CS计算机代考程序代写 From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles

From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Sandy Gould s.gould@cs.bham.ac.uk
8th February 2021

How do these classes work?
– We’renothereformetotellyounewthings.
– Thisclassletsusexploretheself-directedasynchronous
learning that you did in Week 1.
– Thematerialyouwillbeworkingonthisweek,we’llexplore further in the Monday Week 3 class. Makes sense?
From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 8th February 2021

Module assessment – summative
The format of summative assessments has changed this semester.
– A mostly writing-based task in Week 6 (50% of module mark)
– A mostly programming-based task in Week 12 (50% of module mark)
NB – There is no teaching, synchronous or asynchronous, in Week 6.
From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 8th February 2021

How did it go?
✅ Live lecture/recording.
✅ Podcast and/or the course notes. ✅ Required reading and the quiz. ✅ Labsheet 1 (and lab it needed). ✅ Week 1 log.
From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 8th February 2021

Context awareness
From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 8th February 2021

Context awareness
Let’s think about this ourselves…
From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 8th February 2021

Context awareness
– Building context is really hard!
– We take for granted that we can do it.
– We’ll see more about building context in future weeks.
From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 8th February 2021

What else have we covered in Week 1?
You’re going to tell me!
From Mainframes to Desktops to Mobiles – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 8th February 2021

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