create a multi-room chat server using Node.JS and Socket.IO

We will be grading the following aspects of your work. There are 75 points total.
Assignments must be committed to Bitbucket by the end of class on the due date (commit early and often). Failing to commit by the end of class on the due date will result in a 0.
Individual Portion (25 Points):
Node.JS is installed on your EC2 instance (5 points)
Take a screenshot of your browser visiting your EC2 instance serving up the college.html web page on port 3456, make sure the URL is visible in the screenshot.
The hello.txt, brookings.jpg, and college.html files all load successfully (4 points each)
Visiting a file that does not exist inside the static directory results in a 404 (4 points)
Discuss in the why phpinfo.php behaves the way it does when loaded through Node.JS (4 points)
Make sure all of your individual portion files are pushed to Bitbucket (include your node.js file, hello.txt, brookings.jpg, college.html, and phpinfo.php)
The TA should be able to simply download your repo and start up your file server, without having to copy files or create additional subdirectories
Multi-room Chat Server (50 Points):
Administration of user created chat rooms (25 Points):
Users can create chat rooms with an arbitrary room name(5 points)
Users can join an arbitrary chat room (5 points)
The chat room displays all users currently in the room (5 points)
A private room can be created that is password protected (5 points)
Creators of chat rooms can temporarily kick others out of the room (3 points)
Creators of chat rooms can permanently ban users from joining that particular room (2 points)
Messaging (5 Points):
A user’s message shows their username and is sent to everyone in the room (1 point)
Users can send private messages to another user in the same room (4 points)
Best Practices (5 Points):
Code is well formatted and easy to read, with proper commenting (2 points)
Code passes HTML validation (2 points)
node_modules folder is ignored by version control (1 points)
Usability (5 Points):
Communicating with others and joining rooms is easy and intuitive (4 points)
Site is visually appealing (1 point)
Creative Portion (10 Points)
Make sure to create a file pointing to your server

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