CS计算机代考程序代写 open Types

open Types

exception ImplementMe

type token = TRUE
| NUM of int
| VAR of string
| IN
| IF
| TO
| LT
| GT
| LE
| GE
| OR

type loc = int * int (* line, column *)
type tl = token * loc

let token_of_string s =
match s with
| “true” -> TRUE
| “false” -> FALSE
| “fun” -> FUN
| “->” -> ARROW
| “let” -> LET
| “=” -> EQUAL
| “in” -> IN
| “if” -> IF
| “then” -> THEN
| “else” -> ELSE
| “app” -> APP
| “to” -> TO
| “(+)” -> PLUS
| “(-)” -> MINUS
| “(*)” -> TIMES
| “(/)” -> DIV
| “(<)" -> LT
| “(>)” -> GT
| “(<=)" -> LE
| “(>=)” -> GE
| “(=)” -> EQOP
| “(&&)” -> AND
| “(||)” -> OR
| _ ->
(match int_of_string_opt s with
| Some n -> NUM n
| None -> VAR s)

let string_of_token =
function TRUE -> “true”
| FALSE -> “false”
| NUM n -> string_of_int n
| FUN -> “fun”
| VAR x -> x
| ARROW -> “->”
| LET -> “let”
| EQUAL -> “=”
| IN -> “in”
| IF -> “if”
| THEN -> “then”
| ELSE -> “else”
| APP -> “app”
| TO -> “to”
| PLUS -> “(+)”
| MINUS -> “(-)”
| TIMES -> “(*)”
| DIV -> “(/)”
| LT -> “(<)" | GT -> “(>)”
| LE -> “(<=)" | GE -> “(>=)”
| EQOP -> “(=)”
| AND -> “(&&)”
| OR -> “(||)”

let implode l = String.init (List.length l) (List.nth l)

let is_ws c = match c with
| ‘ ‘ | ‘ ’ | ‘
’ -> true
| _ -> false

let rec lex chars curr stream (currline, currcol) lastloc =
let curr_token curr =
if List.length curr > 0 then
(* We have a nonempty token *)
Some (token_of_string (implode (List.rev curr)), lastloc)
match chars with
| [] -> (match curr_token curr with
| Some t -> List.rev (t::stream)
| None -> List.rev stream)
| []::lines ->
(* Whitespace ends tokens *)
(match curr_token curr with
| Some tok ->
lex lines [] (tok::stream) (currline + 1, 0) (currline + 1, 0)
| None -> lex lines [] stream (currline + 1, 0) (currline + 1, 0))
| (c::t)::lines ->
let chars’ = t::lines in
if is_ws c then
(* Whitespace ends tokens *)
(match curr_token curr with
| Some tok ->
lex chars’ [] (tok::stream) (currline, currcol + 1)
(currline, currcol + 1)
| None -> lex chars’ [] stream (currline, currcol + 1)
(currline, currcol + 1))
lex chars’ (c::curr) stream (currline, currcol + 1) lastloc

exception SyntaxError of loc option * string

let is_op (t: token) : bool =
match t with
| PLUS | MINUS | TIMES | DIV | LT | GT | LE | GE | EQOP | AND | OR -> true
| _ -> false

(*>* Problem 2.6 *>*)
let is_const (t: token) : bool =
raise ImplementMe

let is_first_val (t: token) : bool =
raise ImplementMe

let parse_const (tokens : tl list) : const * tl list =
match tokens with
| [] -> raise (SyntaxError (None, “expected constant”))
| (TRUE, _)::t -> (True, t)
| (FALSE, _)::t -> (False, t)
| (NUM n, _)::t -> (Int n, t)
| (_, l)::t -> raise (SyntaxError (Some l, “expected constant”))

(*>* Problem 2.7 *>*)
let parse_var (tokens : tl list) : var * tl list =
raise ImplementMe

let parse_op (tokens : tl list) : op * tl list =
let op_of_token (t, l) =
match t with
| PLUS -> Plus | MINUS -> Minus | TIMES -> Times | DIV -> Div | LT -> Lt
| GT -> Gt | LE -> Le | GE -> Ge | EQOP -> Eq | AND -> And | OR -> Or
| _ -> raise (SyntaxError (Some l, “expected operator”))
raise ImplementMe

(*>* Problem 2.8 *>*)
let parse_exact (t: token) (tokens: tl list) : tl list =
raise ImplementMe

(*>* Problem 2.9 *>*)
let rec parse_value (tokens : tl list) : value * tl list =
match tokens with
| [] -> raise (SyntaxError (None, “expected value”))
| (FUN, _)::t -> let (v, t) = parse_var t in
let t = parse_exact ARROW t in
let (e, t) = parse_exp t in
(Fun (v, e), t)
| (h, l)::t ->
(if is_op h then raise ImplementMe
else if is_const h then raise ImplementMe
else raise (SyntaxError (Some l, “expected value”))

and parse_exp (tokens : tl list) : exp * tl list =
raise ImplementMe

let rec explode n s =
if n >= String.length s then
(String.get s n)::(explode (n + 1) s)

let parse (s: string list) : exp =
match parse_exp (lex (List.map (explode 0) s) [] [] (1, 0) (1, 0)) with
| (e, []) -> e
| _ -> raise (SyntaxError (None, “expected EOF”))

let string_of_file f =
let ic = open_in f in
let rec read_it l =
try read_it ((input_line ic)::l)
with End_of_file -> List.rev l
let s = read_it [] in
let _ = close_in ic in

let parse_file f =
parse (string_of_file f)

let _ = assert (parse [“let f = fun x -> app x to x in app f to f”] =
Let (“f”, Value (Fun (“x”, App (Var “x”, Var “x”))),
App (Var “f”, Var “f”)))

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