CS代考程序代写 {-

Module: Human.

This is the non-AI type of player. It chooses its actions according to the user input, following
the standard notation of the game.
module Players.Human where

import Data.Char
import Data.String

import Types
import Action
import Cell
import Player
import Board

— Translates commands to actions. There are two types:
— * Move commands of the form ‘c2’, meaning ‘move to c2’.
— * Place commands of the form ‘c3v’ meaning ‘place a vertical wall next to c3’ (similarly ‘h’).
commandToAction :: Board -> [Player] -> String -> Int -> Maybe Action
commandToAction _ (p:_) [i, j] _ = Just (Move (currentCell p, (i, digitToInt j)))
commandToAction _ (p:_) [i, j, d] _
| d == ‘h’ = Just (Place (wallTop (i, digitToInt j)))
| d == ‘v’ = Just (Place (wallRight (i, digitToInt j)))
| otherwise = Nothing
commandToAction _ _ _ _ = Nothing

— We build a human player from a name, a starting cell, a number of walls, an array of winning
— positions and ‘commandToAction’.
makeHumanPlayer :: String -> Cell -> Int -> [Cell] -> Player
makeHumanPlayer n c rws wps = Player {
name = n,
turn = 1,
currentCell = c,
remainingWalls = rws,
winningPositions = wps,
isHuman = True,
chooseAction = commandToAction }

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