CS代考程序代写 Homework 2: STA465/ STA2016

Homework 2: STA465/ STA2016
Homework 2 is due on Monday, February 22nd at 23:59 EST. The homework assignment is worth 20 points in total.
Question 1 (8 pts)
Use the ¡®World¡¯ data set available in the R package tmap. Question 1.1
What type of spatial object is the ¡®World¡¯ data set? What is the CRS?
Question 1.2
What is the projection used and what aspect(s) are preserved?
Question 1.3
Using the projection argument of tm_shape(), create maps of the World data set with two other projections. State what aspect(s) are preserved with the projections you use.
Question 1.4
The ¡®World¡¯ data set contains a column labeled ¡°HPI¡± that stands for Happy Planet Index. Information about this metric can be found here: http://happyplanetindex.org Make a four panel map that plots: HPI, life expectancy, footprint and inequality.
Question 2 (8 pts)
Altitude data for the USA can be obtained using the raster R package:
usa_elev <- raster::getData(¡¯alt¡¯, country=¡¯USA¡¯, level=1) Select the altitude data for Oahu, Hawaii, only. Question 2.1 Make the altitude data for Oahu into a spatial object with geometry type points. Include R code used and output of the data set to show that it is in fact now a spatial object. Do not forget to select a CRS. 1 Question 2.2 Using a basemap of your choosing, plot the altitude points onto a map of Oahu. Allow the points to change colors by altitude. Include R code used. Question 2.3 Convert the spatial object into a raster, and plot the raster. Include R code and show that the object is now a raster. Question 2.4 Download the data for organic matter at https://gis.ctahr.hawaii.edu/SoilAtlas#downloads. What soil or- ders of organic matters exist at altitudes of > 1000 m? Make a map of the organic matter soil orders for altitudes > 1000 m. Include R code.
Question 3 (4 pts)
Question 3.1
Using the R packages tmap or mapview, make the plot in Question 1.4 interactive.
Question 3.2
Using the R packages tmap or mapview, make the plot in Question 2.2 interactive.

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