CS计算机代考程序代写 Assignment 3

Assignment 3
CSCI 3136: Principles of Programming Languages
Due Mar 3, 2021
Assignments are due on the due date before class. Plagiarism in assignment answers will not be tolerated. By submitting their answers to this assignment, the authors named above declare that its content is their original work and that they did not use any sources for its preparation other than the class notes, the textbook, and ones explicitly acknowledged in the answers. Any suspected act of plagiarism will be reported to the Faculty¡¯s Academic Integrity Officer and possibly to the Senate Discipline Committee. The penalty for academic dishonesty may range from failing the course to expulsion from the university, in accordance with Dalhousie University¡¯s regulations regarding academic integrity.

We use regular expressions to describe regular languages. Regular expressions are themselves strings over an alphabet including regular characters and special characters such as parentheses, ¡°.¡±, ¡°|¡±, and ¡°*¡±. The string ¡°.*(1.1|1..1).*¡± is a valid regular expression while the string ¡°((10|)(¡± is not. This language turns out not be regular (because it includes strings with arbitrarily deeply nested sets of parentheses). Let us assume we have already constructed a scanner that identifies the tokens regular
expressionsarecomposedof.1 Thetokensweareallowedtobuildregularexpressionsfromare
( ) | . * + ? char
where char denotes any valid character of the underlying alphabet. You don¡¯t have to worry about
recognizing valid characters; we assume the scanner takes care of this for us.
(a) Provide a context-free grammar that defines the language of regular expressions. As is customary, assume that each input string is terminated by a special end-of-string marker $. Make sure the grammar represents the semantic structure of regular expressions. For example, the partial grammar
E ¡ú char E ¡ú EE E ¡ú E|E
would allow us to parse the regular expression ¡°ab|c¡± to be composed of two regular expressions ¡°a¡± and ¡°b|c¡±, which is semantically incorrect. The correct parse is a regular expression composed of two regular expressions ¡°ab¡± (which in turn is composed of smaller regular expressions) and ¡°c¡±. Review how we ensured arithmetic expressions are parsed in a way that reflects operator precedence to get an idea how you can ensure that the parse tree corresponding to a regular
expression correctly reflects its structure.
(b) Provide the parse tree used to generate the string ¡°.*(1.1|1..1).*¡± using your grammar.
(c) Verify that your grammar is LL(1). (If it is not, modify the grammar to make it LL(1).) In particular, provide FIRST, FOLLOW, and PREDICT sets for characters and productions and explain why they prove that the language is LL(1).
(d) (Bonus: 25%) Provide the pseudo-code for a recursive descent parser for regular expressions based on your grammar.
1This is something you¡¯d probably not do in practice because the tokens of regular expressions are individual characters or escaped characters, so the work of the scanner is easy to integrate into the parser in this case.

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