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Mini Project #3 – Health Interoperability

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Mini Project #3 – Health Interoperability
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• Due Mar 15 by 8am
• Points 10
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• File Types pdf
• Available Feb 8 at 8am – Mar 15 at 8am about 1 month

Mini Project #3 – Health Interoperability

Mini Project Summary
Interoperability means the ability of health information systems to work together within and across organizational boundaries in order to advance the effective delivery of healthcare for individuals and communities – this includes the need to exchange, interpret and use data cohesively. The exchange of information in healthcare, as with all other facets of modern life, is critical to our advancement. Interoperability addresses that need while simultaneously increasing the quality of care received, improving healthcare efficiency and even financial incentives.
For your third mini-project, you will have the opportunity to explore and work through a solution of your own, in an area of healthcare of your choice. Once you have chosen an area (ex. EHRs, Public Health, etc.) you will explore and explain how interoperability could solve an issue in that area (ex. de-identifying data, exchange to FHIR). From there, you will architect a solution, potentially utilizing what has been done in or outside of the field, or something “new.” You will pull this all together in the form of a tool, suite of tools or webapp and provide an accompanying paper discussing your solution and documenting what you developed. We have narrowed down the interoperability choices for you (as there are many). You will need to select an interoperability tool that you would like to include in your solution. You can do so by going to People > Groups > Mini Project #3 within Canvas and then adding yourself to a tool group.
Mini Project Deliverables
Your deliverable will take the form of single PDF submitted to Canvas. There are two parts to this deliverable:
1. An Academic Write-Up.
2. Your Packaged Solution (a deployed version or video demonstration of your solution, along with supplementary technical documentation)

Deliverable 1: The Academic Write-Up 

Your project submission must include an academic write-up that details your project solution, its approach and the final outcome. Your paper should include the following sections (where applicable). You may also reference the Mini Project 3 template here
for a description of expectations as relates to this write-up.

• Abstract
• Background and Significance
• Problem
• Solution
◦ Narrative Summary
◦ Technologies Used (include your tool selection)
◦ Sample Data/Data Sets/Data Sources
• Complexity or Effort
• Technical/User Documentation
◦ Link to Codebase (GitHub repository)
◦ Link to Demonstration (live application or video)
◦ Documentation
• References
Important Items to Remember when writing:
• This is a formal academic paper. You should attempt to write with a voice that is more formal than not, and should meet graduate level standards in writing. You have flexibility in how you present the technical/instructional portion in order to properly convey the information required, though it should still rise to the level of “professional” rather than entirely informal/casual writing.
• Keep your audience in mind. There is no need to repeat extraneous information back at instructors to fill space, particularly information that we provided you in the first place unless it is specifically noted as a requirement. For example, you should not need to define what interoperability is but you should be explicit when defining technology and data.
• Supporting references are always expected. Of course you may not have much to cite around your actual solution, but you should at least be able to provide support for sections such as (but not limited to) background and significance.
• Always use headers and sub headers! You should have a high level header for each section enumerated in the document structure above, with additional sub headers as required.

Deliverable 2: Solution Requirements

For the demonstration of your project, you have two options: a live deployment or a video. The Technical Documentation section of your academic write-up must include a link to your live deployment or video, a link to your code (such as a GitHub repo) for both options, and a step-by-step guide to deploying (if applicable), using, and testing your tool. Video demonstrations are limited to 10 minutes.
Your solution must be built around interoperability concerns and use one of the following technologies or combination of technologies. (If you wish to use something not listed here, please make a private post to Instructors on Ed Discussion with a description of what you would like to use and the justification for doing so, including a brief description of the intent of your solution and how it relates. Requests must be submitted at least a week prior to the assignment due date.) Topics may be based around industry operations, clinical needs, public health, general research, or in any domain in which interoperability concerns may come into play.
• OMOP to FHIR/FHIR to OMOP – OMOP (also known as OMOP CDM) is a data model designed for research purposes, which contrasts with FHIR’s use as a primarily clinical interoperability standard. There is a growing interest in moving data between OMOP and FHIR, which often requires consideration of mappings specific to a particular use case. If your project is focused around a topic such as mapping clinical data to research for a specific purpose, your solution may be one way from FHIR to OMOP. Similarly, if you are moving OMOP data to FHIR for a specific use case, the mapping may be one way. If you are building a general mapping tool without a specific use case, you must demonstration mappings in both directions.
◦ The Georgia Tech Research Institute OMOPonFHIR project is an effort to provide mappings, built on top of Hapi FHIR, which you may wish to explore. You are free to use it, though it may be more suited towards full projects than the mini projects.
• HL7v2 to FHIR/OMOP – HL7v2 is the dominant messaging format used in the healthcare industry.
• Open mHealth – Open mHealth provides a suite of tools to  leverage mobile health data, typically that which is generated by patients as users of mobile devices.
• DICOM to FHIR – DICOM is a standard for transmitting medical imaging information.
• CQL – Clinical Quality Language provides a logical representation of clinical knowledge that can be used within several domains, such as Clinical Decision Support.
There are many forms your solution may actually take and defining this is a key part of your assignment. It is important to provide a solution that is applicable to your problem as defined. If you wish to work with a specific technology that is not appropriate to your topic/problem then you should consider changing your topic or reconsider the problem you are addressing. (Note that you should not invent a problem to fit your solution, it must be a problem realistically definable in your domain with sources to support your statements around the problem.)
Deployment options have been added to Ed Discussion. We highly suggest containerizing your solution with Docker were at all applicable.

Project Scope Considerations
You are not expected to create a fully featured application/tool for this mini project in the time allotted. However, you should aim for a proof of concept/simple demonstration around your topic that clearly illustrates you are working with the technology you have selected in a way that when fully developed would provide an adequate solution. For example, if you are providing mappings between OMOP and FHIR you should focus on relatively simple data and a handful of core resources appropriate to your topic. UIs do not have to be perfect, but should still be functional. Do not be concerned with minor formatting issues or color schemes, but it should be clearly laid out and as user friendly as possible. Do not be concerned with unit testing or anything of that nature. Minor bugs are fine as long your core functionality works as intended.
• FHIR – https://www.hl7.org/fhir/overview.html (Links to an external site.)
• OMOP CDM – https://www.ohdsi.org/data-standardization/the-common-data-model/ (Links to an external site.)
• HL7v2 – https://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=185 (Links to an external site.)
• HL7v2 to FHIR Implementation Guide – https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/v2-to-fhir/ (Links to an external site.)
• DICOM – https://www.dicomstandard.org/ (Links to an external site.)
• FHIR Imaging Study – https://www.hl7.org/fhir/imagingstudy.html (Links to an external site.)
• OMOPonFHIR – http://omoponfhir.org/ (Links to an external site.)
• Open mHealth – https://www.openmhealth.org/ (Links to an external site.)
• Open mHealth GitHub – https://github.com/openmhealth (Links to an external site.)
• CQL – https://cql.hl7.org/ (Links to an external site.)
• FHIR Clinical Reasoning Module – http://www.hl7.org/fhir/clinicalreasoning-module.html (Links to an external site.)
• i2b2 – https://www.i2b2.org/software/index.html (Links to an external site.)
• DaVinci – https://www.hl7.org/about/davinci/ (Links to an external site.)

Complete your assignment using JDF (Links to an external site.), then save your submission as a PDF.  You should submit a single PDF for this assignment.  You must utilize the APA format. This is an individual assignment. All work you submit should be your own. Make sure to cite any sources you reference or use, and use quotes and in-line citations to mark any direct quotes. You are limited to 8 pages maximum (excluding references). This is a formal assignment, therefore your submission should reflect this.
Note: If your assignment involves additional components (like videos, working prototypes, etc.) that cannot be provided in PDF, you should provide them separately (through OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) and provide a link to those components in your PDF submission, that links to or otherwise describes how to access that material. You must also use github links (utilize GT account).

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