CS计算机代考程序代写 cache #pragma once

#pragma once


/// ConcurrentHashTable is a concurrent hash table (a Key/Value store). It is
/// implemented as a vector of buckets, with one lock per bucket. Since the
/// number of buckets is fixed, performance can suffer if the thread count is
/// high relative to the number of buckets. Furthermore, the asymptotic
/// guarantees of this hashtable are dependent on the quality of the bucket
/// implementation. If a vector is used within the bucket to store key/value
/// pairs, then the guarantees will be poor if the key range is large relative
/// to the number of buckets. If an unordered_map is used, then the asymptotic
/// guarantees should be strong.
/// The ConcurrentHashTable is templated on the Key and Value types.
/// This hash table uses std::hash to map keys to positions in the vector. A
/// production hash table should use something better.
/// This hash table provides strong consistency guarantees: every operation uses
/// two-phase locking (2PL), and the lambda parameters to methods enable nesting
/// of 2PL operations across hashtables.
/// @param K The type of the keys in this hash table
/// @param V The type of the values in this hash table
template class ConcurrentHashTable {
/// A lockable container of key/value pairs
struct bucket_t;

/// The number of buckets
const size_t num_buckets;

/// The vector of buckets. Note that we store pointers to bucket_t, not
/// bucket_t’s themselves, so that locks are less likely to be on the same
/// cache line.
std::vector buckets;

/// Construct a concurrent hash table by specifying the number of buckets it
/// should have
/// @param _buckets The number of buckets in the concurrent hash table
ConcurrentHashTable(size_t _buckets);

/// Clear the Concurrent Hash Table. This operation needs to use 2pl
void clear();

/// Insert the provided key/value pair only if there is no mapping for the key
/// yet.
/// @param key The key to insert
/// @param val The value to insert
/// @return true if the key/value was inserted, false if the key already
/// existed in the table
bool insert(K key, V val);

/// Insert the provided key/value pair if there is no mapping for the key yet.
/// If there is a key, then update the mapping by replacing the old value with
/// the provided value
/// @param key The key to upsert
/// @param val The value to upsert
/// @return true if the key/value was inserted, false if the key already
/// existed in the table and was thus updated instead
bool upsert(K key, V val);

/// Apply a function to the value associated with a given key. The function
/// is allowed to modify the value.
/// @param key The key whose value will be modified
/// @param f The function to apply to the key’s value
/// @return true if the key existed and the function was applied, false
/// otherwise
bool do_with(K key, std::function f);

/// Apply a function to the value associated with a given key. The function
/// is not allowed to modify the value.
/// @param key The key whose value will be modified
/// @param f The function to apply to the key’s value
/// @return true if the key existed and the function was applied, false
/// otherwise
bool do_with_readonly(K key, std::function f);

/// Remove the mapping from a key to its value
/// @param key The key whose mapping should be removed
/// @return true if the key was found and the value unmapped, false otherwise
bool remove(K key);

/// Apply a function to every key/value pair in the ConcurrentHashTable. Note
/// that the function is not allowed to modify keys or values.
/// @param f The function to apply to each key/value pair
/// @param then A function to run when this is done, but before unlocking…
/// useful for 2pl
void do_all_readonly(std::function f,
std::function then);

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