all true matches have been classified as matches

F-measure: Combining precision and recall
● Precision and recall are often combined into the F-measure (or F-score):
fmeas = 2 * (prec * reca) / (prec + reca)
● It is the harmonic mean of precision and recall
● As precision goes up (e.g. lowering a similarity threshold),
recall goes down, and vice-versa
● But: Recent research has shown that comparing F-measure
results can be misleading (different weights given to precision and recall) (Hand and Christen, Statistics and Computing, 2018)

Visualising linkage quality results (1)
● Each of the presented measures is calculated based on a specific error / confusion matrix
● Each classifier, and each change in a classifier parameter, will
produce a different error matrix
– Lowering a classification threshold, t, will usually increase the numbers
of TP but also FP, and lower the numbers of TN and FN – Raising a classification threshold leads to the opposite
● To better understand classifiers and to compare them, plots are useful tools (for example for different classification thresholds)

Visualising linkage quality results (2)
● F-measure graph shows precision, recall and f-measure for different classifier thresholds

Visualising linkage quality results (3)
● Precision-recall graph shows precision versus recall for different classifier thresholds

Visualising linkage quality results (4)
● ROC (receiver operating curve) graph shows true positive rate versus false positive rate for different classifier thresholds

Measuring linkage complexity
● We can easily measure run-time and memory consumption of a linkage program / system (but is this meaningful)?
● Generally, platform independent measure are better
– Allows the performance of systems to be compared even when not run
on the same computing platform (but same data sets and same parameter settings)
● Linkage complexity is generally measured by the number of
record pairs that need to be compared
– The number of candidate record pairs generated by blocking

Reduction ratio
● Measures by how much a blocking technique is able to reduce the comparison space
– Compared to the full pair-wise comparison of all record pairs
rr=1–(sM +sN)/(nM +nN)
– sM and sN are the number of true matching and non-matching candidate
record pairs generated by a blocking technique
– nM and nN are the total number of true matching and non-matching record
pairs (in the pair-wise comparison space)

Pairs completeness
● Measures how many true matches ‘pass’ through a blocking process
● It corresponds to the recall of blocking pc=sM /nM
● It requires the truth match status of all record pairs (as with the linkage quality measures)

Pairs quality
● Measures how many candidate record pairs generated by blocking are true matches
● It corresponds to the precision of blocking pq=sM /(sM+sN)
● It requires the truth match status of all record pairs (as with the linkage quality measures)

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