CS代考程序代写 Q1: Multiple choice questions.

Q1: Multiple choice questions.
Practice Questions
1) A webpage has two small-size pictures. The webpage and all three pictures are on the same server. Consider the following two statements.
I. If non-persistent HTTP connection with parallel TCP connections is used, it takes approximately 4RTT time to fetch the webpage and the objects.
II. If persistent HTTP connection without pipelining is used, it takes approximately 4 RTT times to fetch the webpage and the objects.
a. Both I and II are correct.
b. Both I and II are incorrect.
c. Only I is correct.
d. Only II is correct.
2) Choose
the incorrect statement from the following:
a. In TCP Reno (new version) a retransmission of a missing segment happens when the sender receives three duplicate ACKs
b. UDP does not provide flow control and congestion control
c. If a TCP receiver receives a packet with sequence number n, then it sends an ACK with
sequence number n+1 to the sender
d. At a TCP sender, if an ACK is received for packet n, then any unacknowledged packets
sent prior to n may be retransmitted
e. None of the above.
3) A host sends a packet with destination IP address of: with netmask of: to a recipient within its network. The destination is:
a. Another host within the same network.
b. The default router of the same network.
c. The sender itself and this is a ping packet.
d. None of the above.
4) Which one of the followings is not supported by IPv6.
a. Multicast.
b. Unicast.
c. Anycast.
d. Broadcast.
e. None of the above.
5) Which of the following is private IP address?
e. None of the above.

Q2: Short answer questions. Note that full marks are assigned to only brief, concise, and detailed answers.
a) What is an end-to-end delay of a packet in a network? (1 mark)
b) What are the delays that constitute the end-to-end delay? Just name them. (1 mark)
c) What is flow control? (1 mark)
d) Provide 3 differences between HTTP and SMTP? (2 marks)

e) What is the name of model that allows to implement protocol layering and has become a de-facto industry standard for heterogeneous networking? What are the names of its layers? (1 mark)
f) Explain what is encapsulation? (1 mark)
g) Determine the checksum for the binary number 1100 1010 1101 0011. Assume 4-bit word and use a module arithmetic of mod 24-1. (1 mark)
h) What does a globally unique address for applications consists of? (1 marks)

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