CS代考计算机代写 algorithm BU CS 332 – Theory of Computation

BU CS 332 – Theory of Computation
Lecture 20:
• More on NP
Sipser Ch 7.3‐7.5
• P vs. NP
Mark Bun April 13, 2020

Goals of complexity theory
Ultimate goal: Classify problems according to their feasibility and inherent computational difficulty
Decision problems which can be solved efficiently
Can we exhibit general classes of problems which are either in or provably not in ?
Some problems provably require exponential time! (Chapter 9)
: A fundamental and practically important class of problems which have defied classification, but nevertheless exhibits important structure ( completeness)
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Nondeterministic Time and NP
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Nondeterministic time
A NTM runs in time if on every input halts on within at most steps on every
computational branch
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Deterministic vs. nondeterministic time
accept or reject
reject reject
CS332 ‐ Theory of Computation

Deterministic vs. nondeterministic time
Theorem: Let be a function. Every NTM running in time has an equivalent single‐tape TM running in
Finite control
𝑤􏵶 ⊔
# 𝑤􏶋 3 7
nondeterministic choices from tape 3) Address in computation tree
CS332 ‐ Theory of Computation 6
􏶜􏶒􏶝 􏵳 􏶓
Proof: Simulate NTM by 3‐tape TM
𝑤􏵶 𝑤􏶊 𝑤􏶋 𝑤􏶑
Input 𝑤 to 𝑁 (read‐only) Simulation tape (run 𝑁 on 𝑤 using
1 3

Deterministic vs. nondeterministic time
Theorem: Let be a function. Every NTM running in time has an equivalent single‐tape TM running in
time 􏶜􏶒􏶝 􏵳 􏶓
Proof: Simulate NTM by 3‐tape TM • # leaves:
• # nodes:
Running time:
simulation address
To simulate one root‐to‐node path:
Total time:
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Deterministic vs. nondeterministic time
Theorem: Let be a function. Every NTM running in time has an equivalent single‐tape TM running in
􏶜􏶒􏶝 􏵳 􏶓
Proof: Simulate NTM by 3‐tape TM in time
􏶜􏶒􏶝 􏵳 􏶓
We know that a 3‐tape TM can be simulated by a single‐ tape TM with quadratic overhead, hence we get running time
􏶜􏶒􏶝􏵳􏶓 􏶊= 􏶊·􏶜􏶒􏶝􏵳􏶓= 􏶜􏶒􏶝􏵳􏶓
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Difference in time complexity
Extended Church‐Turing Thesis:
At most polynomial difference in running time between all (reasonable) deterministic models
At most exponential difference in running time between deterministic and nondeterministic models
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Nondeterministic time
A NTM runs in time if on every input 􏵳, halts on within at most steps on every
computational branch
1) Decides , and 2) Runs in time
is a class (i.e., set) of languages:
A language if there exists an NTM that
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NTIME explicitly
A language if there exists an NTM
such that, on every input

1. 2. 3.
Every computational branch of halts in either the accept or reject state within steps
iff there exists an accepting computational branch of on input
iff every computational branch of rejects on (or dies with no applicable transitions)
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Complexity class
Definition: is the class of languages decidable in polynomial time on a nondeterministic TM
CS332 ‐ Theory of Computation 12
􏶈􏶇􏶉􏵶 􏶇

Hamiltonian Path
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The following nondeterministic algorithm accepts in time
, where , adjacency matrix encoding
On input : (Vertices of are numbers ) 1. Nondeterministically guess a sequence
􏵶 􏶊
􏶇 of numbers
2. Check that number
􏶊 􏶇 is a permutation: Every appears exactly once
􏵶 3.Checkthat 􏵶
, 􏶇 ,andthereisanedge from every 􏶞 to 􏶞􏵵􏵶
4. Accept if all checks pass, otherwise, reject. 4/13/2020 CS332 ‐ Theory of Computation 14

An alternative characterization of
“Languages with polynomial‐time verifiers”
A verifier for a language is a deterministic algorithm such that iff there exists a string such that
Running time of a verifier is only measured in terms of
is a polynomial‐time verifier if it runs in time polynomial in on every input
(Without loss of generality, is polynomial in , i.e.,
CS332 ‐ Theory of Computation 15
for some constant )

Certificate :
1. Check that number
􏶊 􏶇 is a permutation: Every appears exactly once
􏵶 2.Checkthat 􏵶
has a polynomial‐time verifier
Verifier :
On input : (Vertices of are numbers )
, 􏶇 ,andthereisanedge from every 􏶞 to 􏶞􏵵􏵶
3. Accept if all checks pass, otherwise, reject. 4/13/2020 CS332 ‐ Theory of Computation 16

NP is the class of languages with polynomial‐ time verifiers
Theorem: A language iff there is a polynomial‐ time verifier for
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