CS代考 Predictive Data Analytics – cscodehelp代写

Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is Machine Learning?
How Does Machine Learning Work? What Can Go Wrong With ML?
The Predictive Data Analytics Project Lifecycle: Crisp-DM

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
What is Predictive Data Analytics?

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
Predictive Data Analytics encompasses the business and data processes and computational models that enable a business to make data-driven decisions.

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
Figure: Predictive data analytics moving from data to insights to decisions.

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
Example Applications:
Price Prediction Fraud Detection Dosage Prediction Risk Assessment Propensity modelling Diagnosis
Document Classification

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
What is Machine Learning?

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
(Supervised) Machine Learning techniques automatically learn a model of the relationship between a set of descriptive features and a target feature from a set of historical examples.

Figure: Using machine learning to induce a prediction model from a training dataset.

Figure: Using the model to make predictions for new query instances.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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34 2.96 41 4.64 36 3.22 41 3.11 48 3.80 61 2.52 37 1.50 40 1.93 33 5.25 32 4.15
repaid default default default default repaid repaid repaid default default
What is the relationship between the descriptive features (OCCUPATION, AGE, LOAN-SALARY RATIO) and the target feature (OUTCOME)?

What is Predictive Data Analytics?
What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
if LOAN-SALARY RATIO > 3 then OUTCOME=’default’
OUTCOME=’repay’ end if

What is Predictive Data Analytics?
What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
if LOAN-SALARY RATIO > 3 then OUTCOME=’default’
OUTCOME=’repay’ end if
This is an example of a prediction model

What is Predictive Data Analytics?
What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
if LOAN-SALARY RATIO > 3 then OUTCOME=’default’
OUTCOME=’repay’ end if
This is an example of a prediction model
This is also an example of a consistent prediction model

What is Predictive Data Analytics?
What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
if LOAN-SALARY RATIO > 3 then OUTCOME=’default’
OUTCOME=’repay’ end if
This is an example of a prediction model
This is also an example of a consistent prediction model
Notice that this model does not use all the features and the feature that it uses is a derived feature (in this case a ratio): feature design and feature selection are two important topics that we will return to again and again.

What is Predictive Data Analytics? What is ML? How Does ML Work? Underfitting/ Summary
What is the relationship between the descriptive features and the target feature (OUTCOME) in the following dataset?

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