CS代考程序代写 Review of Probability and Statistics

Review of Probability and Statistics
Zhenhao Gong University of Connecticut

Welcome 2
This course is designed to be:
1. Introductory
2. Focusing on the core techniques with the widest applicability
3. Less math, useful, and fun! Most important:
Feel free to ask any questions! ‡

Goal 3
Reviews the core ideas of the theory of probability and statistics that are needed for regression analysis and forecasting
􏰀 The probability framework for statistical inference 􏰀 Moments, Covariance, and Correlation
􏰀 Sampling Distributions and Estimation
􏰀 Hypothesis Testing and Confident interval

Review of Probability

Randomness 5
Most aspects of the world around us have an element of randomness:
􏰀 the gender of the next new person you meet
􏰀 the number of times your computer will crash while you are
writing a term paper
􏰀 the change of the stock market price
The theory of probability provides mathematical tools for quantifying and describing this randomness.

Basic Concepts 6
􏰀 The mutually exclusive potential results of a random process.
Probability of an outcomes:
􏰀 the proportion of the time that the outcome occurs in the long run.
Population (Sample space):
􏰀 the group or collection of all possible entities of interest.

Random Variable 7
Random variable Y:
􏰀 Mapping from sample space to the real numbers.
(e.g. the number of heads observed in flipping of a coin twice.)
Probability distribution function:
􏰀 Assigns a probability pi to each value of yi such that 􏰂ipi =1.
Probability density function (p.d.f.):
􏰀 A non-negative continuous function such that the area under f(y) between any points a and b is the probability that y assumes a value between a and b.

Discrete random variable 8
Cumulative probability distribution (c.d.f.) of Y:
􏰀 the probability that the random variable is less than or equal to a particular value.

Continuous random variable: normal 9 The normal probability density function of Y with mean μY
and variance σY2 :
􏰀 A bell-shaped curve, centered at μY .
􏰀 The area under the normal p.d.f. between μY − 1.96σY and μY + 1.96σY is 0.95.
􏰀 The normal distribution is denoted N (μY , σY2 ).

Standard normal 10
The standard normal distribution is the normal distribution with mean μ = 0 and variance σ2 = 1 and is denoted N(0, 1).
Random variables that have a N(0, 1) distribution are often denoted Z, and its corresponding c.d.f. is denoted by the Greek letter Φ; P (Z ≤ c) = Φ(c).
Suppose Y is distributed N (μY , σY2 ). Then Y is standardized by subtracting its mean and dividing by its standard deviation, that is, by computing Z = (Y − μY )/σY .

Moments 11
Summaries of various aspects of distribution of Y: mean = expected value (expectation) of Y
= the first moment of Y =E(Y)=􏰃piyi =μY
variance = the second moment of Y
= measure of the spread of the distribution =E(Y −μY)2 =σY2

standard deviation =
variance = σY (same units)

Skewness and kurtosis 12
Skewness: S = E(Y − μY )3/σY3
􏰀 measure of asymmetry of a distribution
􏰀 skewness = 0 : distribution is symmetric
􏰀 skewness > (<)0 : distribution has long right (left) tail Kurtosis: S = E(Y − μY )4/σY4 􏰀 measure of probability of large values 􏰀 kurtosis = 3 : normal distribution 􏰀 kurtosis > 3 : heavy tails

Joint distribution and covariance 14
Random variables X and Y have a joint distribution (at least two random variables).
The covariance between X and Y :
􏰀 cov(X,Y)=E[(X−μX)(Y −μY)]=σXY.
􏰀 measure of the extent to which two random variables X and Y move together.
􏰀 cov(X, Y ) > (<)0 means a positive (negative) relation between X and Y . 􏰀 depends on units of measurement (e.g., dollars, cents). Correlation 15 Frequently we convert the covariance to a correlation by standardizing by the product of σY and σX, cov(X,Y) σXY corr(X,Y)=􏰄 =σ σ =γXY. var(X)var(Y) X Y 􏰀 −1≤corr(X,Y)≤1. 􏰀 corr(X, Y ) = 1: perfect positive linear association 􏰀 corr(X, Y ) = −1: perfect negative linear association 􏰀 corr(X, Y ) = 0: no linear association 􏰀 not depends on units of measurement Conditional distribution and mean 17 Conditional distribution of Y: 􏰀 The distribution of Y , given value(s) of some other random variable, X Example: the distribution of future values of a series conditional upon past values. Conditional mean or variance of Y: 􏰀 The mean or variance of conditional distribution: E(Y |X) and V ar(Y |X) (important!) Examples: the mean or variance of a series conditional upon its past values. Goal 18 Reviews the core ideas of the theory of probability and statistics that are needed for regression analysis and forecasting 􏰀 The probability framework for statistical inference 􏰁 􏰀 Moments, Covariance, and Correlation 􏰁 􏰀 Sampling Distributions and Estimation 􏰀 Hypothesis Testing and Confident interval

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