CS代考 CSCI 4061 Introduction to Operating Systems – cscodehelp代写

CSCI 4061 Introduction to Operating Systems
 System I/O and Files
 File definition and types  File I/O operations
Data Input/Output
 Hardware devices:
 Keyboard, monitor, printer, touchscreen  Hard disk, flash drive, network card
 Q1: How does the OS make it easy to access multiple devices?
 Q2: How do applications read and write data?
Operating System Structure
Operating System

OS Interface to Devices
 All I/O is basically done through device drivers  Device drivers:
 Special kernel programs that control devices  Hide complexity of device
 Protect device from unauthorized access
Application Interface to OS
 OS provides system call interface to applications to perform I/O
 In some Operating Systems, the I/O interface could be heavily device-dependent
 Is this a problem?
Unix I/O: Files
 All devices are mapped to files  Everything is a file
 Uniform interface for I/O:
 A single set of system calls (open, close, read, write) with some additional ones
 Actual implementation of the system calls depends on device type
 Benefits?
File Types
 Files may be of different types, depending on:  Type of device (e.g., disk vs. network)
 Type of I/O (sequential vs. random-access)
 Some additional operations may be exposed to the user based on file type
 E.g.: creating a regular file on disk vs. creating a network connection

Unix File Types
 Regular files: Collection of data stored on disk
 Device files: Devices mapped onto files:
 Block or character
 Pipes and FIFOs: Special files used for data-
sharing across processes
 Directories: Collections of files
 Symbolic Links: Pointers to other files
 Sockets: Files used for network communication
File I/O Operations
 Open a file
 Read/write to/from the file
 Move around in the file if required
 Close the file when done
 Additional operations for different file types
 E.g.: make, change directories
 E.g.: set up, accept network connections
File I/O Operations: System Calls
 Open a file: open
 Read/write to/from the file:
 read
 write
 Move around in the file if required
 lseek (for regular/block device files)
 Close the file when done: close
 Additional system calls for different file types
 E.g.: mkdir, chdir for directories  E.g.: connect, accept for sockets
Opening a File: open
 Opens a file or creates a new file  Returns a file descriptor
 Process-specific handle to the file
 Used by process to identify the file  Parameters
 path: name of file to be opened  oflag: Mode of opening the file
 Additional flags: Combine using OR operation (|)
int open(char *path, int oflag, …);

Reading from a File: read
 Reads data from the current offset in the file  Parameters
 fd: file descriptor of file
 buf: buffer into which data is to be read
 Should have been allocated
 DO NOT pass NULL or unallocated buffer  nbytes: number of bytes to read
 read is typically a blocking system call 13
ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
Return value of read
 Number of actual bytes read
 Could be less than number of bytes requested
 End-of-file reached
 Character devices: line-by-line reading  Sockets: Network buffering
 0: End-of-file, could be device-dependent  -1: Error
ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
Reading from a File: read
char *buf= malloc(NBYTES*sizeof(char)); size_t nbytes, bytes_read;
bytes_read=read(fd, buf, nbytes);
if (bytes_read <= 0) /* Error or EOF */ handle_error_or_eof(); else if (bytes_read < nbytes) /* Try to read remaining bytes */ bytes_read=read(fd, buf+bytes_read, nbytes-bytes_read); 15 Writing to a File: write  Writes data to the current offset in the file  Parameters  fd: file descriptor of file  buf: buffer from which data is to be written  nbytes: number of bytes to write  Returns number of bytes written  Typically equal to the number of bytes passed  Otherwise, possible error (disk full, kernel buffer full, etc.) 16 ssize_t write(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes); 4 17 Closing a File: close  Closes an open file  Releases resources associated with the file: file descriptors, other kernel data if last close of file  Deletes file if marked for deletion and last close of file  Parameter: file descriptor to close  Returns:  0 if successful  -1 if error int close(int fd); Setting Offset in a File: lseek  Current file offset:  Position in file where next byte would be read from or written to  0 when file is opened, or end-of-file if opened in append mode  Returns:  New file offset  -1 if error 18 off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence); 19 Setting Offset in a File: lseek  Parameters:  fd: file descriptor  offset: number of bytes to skip  whence: where to skip from  SEEK_SET: from beginning of file  SEEK_CUR: from current position  SEEK_END: from end of file off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence); 20 Changing Offset in a File open read(..., 10) lseek(..., 40) read(..., 10) EOF 0 10 50 60 100 5 Buffering  All reads/writes eventually go to the disk or I/O device  What if we write 1 byte at a time?  Solution: Buffer a certain number of bytes before reading/writing them 22  Can be done in OS or in user space (e.g., through a library) Buffering Policies  Depends on device and file type  Fully Buffered  Data read/written only when whole buffer is filled  E.g.: Disk files (buffered in chunks of blocks)  Line buffered  Data written on newline  E.g.: Terminal I/O, stdin, stdout  Unbuffered  Data read/written immediately  E.g.: stderr  Device files: Depends on internal device/driver buffer 23 Buffering example  In what order do the prints happen? 24 printf(“A”); printf(“B”); fprintf(stderr, “Z”); printf(“C ”); fprintf(stderr, “Y”); printf(“D ”); fprintf(stderr, “X”); Forced Buffer Cleanup: fflush  Forces writing of any unwritten data in a buffer printf(“A”); fflush(stdout); printf(“B”); fprintf(stderr, “Z”); printf(“C ”); fprintf(stderr, “Y”); printf(“D ”); fprintf(stderr, “X”); 25 6 Buffering: Benefits and Limitations  Discussion: What are the benefits and limitations of buffering? 26 7

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