CS计算机代考程序代写 mips compiler ECE437: Introduction to Digital Computer Design

ECE437: Introduction to Digital Computer Design
Chapter 1b (performance, 1.4 onwards)
Spring 2021
Performance of Computers
• Which computer is fastest? • Not so simple
– scientific simulation – FP performance
– program development – Integer performance
– commercial work – memory + I/O
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (2)
Performance of Computers
• Want to buy the fastest computer for what you want to do
– workload is important
• Want to design the fastest computer for what they want to pay
– cost is an important criterion
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (3)
• Time and performance
• Iron law
• Which programs and how to average • Amdahl’s law
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Defining Performance
• What is important to whom
Limited model
“Start job, wait 1. Computer system user for end.” Suggest
– minimize elapsed time for program = alternate
time_end – time_start – called response time
performance metrics.
2. Computer center manager
– maximize completion rate = #jobs/second – called throughput
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (5)
Response Time vs. Throughput
• Is throughput = 1/av. response time?
– ONLY if NO overlap
– with overlap, throughput > 1/av.response time
• e.g., a lunch buffet – assume 5 entrees
– each person takes 2 minutes at every entree
• throughput is 1 person every 2 minutes
• BUT time to fill up tray is 10 minutes
– Why? Otherwise, what would the throughput be?
• because there are 5 people (each at 1 entree) simultaneously;
• if there is no such overlap throughput = 1/10
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (6)
What is Performance for us?
• For computer architects
– CPU execution time = time spent running a program
• Shorter time better but people like better to be bigger to match intuition
– performance = 1/time (shorter time better perf.)
– where time = response time, CPU run time, etc.
• Elapsed time = CPU execution time + I/O wait
• We will concentrate mostly on CPU execution time
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (7)
Improve Performance
• Improve (a) response time or (b) throughput?
– faster CPU
• both (a) and (b)
– Add more CPUs
• (b) but (a) may be improved due to reduced queueing
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (8)
Give an example of this phenomenon

Performance Comparison
• Machine A is n times faster than machine B iff
– perf(A)/perf(B) = time(B)/time(A) = n
• Machine A is x% faster than machine B iff – perf(A)/perf(B) = time(B)/time(A) = 1 + x/100
• E.g., A 10s, B 15s
– 15/10 = 1.5 => A is 1.5 times faster than B
– 15/10=1+50/100=>Ais50%fasterthanB
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (9)
Breaking down Performance
• A program is broken into instructions
– H/W is aware of instructions, not programs
• At lower level, H/W breaks instructions into cycles
– lower level state machines change state every cycle
• E.g., 4 GHz Opteron runs 4 B cycles/sec, 1 cycle = 0.25 ns
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (10)
Iron law
• Time/program = instrs/program x cycles/instr x sec/cycle
– NEVER forget this!
• sec/cycle (a.k.a. cycle time, clock time)
– mostly determined by technology and CPU orgn. • cycles/instr (a.k.a. CPI)
– mostly determined by ISA and CPU organization – EFFECTIVE cycles/instr and NOT actual latency – overlap among instructions makes this smaller
• Each instr 5 cycles but 5 instrs overlap  CPI = 1
– AVERAGE over instrs (instrs have different CPI)
• instr/program (a.k.a. instruction count)
– instrs executed, NOT static code
– mostly determined by program, compiler, ISA
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (11)
Our Goal
• Minimize time which is the product, NOT isolated terms
– Tempting because of the separate terms
– Optimizing one term may worsen time by worsening other terms!
• Common error to miss terms while devising optimizations
– E.g., ISA change to decrease instr. count – BUT leads to slower clock
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (12)

Iron Law Example
• Machine A: clock 1 ns, CPI 2.0, for a program
• Machine B: clock 2 ns, CPI 1.2, for same program
• Which is faster and how much?
• Time/program = instrs/program x cycles/instr x sec/cycle
– Time(A):Nx2.0x1=2N
– Time(B):Nx1.2×2=2.4N
• Compare: Time(B)/Time(A) = 2.4N/2N = 1.2
• So, Machine A is 20% faster than Machine B for this program
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (13)
Iron Law Example
• KeepclockofAat1nsandclockofBat 2 ns
• For equal performance, if CPI of B is 1.2, what is A’s CPI?
– Time(B)/Time(A) = 1 = (N x 2 x 1.2)/(N x 1 x CPI(A))
– CPI(A) = 2.4
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (14)
Iron Law Example
• LetCPIofA= 2.0andCPIofB=1.2
• For equal performance, if clock of B is 2 ns, what is A’s clock?
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (15)
Iron Law Example
• LetCPIofA=2.0andCPIofB=1.2
• For equal performance, if clock of B is 2 ns, what is A’s clock?
– Time(B)/Time(A) = 1 = (N x 1.2 x 2)/(N x 2.0 x clock(A))
– clock(A) = 1.2 ns
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (16)

Iron Law notes
• You will see ch4a (single cycle) in the lab
• But not Ch1b (Iron law) so spend an hour to think about and internalize Ch1b
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (17)
Other Metrics
• Other than execution time
• MIPS and MFLOPS – Bogus!
• MIPS = millions of instructions per sec
= instruction count/(execution time x 106) – Not MIPS, the instruction set
= clock rate/(CPI x 106) (How?) • BUT MIPS has problems
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (18)
Problems with MIPS
• E.g.,withoutFPH/W,anFPopmaytake50single- cycle instrs
• withFPH/Wonlyone2-cycleinstratsameclock
• ThusaddingFPH/W
– CPIincreases(why?)TheFPopgoesfrom50/50to2/1 – butinstrs/progdecreasesmore(why?)eachoftheFPop
reduces from 50 to 1, factor of 50
– totalexecutiontimedecreases
– instrs/prog ignored
• MIPSgetsworse!
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (19)
Problems with MIPS
• Ignores program
• Usually used to quote peak performance
– ideal conditions => guarantee not to exceed!! • When is MIPS ok?
– same compiler and same ISA
– e.g., same binary running on Xeon Ivy Bridge and
Xeon Broadwell
– why? instrs/prog is constant and may be ignored
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (20)

Other (Bogus) Metrics
• MFLOPS = FP ops in program/(execution time x 106)
• Assuming FP ops independent of compiler and ISA
– Assumption not true
– Eg may not have divide instruction in ISA
– optimizing compilers can remove some insts
• Relative MIPS and normalized MFLOPS – adds to confusion!
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (21)
• Use ONLY Time
– Beware when reading, especially if details are omitted
– Beware of Peak
• Peak is the performance that the chip maker guarantees not to exceed – meaningless!
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (22)
• Time and performance • Iron law
• Which programs
• How to average • Amdahl’s law
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (23)
Which Programs
• Execution time of what
• Best case – you run the same set of programs everyday
– port them and time the whole “workload” • In reality, use benchmarks
– programs chosen to measure performance
– predict performance of actual workload (hopefully) – saves effort and money
– representative? honest?
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (24)

Benchmarks: SPEC2006
• SPEC: System Performance Evaluation Cooperative
• Latest is SPEC2006, before SPEC89, SPEC92, SPEC95, SPEC2000
• 12 integer and 17 floating point programs
– normalize run time with a Gold Standard processor (SPEC ratio)
– Geometric Mean (GM) of the normalized times (why GM?)
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (25)
One-minute quiz
• State the Iron Law – Time per program =
• Previous quiz
– What is the ALU operation for loads and stores?
• Add
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (26)
SPEC CINT2006 http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/CINT2006/
XML processing
Path finding
Combinatorial optimization
GNU C compiler
Discrete event simulation
Video compression
Quantum computing
Artificial Intelligence: Go
Gene Sequence Search
Artificial Intelligence: chess
PERL programming language
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (27)
SPEC CFP2006 http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/CFP2006/
Quantum chromodynamics
Fluid dynamics
Simplex LP solver
Weather modeling
17 in all, see webpage
Speech recognition, quantum chemistry, structural mechanics, ray tracing, etc.
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (28)

How to average
• SPEC has 29 programs – how to average? • Example
• One answer: total execution time, then how much faster than A is B? 1001/110 = 9.1
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and (29) Thottethodi
Machine A
Machine B
Program 1
Program 2
How to average
• Another:arithmeticmean(sameresult:B9.1times
faster than A )
• Arithmetic mean of times:  time
 i1
i 
• AM(A)=1001/2=500.5
• AM(B)=110/2=55
• 500.5/55=9.1
• Validonlyifprogramsrunequallyoften,elseuse
“weight” factors
• Weighted arithmetic mean:
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and (30) Thottethodi
 i1 
/ n
for n
 n
 weight  time  / n
Other Averages • E.g., 30 mph for first 10 miles
• 90 mph for next 10 miles. Average speed?
• Average speed = (30+90)/2 =60mph? WRONG
• Average speed = total distance / total time = (20 / (10/30+10/90))
= 45 mph
• What if it was 10 hours at each speed?
– instead of 10 miles
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (31)
Harmonic Mean
• Harmonic mean of rates =
1 n1
rate  i1 i n
– Use HM if forced to start and end with rates • Trick to do arithmetic mean of times but
using rates and not times
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and (32) Thottethodi

• Machine A runs 10M instructions at 15 MIPS and the next 10M instructions at 45 MIPS
– Average MIPS = ??
• Machine A runs for 10 seconds at 15 MIPS and the next 10 seconds at 45 MIPS
– Average MIPS = ??
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (33)
Dealing with Ratios
• Absolute times
• Now consider ratios (w.r.t. A)
• Averages: A = 1, B = 5.05 ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (34)
Machine A
Machine B
Program 1
Program 2
Machine A
Machine B
Program 1
Program 2
Dealing with Ratios
• Absolute times
• Now consider ratios (w.r.t. B)
• Averages: A = 5.05, B = 1
• Both cannot be true
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (35)
Machine A
Machine B
Program 1
Program 2
Machine A
Machine B
Program 1
Program 2
Geometric Mean
• Don’tusearithmeticmeanonratios(normalized numbers)
• Usegeometricmeanforratios
– geometric mean of ratios =
– Use GM if forced to use ratios
• Independentofreferencemachine(mathproperty)
• Intheexample,GMformachineAis1,formachine
B is also 1
• normalizedwithrespecttoeithermachine
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and (36) Thottethodi
n  ratio
i i1

• Geometric mean of ratios is not proportional to total time
• AM in example says machine B is 9.1 times faster
• GM says they are equal
• If we took total execution time, A and B are equal only if
– program 1 is run 100 times more often than program 2
• Generally, GM will mispredict for three or more machines
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (37)
Previous Midterm Question
• Machine A runs 9 times faster than machine B when running program-P,
• Machine B runs 4 times faster than machine A when running program Q.
• Which machine is faster (and by what factor) when averaged across both programs?
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (38)
Summary for Averages
• Use AM for times
• Use HM if forced to use rates
• Use GM if forced to use ratios
• Better yet, use unnormalized, raw run times to compute performance
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (39)
Amdahl’s Law
• Whydoesthecommoncasematterthemost?
• Letanoptimizationspeedffractionoftimebya
factor of s
• assumingthatoldtime=T,whatisthespeedup?
– fisthe“affected”fractionofT – (1-f) is the unaffected fraction
• Speedup = timeold  unaffectedold  affectedold timenew unaffectednew affectednew
• = (1f)TfT  ( 1  f )  T  sf  T
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi
( 1  f )  sf

Amdahl’s Law Example
• Your boss asks you to improve processor performance
• Two options: What should you do?
– improve the ALU used 95% of time, by 10%
– improve the square-root unit used 5%, by a factor of 10
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and (41) Thottethodi

Amdahl’s Law: Limit
• Make common case fast because:
11 6 lim  
s 1ff s 1f 4 2 0
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and (42) Thottethodi
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 f
Amdahl’s Law
• “Make common case fast”
– Scientific heuristic, not religious commandment – Use for intuition, verify with numbers
• 60% can be improved by a factor of 2 – Speedup = 1/(0.4+0.6/2) = 1/0.7
• 40% can be improved by a factor of 8 – Speedup = 1/(0.6+0.4/8) = 1/0.65
• Second option is better
– Less common case, but higher speedup compensates
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (43)
Summary of Chapter 1b
• Timeandperformance:
– MachineAntimesfasterthanMachineB – iff Time(B)/Time(A) = n
• IronLaw:Time/prog
– InstrcountxCPIxCycletime
• OtherMetrics:MIPSandMFLOPS – Bewareofpeakandomitteddetails
• Benchmarks:SPEC2006(int+FP) • Summarizeperformance:
– AMfortime,HMforrate,GMforratio
• Amdahl’s Law: Speedup =  1  common case fast
1ff s 
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and (44) Thottethodi

Single-cycle Datapath
Inst. Count
Cycle Time
• Performance Implications
– Minimize all three
– Insts/prog fixed — f(ISA,compiler)
– CPI = 1 : As good as it gets (*)
– Clock cycle time : high, “lw” critical path
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (45)
Back to Ch4b
• To improve performance beyond single- cycle datapath
– Now that we understand performance
ECE437, S’21 © Vijaykumar and Thottethodi (46)

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