CS代考计算机代写 SE 433/333 Software Testing and Quality Assurance Winter 2021

SE 433/333 Software Testing and Quality Assurance Winter 2021
Project Phase 2
Requirements Analysis Evaluation
The second phase of the project should contain the following sections: Title
1. Contact Info: emails, name of group members, etc.
2. Requirements modeling: A brief overview about the project including
a. Functional/Nonfunctional requirements
b. Use case diagram(s)
c. Sequence diagram(s) (for only main scenarios)
d. Class diagram(s)
e. Tasks done, Tasks remaining (Your Progress)
The maximum number of pages is 8.
1. The project requirements is 20% of your project¡¯s grade
2. Each group member will obtain the same grade.
3. You will be graded on the quality of your project: design quality, technical soundness,
report quality.
All the text and diagrams must be electronically produced.
The PDF file name must be in the format projectRequirements-Group number Submit your PDF by 02/25/21 23:59 PM via D2L.

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