CS计算机代考程序代写 #pragma once

#pragma once


/// thread_pool encapsulates a pool of threads that are all waiting for data to
/// appear in a queue. Whenever data arrives in the queue, a thread will pull
/// the data off and process it, using the handler function provided at
/// construction time.
class thread_pool {
/// Internal is the class that stores all the members of a thread_pool object.
/// To avoid pulling too much into the .h file, we are using the PIMPL pattern
/// (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/pimpl-idiom-in-c-with-examples/)
struct Internal;

/// A reference to the internal fields of the thread_pool object
std::unique_ptr fields;

/// construct a thread pool by providing a size and the function to run on
/// each element that arrives in the queue
/// @param size The number of threads in the pool
/// @param handler The code to run whenever something arrives in the pool
thread_pool(int size, std::function handler);

/// destruct a thread pool

/// Allow a user of the pool to provide some code to run when the pool decides
/// it needs to shut down.
/// @param func The code that should be run when the pool shuts down
void set_shutdown_handler(std::function func);

/// Allow a user of the pool to see if the pool has been shut down
bool check_active();

/// Shutting down the pool can take some time. await_shutdown() lets a user
/// of the pool wait until the threads are all done servicing clients.
void await_shutdown();

/// When a new connection arrives at the server, it calls this to pass the
/// connection to the pool for processing.
/// @param sd The socket descriptor for the new connection
void service_connection(int sd);

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