CS计算机代考程序代写 android Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Sandy Gould s.gould@cs.bham.ac.uk
1st February 2021

Who am I?
Sandy Gould
– I am a Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction.
– I am teaching all components of this module.
– My research area is Human Computer Interaction.
– More information about me: http://sjjg.uk
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Contact information
– Office hours: Fridays 0900-1100
– Office location: Zoom; see Canvas page. – Email: s.gould@cs.bham.ac.uk
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Structure of the module
The course has two aspects:
– Synchronous aspects.
These are aspects that are taught ‘live’, for example, this Zoom lecture, or the Friday lab.
– Asynchronous aspects.
These are aspects that require you to study in your own time, for example, podcasts and set readings.
Both are essential for success on this module!
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Synchronous sessions
– Lectures:
– One hour, Mondays 0900 on Zoom. See Canvas for details.
– Labs:

– –
One hour, Fridays 1600 on Zoom. See Canvas for details. F2F Sessions:
Definitely not running in Weeks 1-5 inclusive. Sign-up through Friday quiz will be required in future weeks where F2F teaching runs. See Canvas for details.
In Weeks 1-5 I am running a Pomodoro session on Zoom 13.00-15.00 on Tuesdays. These will continue in any weeks where F2F teaching does not take place. See Canvas for details.
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Module assessment – formative assessments
– Each week you will have a variety of tasks set for you.
– You’ll have a learning log to complete each Friday by midday.
– Some weeks this will be a quiz based on a set reading.
– Other weeks it might be a technical task.
– These tasks are formative. They are compulsory, but they do not count to your grade for the module. Completing them will leave you better equipped for the summative assessments.
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Style of the module
– A mixed module
– Technical (e.g., working with
APIs, sampling sensor data)
– Theory (e.g., human memory, context awareness)
– Lectures will touch on on both technical and theory components. Labsheets focus on technical aspects.
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Podcasts and Strava
– During the pandemic, people’s activity levels have dropped way down!
– It can be hard to stay active when you’re studying if all of your materials
mean you need to be sitting at a desk.
– I’ve turned the key materials for the module into a podcast. This way you can learn module materials while you get out for a walk!
– I’d like it –if you’re able– to try and be active while you’re listening to these podcasts.
– The materials are also available in written form.
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Podcasts and Strava
– We know that getting active can be more successful if there is a social aspect to it.
– I’ve developed a webapp that connects to Strava
– When you add MUC pod to the title or description of an activity the
webapp picks it up.
– The number of trips, the number of participants and the total distance (along with photos) are shown for everyone.
– If you don’t want to participate, you can still check in to see photos and stats!
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Your expectations of me
– For me to record Monday lectures whenever possible.
– I will make slides available before class.
– For me to be available during labs and office hours.
– To respond to emails and Canvas messages in a timely manner.
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

My expectations of you
– To attend the Monday lectures.
– To attend the Friday labs if you need help.
– To complete the weekly tasks and learning log.
– To spend ~130 hours working on this module (including classes)
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

What kinds of things will we be covering?
– Theory of UbiComp –
– Interactional challenges –
on mobile devices
– Context-aware systems –
– Mobile notifications –
– Location-based services
Privacy and security
Gesture-based interaction
RESTful APIs Android API
– Sensor frameworks
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

Pomodoro classes
– For Weeks 1-5 (at least), I’ll be running Pomodoro sessions.
– I know lots of you like the structure of a timetable.
– So during this time, we’ll get together on Zoom and work through a few Pomodoros.
– Attendance is optional, but it’s a good way to have that feeling of structure.
– Take a look at the wiki article about Pomodoro, make sure you have a list ready to work through if you join the session.
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

We’ll finish with a Kahoot!
Go to:
kahoot.it In a browser!
Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing – Sandy Gould, University of Birmingham – 1st February 2021

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