CS计算机代考程序代写 assembly All registers and memory locations are 32 bits, the concept of byte does not apply except in the few special string-processing instructions. When characters are stored to make a string, they are packed four per memory location, with the first character of the string being in the least-significant 8 bits.

All registers and memory locations are 32 bits, the concept of byte does not apply except in the few special string-processing instructions. When characters are stored to make a string, they are packed four per memory location, with the first character of the string being in the least-significant 8 bits.
Negative numbers are represented in the two’s complement format.
Floating point numbers are stored in the intel 32-bit floating format, whatever that is.
Bits are numbered from 0, the least significant, to 31 the most significant. In numeric representations, bit 31 is the sign bit.
There are 16 regular registers, numbered from 0 to 15.
R0 is a scratch register, with slightly limited functionality
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12 are general purpose registers SP, the stack pointer, is encoded as register 13
FP, the frame pointer, is encoded as register 14
PC, the program counter, is encoded as register 15
The instruction format
I is the Indirect bit. Two’s complement, range -32768 to +32767
If bits 16-19 are all zero, i.e. “Index Register” indicates R0, then no index register is used when the instruction executes. Thus it is not possible to use R0 as an index register.
In the description of an instruction, the term reg refers to the register indicated by bits 20 to 23 (main register), and operand refers to the combination of indirect bit, index register, and numeric operand as illustrated on the next two pages.
If the term value appears in the description, it refers to the value of the operand, which is calculated as follows:
part1 = numeric operand; part2 = 0;
if (index register  0)
part2 = contents of indicated index register total = part1 + part2;
if (indirect bit  0)
value = contents of memory location [total];
value = total;
If the sequence “reg ← x” appears, it means that the content of the main register is replaced by x.
If the sequence “destination ← x” appears, then the operand my consist of just an index register, in which case the content of the register is replaced by x, otherwise the indirect bit must be set, and the content of memory location [total] is replaced by x.
Main Register
Index Register
Numeric Operand

Assembly Examples:
0100101 0 0000 0000 0000000000000000 4AOOOOOO
0000100 0 0110 0000 0000000000000000 O86OOOOO
LOAD R2, 36
0000001 0 0010 0000 0000000000100100 O22OOO24
ADD R7, R3
0000110 0 0111 0011 0000000000000000 OC73OOOO
LOAD R7,R3+12
0000001 0 0111 0011 0000000000001100 O273OOOC
ADD R4, [R3]
0000110 1 0100 0011 0000000000000000 OD43OOOO
STORE R2, [1234]
0000011 1 0010 0000 0000010011010010 O72OO4D2
STORE R2, [R5 ‐ 375]
0000011 1 0010 0101 1111111010001001 O725FE89
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
Operation Indirect bit Main register Index register Numeric
= 37 =0 =0 =0 =0
=4 =0 =6 =0 =0
=1 =0 =2 =0 =36
=6 =0 =7 =3 =0
=1 =0 =7 =3 =12
=6 =1 =4 =3 =0
=3 =1 =2 =0
= 1234
=3 =1 =2 =5
= -375

Execution Examples, starting from these values already in memory:
27100 592
27101 759
27102 43
27103 27105
27104 2
27105 682
27106 11
27107 22
27108 33
LOAD R2, 5
LOAD R3, R2+4
LOAD R4, 27102
LOAD R5, [27100]
LOAD R6, [R4]
ADD R6, R2
STORE R6, [27101]
STORE R6, [R4 ‐ 2]
LOAD SP, 27108
STORE R6, 27101
The value
The value
The value
The value
The value
The value
The content of memory location 27101 is changed from 759 to 48 The value stored in register 6 is now 49
stored in register 2 is now 5 stored in register 3 is now 9 stored in register 4 is now 27102 stored in register 5 is now 592 stored in register 6 is now 43 stored in register 6 is now 48
The content of memory location 27100 is changed from 592 to 49 The value stored in register 13 (stack pointer) is now 27108
The content of memory location 27107 is changed from 22 to 5 The value stored in register 13 (stack pointer) is now 27107
The content of memory location 27106 is changed from 11 to 43 The value stored in register 13 (stack pointer) is now 27106
The value stored in register 4 is now 43
The value stored in register 13 (stack pointer) is now 27107
Fails to execute, as the operand does not address memory.

opcode mnemonic
1 LOAD reg, operand
2 LOADH reg, operand
3 STORE reg, operand
the processor is halted, execution of instructions stops.
reg ← value
reg ← ( reg  FFFF ) + ( value « 16 )
the most significant 16 bits of the register are replaced
destination ← reg
destination ← value + 1
destination ← value ‐ 1
reg ← reg + value
reg ← reg ‐ value
reg ← reg × value
reg ← reg ÷ value
reg ← reg modulo value
reg ← value ‐ reg
reg ← value ÷ reg
reg ← value modulo reg
reg ← reg  value
reg ← reg  value
reg ← reg  value
reg ← ~ value
flagZ ← 1 if most sig. (value) bits of reg all 0, otherwise 0 reg ← reg « value, zeros being inserted at the right
flagZ ← 1 if least sig. (value) bits of reg all 0, otherwise 0 reg ← reg » value, zeros being inserted at the left
flagZ ← 1 if reg = value, otherwise 0 flagN ← 1 if reg < value, otherwise 0 flagZ ← 1 if value = 0, otherwise 0 flagN ← 1 if value < 0, otherwise 0 flagZ ← valueth bit of reg valueth bit of reg ← 1 valueth bit of reg ← 0 4 INC 5 DEC 6 ADD 7 SUB 8 MUL 9 DIV operand operand reg, operand reg, operand reg, operand reg, operand reg, operand 10 MOD 11 RSUB reg, operand 12 RDIV reg, operand 13 RMOD reg, operand 14 AND reg, operand 15 OR reg, operand 16 XOR reg, operand 17 NOT reg, operand 18 SHL reg, operand 19 SHR reg, operand 20 COMP reg, operand 21 COMPZ operand 22 TBIT reg, operand 23 SBIT reg, operand 24 CBIT reg, operand 25 26 27 28 29 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 30 31 32 33 34 JUMP operand JZER reg, operand JPOS reg, operand JNEG reg, operand JCOND JCOND EQL, operand JCOND NEQ, operand JCOND LSS, operand JCOND LEQ, operand JCOND GTR, operand JCOND GEQ, operand JCOND ERR, operand GETFL reg, operand SETFL reg, operand GETSR reg, operand SETSR reg, operand PUSH operand PC ← value if(reg=0)PC←value if (reg0)PC←value if(reg<0)PC←value Note that no main register is used with the JCOND instruction. Instead, its 4 bits are used to encode one of the seven condition tests shown here. if(flagZ)PC←value if (~flagZ ) PC ← value if(flagN)PC←value if (flagZflagN) PC←value if ( ~flagZ  ~flagN ) PC ← value if(~flagN)PC←value if(flagE)PC←value reg ← flag[value] flag[value] ← reg reg ← specialregister[value] specialregister[value] ← reg SP ← SP‐1 memory[SP] ← value destination ← memory[SP] SP ← SP+1 SP ← SP‐1 memory[SP] ← PC PC ← value PC ← memory[SP] SP ← SP+1 value is treated as a memory address. The regth 8-bit byte (character) starting from that address in memory is loaded into reg. i.e., reg ← byte (reg modulo 4) of memory[value + reg÷4] value is treated as a memory address. The regth 8-bit byte (character) starting from that address is replaced by the value of register 0 without modifying the other 24 bits of that word. byte (reg modulo 4) of memory[value + reg÷4] ← R0 Control peripheral activity: see separate documentation all flags ← reg 35 36 CALL 37 RET 38 LDCH 39 STCH 40 PERI reg, operand reg, operand 42 FLAGSJ reg, operand POP operand operand 43 WAIT 44 PAUSE 45 BREAK 46 IRET PC ← value CPU idles until interrupted CPU idles for approximately 50mS, unless interrupted Enter CPU single-stepping mode all flags ← memory[SP+1] PC ← memory[SP+5] FP ← memory[SP+6] SP ← memory[SP+7] R12 ← memory[SP+8] R11 ← memory[SP+9] R10 ← memory[SP+10] R9 ← memory[SP+11] R8 ← memory[SP+12] R7 ← memory[SP+13] R6 ← memory[SP+14] R5 ← memory[SP+15] R4 ← memory[SP+16] R3 ← memory[SP+17] R2 ← memory[SP+18] R1 ← memory[SP+19] R0 ← memory[SP+20] SP ← SP+21 47 SYSCALL reg, code memory[SP-1] memory[SP-2] memory[SP-3] memory[SP-4] memory[SP-5] memory[SP-6] memory[SP-7] memory[SP-8] memory[SP-9] memory[SP-10] ← R9 memory[SP-11] ← R10 memory[SP-12] ← R11 memory[SP-13] ← R12 memory[SP-14] ← SP memory[SP-15] ← FP memory[SP-16] ← PC memory[SP-17] ← reg memory[SP-18] ← main register number memory[SP-19] ← code memory[SP-20] ← all flags memory[SP-21] ← 40 SP ← SP‐21 PC ← memory[specialregister[CGBR] + code] flagSys ← 1 ← R0 ← R1 ← R2 ← R3 ← R4 ← R5 ← R6 ← R7 ← R8 48 ATAS reg, operand 49 PHLOAD reg, operand 50 PHSTORE reg, operand 51 VTRAN reg, operand 52 MOVE reg, reg2 53 FADD reg, operand 54 FSUB reg, operand 55 FMUL reg, operand 56 FDIV reg, operand 57 FCOMP reg, operand 58 FCOMPZ reg, operand 59 FIX reg, operand 60 FRND reg, operand 61 FLOAT reg, operand 62 FLOG reg, operand 63 FEXP reg, operand 64 FFO reg, operand 65 FLZ reg, operand 66 RAND reg reg ← value ; destination ← 1 performed indivisibly, ignoring interrupts reg ← physicalmemory[value] physicalmemory[value] ← reg reg ← physical address for virtual address value while R0 > 0 repeat
{ memory[reg2] ← memory[reg]
reg2 ← reg2 + 1 reg ← reg + 1 R0 ← R0 ‐ 1 }
floating point: reg ← reg + value floating point: reg ← reg ‐ value floating point: reg ← reg × value floating point: reg ← reg ÷ value
floating point:
flagZ ← 1 if reg = value, otherwise 0 flagN ← 1 if reg < value, otherwise 0 floating point: flagZ ← 1 if reg = 0, otherwise 0 flagN ← 1 if reg < 0, otherwise 0 reg ← (int)value, value interpreted as floating point reg ← (float)(closest int to value), both floating point reg ← (float)value, value interpreted as an integer floating point: reg←naturallog(reg), if value=0 reg ← log base value(reg), otherwise floating point: reg←etopower(reg), if value=0 reg ←value to power(reg), otherwise reg ← number of bits to right of first 1 in value if value = 0: reg ← ‐1, flagZ ← 1, flagN ← 1 reg ← number of bits to right of last 0 in value if value =‐1: reg ←‐1, flagZ ← 1, flagN ← 1 reg ← random positive number 67 TRACE reg, operand 68 TYPE operand 69 INCH operand 70 ANDN reg, operand 71 ORN reg, operand 72 NEG reg, operand 73 FNEG reg, operand 74 ROTL reg, operand 75 ROTR reg, operand 76 ASR reg, operand 77 EXBR reg, operand 78 EXBRV reg, operand 79 DPBR reg, operand 80 DPBRV reg, operand 81 ADJS reg, operand 82 UEXBR reg, operand 83 UEXBRV reg, operand 84 UCOMP reg, operand 85 UMUL reg, operand 86 UDIV reg, operand 87 UMOD reg, operand 88 CLRPP operand 89 FILL reg, operand display PC, reg, and value on console send single character value to controlling teletype destination ← one character code from controlling keyboard or ‐1 if none available reg←reg~value reg←reg~value reg ← ‐ value reg ← ‐ value, value interpreted as floating point reg is shifted value bits left, with the bits lost at the left being reinserted at the right. reg is shifted value bits right, with the bits lost at the right being reinserted at the left. flagZ ← 1 if least sig. (value) bits of reg all 0, otherwise 0 reg ← reg » value, the sign bit being duplicated at the left R0 ← bit range described by reg from value, with the most significant bit of the range giving the sign. R0 ← bit range described by reg of value, with the most significant bit of the range giving the sign. bit range described by reg from value ← R0. bit range described by reg of value ← R0. the bit range selector in reg is advanced by value positions, taking into account the range size and the requirement for ranges not to span two words. value may be negative. R0 ← bit range described by reg from value, unsigned. R0 ← bit range described by reg of value, unsigned. flagZ ← 1 if reg = value, otherwise 0 flagN ← 1 if reg < value, otherwise 0, an unsigned comparison reg ← reg × value, unsigned reg ← reg ÷ value, unsigned reg ← reg modulo value, unsigned page containing physical address value all set to zero while R0 > 0 repeat
{ memory[reg2] ← value

reg ← reg + 1 R0 ← R0 ‐ 1 }

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