CS计算机代考程序代写 “””

QUESTION 4: Stacks

4 marks, ~10 minutes

Here’s a mystery_sort function that is meant to sort some kind of list, i.e.,
lists that satisfy certain preconditions.

Read the code and answer the questions below.

def mystery_sort(lst: List[int]) -> List[int]:

s1 = Stack()
s2 = Stack()
flag = True
i = 0
while i < len(lst): if flag and (s1.is_empty() or lst[i] > s1.peek()):
flag = False
i += 1
res = []
while not s2.is_empty():
while not s1.is_empty():
while not s2.is_empty():
return res

(a) Below, provide an example input such that mystery_sort return a sorted
copy of the list in non-decreasing order.

– the input list must be of size 7
– the input must NOT be sorted in either non-increasing or non-decreasing order.

Write your input here:

(b) Below, provide an example input that is sorted in non-decreasing order
but the return value of mystery_sort is NOT sorted.

– the input list must be of size 5

Write your input here:

(c) Describe a precondition for the input list such that the mystery_sort()
method returns a sorted copy of the input in non-decreasing order.
Your precondition should include as many valid inputs as possible.

Write your precondition here:

(d) What is the time complexity of mystery_sort in terms of n, the size of the
input list? Assume that the Stack is implemented in the efficient way that we
learned in this course.

Write your answer in big-Oh (O(???)) and briefly justify.


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