CS代考程序代写 scheme compiler Test format

Test format
• 9 questions
• Test opens at 2:00pm (EST) on 2021-03-02 and closes at 4:00pm (EST) on
• You will have 2 hours to complete the test from the time you start
(assuming you start at least 2 hours before the test closes).
• Do not click “Finish attempt…” until you are done with the test.
Attempts cannot be reopened, and no second attempts will be provided.
Problem guidelines
• “Open book”
o You may use the course notes and your own past work (and any
code found therein) in the process of solving this exam.
o A calculator and compiler are allowed (and recommended)
• Your answers to each coding problem must work as described by each
question (for all reasonable inputs within the given constraints of each
• You may assume good inputs when specified. That is, if a function
specifies the type and/or range of an input, you can assume the
parameters will only have values of that type and/or range.
• There are no documentation or testing marks for the test.
• Spelling and grammar count, in so far as they are required to
communicate your ideas.
• About built-ins and libraries…
o You may use any built-in functions/operations/predicates you like,
provided that they are not explicitly forbidden by a problem.
o You may not use any unauthorized imports in your solutions (core
language features only).
Submission Guidelines
• Programming solutions must be submitted via file upload.
• All Scheme code should be written to run in R5RS. (Do not include a #lang
• No other programming languages will be graded.
• Use the course-standard extensions for all submitted files (.scm for
• Pictures of code or other unrunnable files will not be graded.
• Do not zip your files before submission.

• You should follow any and all provided function and file names. If names are not provided you may call them what you wish.
• Failure to follow any provided file or function naming conventions will result in a grade of zero for the affected solution(s).
• Parameter and variable names may be uniquely your own.
• Do not wait until the last minute of the test to submit your answers! (Set
an alarm to remind you).
• Any answers that were not submitted on time will not be graded.
• Note: Once you submit your test it is submitted for good, it will not
reopen. Do not click “Finish Attempt…” until you have fully completed the test.
• Absolutely no collaboration is allowed in the completion of this exam.
• Any collaboration, sharing, or copying of solutions (whole or partial) from
peers or the internet, will result in (at minimum) a grade of zero on the
test, and a citation for academic misconduct.
• If you use concepts from outside of the course in your solutions, you
should cite your source.
• Code copied from authorized sources (e.g. lecture notes) should be cited
(e.g. “From course lecture notes, chapter 2”).
• Do not post questions or answers from this test to any public forum, even
after you have finished the test.

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