CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme data structure c++ compiler Java algorithm gui ada COMP345:

Advanced Program Design with C++
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Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering Concordia University

1. 2. 3.
Course outline History of C++
C++ tools and libraries

Course Administration
▪ Instructor: Dr. Nora Houari, P. Eng.
E-mail: houari@encs.concordia.ca
Office hours: via zoom/ private by appointment
▪ Lectures ” Remote”
➢ Live session: W-F: 14:45-16:00 Remote via zoom ➢ recorded (Moodle), available on Sunday
➢ Labs: livestream zoom + recording
➢ Course information and updates on Moodle

❑ Asynchronous (non-interactive videos)
▪ covers material presented on the course Notes
▪ objective: absorb the material at your own pace/schedule
▪ videos posted at then end of every week for next week’s material
▪ listen to the videos carefully before coming to online zoom meeting
❑ Synchronous (interactive zoom lecture)
▪ zoom class meeting during normal lecture time
▪ objective: discuss the material presented in the videos
▪ come prepared with questions about the material presented in the videos

▪ Start the week: Jan 20th
▪ Same as for the lectures
asynchronous videos posted every week
zoom meeting during lab time for discussions
much more useful if you come prepared to the lab time
▪ Objectives of the labs:
go in more details onto the examples presented in the lectures give more examples
answer questions from the students about the examples
help working on the assignments
▪ There will be a programming examination (15%) on April 7th / 9th during lab time

Zoom Etiquette
▪ Use your real name
▪ to prevent Zoom Bombing, users not on my class roster will be removed
▪ Do not share the Zoom link
▪ to prevent Zoom Bombing, users not on my class roster will be removed
▪ If possible, Turn ON your camera
▪ it’s nice to know who I am talking to 😉
▪ we can see your facial expressions and better judge if you understand or not
▪ Recordings
▪ Lecture time & tutorials will be recorded and posted on Moodle (just for us)
▪ if you do not want to be recorded, turn Off your camera ;-( but a picture of yourself would be appreciated

Zoom Etiquette
▪ Mute yourself
▪ unless I ask you to unmute yourself to ask a question
▪ If you have a question
▪ use the public chat to ask your question o to say “I have a question”
▪ you can raise your virtual hand, but since we are 160 in the class, I will probably not see it ▪ If I miss your question, I am sorry, just send me an email after
▪ Chit-Chat vs Question to me
▪ Use the public chat only for “real” questions
▪ chit-chat with your friends go on privates chats (but try to avoid in case you make a mistake, and your comment goes public 😉

Course information
▪ COMP352 previously or concurrently
▪ It is assumed that all students have extensive experience with computer programming,
though no prior knowledge or experience of C++ is assumed.
Course content
▪Introduction to C++.
▪I/O with stream classes.
▪Pointers their usage and types
▪Memory management
▪The Standard Template Library (STL): containers, algorithms, iterators, adaptors, function objects.
▪Class design: constructors, destructors, operator overloading, inheritance, virtual functions. ▪Exception handling
▪Design patterns.
▪Advanced topics: libraries, locales, STL conventions,
▪Template meta-programming
▪Applications of C++: Systems, Engineering, Game Programming

Course: Rationale
▪ MostofourcoursesaretaughtusingtheJavaprogramminglanguage.
▪ C++ programming is pervasive in many key areas of the software industry:
▪ Computer games and entertainment industry ▪ Audio/Video processing
▪ Computer device drivers
▪ Control systems
▪ Telecommunications systems ▪ Embedded software systems ▪ Simulation systems
▪ Medical imaging
▪ Though C++ and Java have many similar syntactical elements and structures, C++ has many subtleties, technicalities and features that differ from Java.
▪ Most importantly, its implementation and runtime systems is very different from Java, which makes it well-adapted to the application areas mentioned previously.
▪ This course aims at teaching C++ to an audience well-trained in computer programming and putting the newly acquired knowledge into practice through a challenging project build through 3 assignments.

Grading Scheme
Midterm exam 20% Final exam* (35+15) 50%
3 Assignments(3×10) 30 % Teams Project
(5 members)
Previous projects

You must pass: assignments and
final (written & programming)
to pass the course at least (%50)

Important Notes Cont’d
❑ All students should install VPN for remote desktop access to Concordia University computer labs
Once you have VPN connection to Concordia University, you can access to all available software in Gina Cody School labs by following the process described in: https://www.concordia.ca/ginacody/aits/support/faq/connect-from-home.html
❑ Download Course specific software:
C++Compilers/ IDEs (e.g. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010; Eclipse for C++; GNU; Apple Xcode C++;) ❑ All students are expected to do online, timed exams
▪ Both midterm and final exams will be through Moodle
▪ Course instructor reserves the right to conduct an individual oral examination to verify
student’s response to online exam questions

▪ Online written midterm examination ▪ Moodle
▪ no invigilation
▪ during lecture time
▪ Online written final examination ▪ Moodle
▪ no invigilation
▪ during examination week
▪ Both midterm and written examination

▪ There is multiple choice questions
▪ Questions with details design and code answers
Online programming final examination
▪ you are given some programming exercises
▪ Write code, fix code, add code to existing code
▪ you submit all answers online
▪ Scheduled at the end of the term in the lab(~ Apr 7th and 9th during your class scheduled lab), during ~2 hours

▪ The 3 assignments is to be undertaken a team of 5 members. ▪ The assignments are the 3 components of a realistic project.
They consist of building a challengingly large C++ program.
▪ During the 3 deliveries, you have to demonstrate that your code includes many of the C++ features presented in the lectures.
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▪ Since you can not meet physically, sharing code will be more problematic
▪ Highly recommended that you use an online versioning system ❖ github
❖ Bitbucket
❖ ..etc
▪ Assignment demonstrations will be online using zoom ▪ Very short presentations: come well-prepared

Assignments/Project Cont’d
▪ Must work as a team in “the real world” ▪ Communicate teammate
▪ Communication problems are natural!
▪ What have you done?
▪ You must document your work!
▪ Everyone must keep an on-line notebook/Forum
▪ Communicate with me
▪ How is the team’s plan/progress is going?
▪ Short progress reports/meetings are required:
▪ What is the responsibility of each of the two members?

▪ Y. Daniel Liang. Introduction to Programming with C++. Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-325281-1
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language. Fourth edition. Addison-Wesley, 2013. ISBN- 13: 978-0-321-56384-2
▪ Walter Savitch. Absolute C++. Fifth Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2013. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-283071-3
▪ Walter Savitch. Problem Solving with C++. Ninth Edition, Pearson, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-379174-
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. A Tour of C++. Addison-Wesley, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-958310
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. Foundations of C++. Proc. 22nd European Symposium on Programming (ESOP). Springer LNCS 7211. April 2012.
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. A history of C++: 1979–1991. In History of programming languages—II, Thomas J. Bergin, Jr. and Richard G. Gibson, Jr. (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA 699-769. 1996. DOI:10.1145/234286.1057836
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison Wesley, ISBN:0-201-54330-3. March 1994

References Cont’d
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. Adding Classes to C: An Exercise in Language Evolution. Software – Practice and Experience, Vol. 13, pp. 139-161, 1983.
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. Classes: an abstract data type facility for the C language. SIGPLAN Not. 17, 1. January 1982, 42-51. DOI:10.1145/947886.947893
▪ Onlineofficiallanguagedocumentation: ▪ cppreference.com
▪ cplusplus.com
▪ isocpp.org
▪ Microsoft. C++ Language Reference.
▪ Otherusefulresources(amongmanyothers–notofficial): ▪ Stack Overflow
▪ Tutorials Point ▪ Geeks for Geeks ▪ Programmiz

To do from now on….
▪ Sign up for this class on Moodle
❖Monitor the Moodle for course content and announcement ❖Start thinking about project teams (5 members) right away.. ❖You need to pick up your team by Jan 26th at the latest ❖Structure how to work/communicate and have fun!
▪ Decide if you are willing and able to handle the workload.

Things You Already Know(aka cheating)…
▪ Cheating includes not only copying the work of another person(or letting another student copy your work), but also excessive collaboration.
▪ It is an academic offence to claim someone else’s work as your own.
▪ Do not copy, paraphrase or translate anything from anywhere without saying where you obtained it!

How to do well in your course ?
▪ This course requires a fair amount of time commitments!
▪ Lectures: Weekly/ 3 assignments, team project, Midterm & Final.
❑ Programming is not “spectator sport”. You need to get your hand dirty by doing the assignments and trying the examples/exercises discussed in class and lab
▪ You need to be steeped in to appreciate it.
▪ Intellectually rich and rewarding experience.

CEAB/CIPS Graduate Attributes
▪ This course covered the following attributes ➢ Knowledge-base
➢ Design
➢ Use of tools
➢ Individual and team work ➢ Communication skills

1. 2. 3.
Course outline History of C++
C++ tools and libraries

Introduction to C++
• C++ is a programming language :
❖ statically typed (type of variable known at the compile time) ❖ multi-paradigm ( O.O.; generic programming)
❖ compiled
❖ general-purpose
• It is a middle-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features.
• It was developed by a Danish Scientist Prof. Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Laboratories as an enhancement to the C programming language following the object-oriented principles pioneered by Simula.
Bjarne Strousroup

Introduction to C++: Principles and goals
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup describes some principles that he used for the design of C++:
▪ Statically typed, general-purpose language, as efficient and portable as C
▪ Direct and comprehensive support for multiple programming styles (procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and generic programming)
▪ Give the programmer choice, even if this makes it possible for the programmer to choose incorrectly
▪ As compatible with C as possible, providing a smooth transition from C
▪ Avoid features that are platform specific or not general purpose
▪ Not incur overhead for features that are not used
▪ Function without a sophisticated programming environment
• Goals:
• Augment C with the notion of classes and inheritance
• Keep the same performance as C
• Keep same applicability as C

Introduction to C++: History, versions
▪ Stroustrup began to work on C++ in 1979.
▪ The idea of creating a new language originated from Stroustrup’s experience in programming for his
Ph.D. thesis.
▪ Stroustrup found that Simula had features that were very helpful for large software development, but the language was too slow for practical use.
▪ Remembering his Ph.D. experience, Stroustrup set out to enhance the C language with Simula-like features.
▪ C was chosen because it was general-purpose, fast, portable and widely used.
▪ Besides C and Simula, some other languages that inspired him were ALGOL 68 (as most modern programming languages), Ada (templates), CLU (exception handling, templates) and ML (lambda expressions).

Introduction to C++: History, versions
▪ InitialmodificationstoCincluded(1980):
▪ type checking and conversion for function parameters
▪ classes: data structures (struct) encapsulating functions ▪ derived classes (inheritance)
▪ public/private access modifiers
▪ constructors/destructors
▪ friend classes
▪ Lateradded(1981): ▪ inline functions
▪ default function parameters
▪ overloading of assignment operator
▪ The resulting language was named “C with Classes“
▪ Furtherevolutions(1983-1984):
▪ virtual methods and dynamic binding mechanism ▪ method and operator overloading
▪ reference types
▪ After this, the language was renamed as “C++”.

Introduction to C++: History, versions
▪ Commercialimplementations: ▪ Release 1.0 (1985):
▪ implemented as a C++ to C language translation system called Cfront ▪ Release 2.0 (1989):
▪ multiple inheritance,
▪ abstract classes,
▪ static member functions, ▪ const member functions, ▪ protected members
▪ Release 3.0 (1990): ▪ templates
▪ exception handling
▪ namespaces
▪ new type cast operations ▪ Boolean type

Introduction to C++: History, versions
▪ Standards:
▪ C++98 (1998): First C++ standard
▪ C++03 (2003): Minor revision
▪ C++11 (2011): Major revision
▪ C++14 (2014): Small extension of C++11
▪ C++14 (2017): ISO/IEC 14882:2017
▪ C++20(2020) approved on 4th September 2020,and published by ISO in December 2020.
Source https://isocpp.org/std/the-standard

Introduction to C++: Positive and negative aspects
▪ Positive aspects:
▪ General purpose language
▪ Language implementation focus on high performance and lean runtime system ▪ Provides both high-level abstraction and low-level programming features
▪ Popularity and availability of tools
▪ Negative aspects:
▪ Very large and complex language that requires deep technical knowledge in order to properly use
▪ Its low-level capacities and focus on efficiency make it an unsecure language
▪ Many C++ developments, such as the Standard Template Library add features that add security and abstraction, and free the programmer from low-level programming, but to the detriment of performance compared to C


Introduction to C++: Popularity and significance
❑ Factors for popularity:
❖ C++ is a superset of C: a C++ compiler can compile C programs, and C code and libraries can
be reused in C++ classes and programs
❖ C++ was designed for performance similar with C
❖ A great number of reliable C++ compilers are available for most platforms
❖ C++ was the first object-oriented programming language suitable for the development of large commercial software
❖ A very wide array of C++ libraries are available, both for general use and for specialized purposes
❖ An enormous amount of C++ code has been written, which in turn either makes it prone to reuse or binds the developers to the language

Introduction to C++: Popularity and significance
❖ C++ is widely used in the software industry.
❖ In terms of usage, is one of the most popular languages ever created.
❖ Some of its application domains include key areas of software development such as systems software, device drivers, application software, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, video and audio processing, and entertainment software such as video games and computer animation.
❖ C++ continues to be one of the preferred programming languages to develop professional applications.
❖ The language has gone from being initially mostly Western to attracting programmers from all over the world.

1. 2. 3.
Course outline History of C++
C++ tools and libraries

C++ Tools and Libraries
❑ Compilers and IDEs
▪ Apple Xcode C++
▪ Bloodshed Dev-C++
▪ Code::Blocks
▪ Cygwin
▪ Eclipse for C++
▪ MINGW – “Minimalist GNU for Windows”
▪ The LLVM Compiler
▪ Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
▪ Sun Studio NetBeans
❑ General
▪ Boost
▪ MFC: Microsoft Foundation classes
▪ STL: Standard Template Library ❑ GUI
▪ Qt
▪ WxWidgets
▪ …. Other open source libraries

Remark on what follows
▪ “Keep simple things simple,
as simple as possible, but not simpler!” (Einstein)
▪ Problem: where to start when learning a programming language?
❖ In order to be able to start at all we have to …
1. take certain things for granted
2. learn the WHY over time

▪ Don’t be afraid
▪ Learning a new language takes time
▪ Practice, practice, practice
▪ Read a lot about it (books and C++ forums / as well as code) ▪ Do the lab exercises
▪ Always ask yourself: Why does this work?
❖ If you are curious about something →use forum
❖ … and share your knowledge and discuss with friends
▪ Programming will be fun when understood

Recap of the week and what is next
We look at
▪ Course outline ▪ What is C++? ▪ History of C++ ▪ Compilers
▪ C++ program structure
▪ Component and compilation unit
▪ header file and compilation file ▪ Namespaces
▪ Basic terms & concepts

Introduction to C++: References
▪ International Organization for Standardization. ISO/IEC 14882:1998 Programming languages – C++. 1998.
▪ International Organization for Standardization. ISO/IEC 14882:1998 Programming languages – C++. 2003.
▪ International Organization for Standardization. ISO/IEC 14882:1998 Information technology — Programming languages – C++. 2011.
▪ International Organization for Standardization. ISO/IEC 14882:2020
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. A Tour of C++. Addison-Wesley, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-958310
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. The Design and Evolution of C++. Addison Wesley, ISBN:0-201-54330-3. March 1994
▪ Bjarne Stroustrup. A history of C++: 1979–1991. In History of programming languages—II, Thomas J. Bergin, Jr. and Richard G. Gibson, Jr. (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA 699-769. 1996. DOI:10.1145/234286.1057836
▪ Joey Paquet COMP345 course Notes Concordia university.

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