CS代考程序代写 algorithm Routing Among Obstacles1

Routing Among Obstacles1
André van Renssen
1Joint work with Prosenjit Bose, Rolf Fagerberg, Matias Korman, and Sander Verdonschot

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
We want:
▶ a connected graph,
▶ few edges (linear in number of nodes), ▶ short paths between nodes,
▶ preferably no “central” nodes.
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Graph H is a t-spanner of a graph G if and only if
for all pairs of vertices u and v , δH (u , v ) ≤ t · δG (u , v )
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Graph H is a t-spanner of a graph G if and only if
for all pairs of vertices u and v , δH (u , v ) ≤ t · δG (u , v )
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
We want:
▶ a connected graph,
▶ in the presence of obstacles,
▶ few edges (linear in number of nodes), ▶ short paths between nodes,
▶ preferably no “central” nodes.
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Graph H is a t-spanner of a graph G if and only if
for all pairs of visible vertices u and v , δH (u , v ) ≤ t · δG (u , v )
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Graph H is a t-spanner of a graph G if and only if
for all pairs of visible vertices u and v , δH (u , v ) ≤ t · δG (u , v )
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Graph H is a t-spanner of a graph G if and only if
for all pairs of visible vertices u and v , δH (u , v ) ≤ t · δG (u , v )
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Graph H is a t-spanner of a graph G if and only if
for all pairs of visible vertices u and v , δH (u , v ) ≤ t · δG (u , v )
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners:
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners: ▶ Greedy spanner
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners: ▶ Greedy spanner
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners: ▶ Greedy spanner
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners: ▶ Greedy spanner
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners: ▶ Greedy spanner
▶ Delaunay graphs
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners: ▶ Greedy spanner
▶ Delaunay graphs
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners:
▶ Greedy spanner ▶ Delaunay graphs ▶ Yao graphs
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners:
▶ Greedy spanner ▶ Delaunay graphs ▶ Yao graphs
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Constrained Spanners
Various types of spanners:
▶ Greedy spanner ▶ Delaunay graphs ▶ Yao graphs
▶ Θ-graphs
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
w x
v y
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
w x
v y
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
w x
v y
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
w x
v y
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
w x
v y
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θm -Graph
All constrained Θm -graphs with m ≥ 6 cones are spanners
w x
v y
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Great! We have a spanner! Now what?
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Use SSSP algorithm
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Use SSSP algorithm
▶ Not feasible when the graph is very large
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Use SSSP algorithm
▶ Not feasible when the graph is very large ▶ Random walk
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Use SSSP algorithm
▶ Not feasible when the graph is very large
▶ Random walk
▶ Path can be very long
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Use SSSP algorithm
▶ Not feasible when the graph is very large ▶ Random walk
▶ Path can be very long
▶ Local competitive routing algorithm
▶ Local: uses only information about source, target, and neighbors of
current vertex
▶ Competitive: gives guarantees about length of the path
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Use SSSP algorithm
▶ Not feasible when the graph is very large ▶ Random walk
▶ Path can be very long
▶ Local competitive routing algorithm
▶ Local: uses only information about source, target, and neighbors of
current vertex
▶ Competitive: gives guarantees about length of the path
▶ No such algorithms known in the constrained setting
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θ6-Graph
v u
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θ6-Graph
v u
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θ6-Graph
v u
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θ6-Graph
v u
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
The Constrained Θ6-Graph
v u
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
General Routing Strategy
Alternate between:
▶ Use Θ-routing until we get stuck
▶ Route to an endpoint of the constraint blocking you
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Routing to a Constraint
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Routing to a Constraint
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Routing to a Constraint
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Routing to a Constraint
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Bounding the Number of Steps
If we always route to the endpoint of the constraint that is closest to the destination, we shouldn’t cycle
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Bounding the Number of Steps
If we always route to the endpoint of the constraint that is closest to the destination, we shouldn’t cycle
Recall: Constraints are edges of the visibility graph
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Bounding the Number of Steps
If we always route to the endpoint of the constraint that is closest to the destination, we shouldn’t cycle
Recall: Constraints are edges of the visibility graph
Need to show that we make some sort of progress:
▶ Always get closer?
▶ Can only route to a constraint once?
▶ Every vertex is visited a constant number of times? ▶ Potential function?
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Bounding the Number of Steps
If we always route to the endpoint of the constraint that is closest to the destination, we shouldn’t cycle
Recall: Constraints are edges of the visibility graph
Need to show that we make some sort of progress:
▶ Always get closer? No
▶ Can only route to a constraint once? Unclear ▶ Every vertex is visited a constant number of times? No
▶ Potential function? Unclear
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Θ-routing phase always gets closer, so ≤ n steps per phase
▶ Routing to a constraint visits a vertex at most once, so ≤ n steps per phase
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Θ-routing phase always gets closer, so ≤ n steps per phase
▶ Routing to a constraint visits a vertex at most once, so ≤ n steps per phase
Bounding the number of phase alternations:
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Θ-routing phase always gets closer, so ≤ n steps per phase
▶ Routing to a constraint visits a vertex at most once, so ≤ n steps per phase
Bounding the number of phase alternations:
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Θ-routing phase always gets closer, so ≤ n steps per phase
▶ Routing to a constraint visits a vertex at most once, so ≤ n steps per phase
Bounding the number of phase alternations:
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ Θ-routing phase always gets closer, so ≤ n steps per phase
▶ Routing to a constraint visits a vertex at most once, so ≤ n steps per phase
Bounding the number of phase alternations: ≤ 2k alternations t
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Improved Bound
Since the algorithm terminates:
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Improved Bound
Since the algorithm terminates:
▶ All Θ-routing phases combined take O(n) steps
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Improved Bound
Since the algorithm terminates:
▶ All Θ-routing phases combined take O(n) steps ▶ Route at most once to each constraint
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Improved Bound
Since the algorithm terminates:
▶ All Θ-routing phases combined take O(n) steps
▶ Route at most once to each constraint
▶ Each vertex is part of a constant number of routing paths to constraints
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Improved Bound
Since the algorithm terminates:
▶ All Θ-routing phases combined take O(n) steps
▶ Route at most once to each constraint
▶ Each vertex is part of a constant number of routing paths to constraints
Total: O(n) steps
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
We can route locally on the visibility graph by routing on the (non-plane) constrained Θ6-graph, reaching the destination in O(n) steps.
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ There are routing algorithms for constrained graphs
André van Renssen

Introduction Routing Conclusion & Open Problems
Conclusion & Open Problems
▶ There are routing algorithms for constrained graphs
Open Problems:
▶ Bound the length of the path of the second algorithm
▶ Local competitive routing algorithm
▶ General deterministic local (competitive) routing algorithm for all constrained Θ-graphs
André van Renssen

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