计算机代考程序代写 MAT332 – cscodehelp代写

Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Lecture 1
University of Toronto Mississauga
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1 Brief History of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
2 First Encounter of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
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From an Old Movie to an Older Theory
Figure: A Famous Movie Figure:
Have you seen this movie?
Who is this character (played by Jeff) in the movie?
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From an Old Movie to an Older Theory
Let’s listen to Jeff’s Explanation for Chaos Theory:
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From an Old Movie to an Older Theory
A wide range of evolution processes share the following properties: 1 deterministic
2 finite dimensional 3 differentiable
From your experience, which of the evolution processes below satisfies all these three properties?
Figure: Free fall object Figure: Heat propagation
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From an Old Movie to an Older Theory
The determinism has prevailed for more than 200 years since
finite dimensional ⇒ Ordinary Differential Equations ⇒ No Free Will differentiable
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The 3 Body Problem
The universal gravity law of Newton
F = G m1m2 , (1)
The 3 body problem describes the interaction of 3 point masses under
Newton’s universal gravity law.
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The 3 Body Problem
During a long period, the effort is put on the investigation of explicit formula of special solutions.
􏰧 Euler: collinear periodic orbits of the 3BP (1767);
􏰧 Lagrange: equilateral triangle periodic orbits of the 3BP (1772).
However the closed form solution does not exist in general for the 3 body problem.
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The Prize, the mistake, and the new discovery
Poincar ́e’s prize winning paper on restricted 3-body problem motivates many ideas in modern dynamical theory, including
􏰧 The stable theory: Theorem of Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser
􏰧 The chaotic theory: Theorem of Birkhoff-Smale
Since then, the study of dynamical system has switched from
quantitative aspects to qualitative aspects.
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Fortunately and Unfortunately
Forunately: in the beginging of the 20th century, the advent of quantum mechanics has substantially deluded the belief of determinism since Newton’s era.
Unfortunately: this revolution has put the great discovery of Poincar ́e in shadow.
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Revival of the Great Idea
In the 1960s, the fast development of electronic computer has made the large scale iteration possible.
􏰧 Ueda: Observed the random transitive phenomena
􏰧 Lorentz: Shows that long term weather prediction does not exists.
􏰧 : Connects the Chaos with Fractals.
􏰧 Feigenbaum (1975) and Coullet & Tresser (1978): Discovered the
universality in chaos
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On the beach of Rio
“…I would spend my mornings on that wide beautiful sandy beach swimming and body surfing. Also I took a pen and paper and would work on mathematics.”

“…This blythe spirit leads mathematicians to seriously propose that the common man who pays the taxes ought to feel that mathematical creation should b e supported with public funds on the beaches of Rio”

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On the beach of Rio
The Smale horseshoe reveals the mechanism of chaos from a geometric way, becomes the essential phenomenon in the search of chao.
Figure: Horseshoe Map Figure: Intersection “Thus the mathematics created on the beach of Rio was the horse-
shoe and the higher dimensional Poincar ́e’s conjecture”

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Basic Concepts in Dynamical Systems Definition (Phase Space)
In the above system, the vector x = (x1, x2, …xn) ∈ Rn is called a state of the system. The set of all possible states is called the phase space.
The ordinary differential equation is a natural tool to describe the evolution of , , processes. More precisely, we are interested in studying the following system
x ̇1(t) = f1(t, x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t)); x ̇2(t) = f2(t, x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t)); x ̇3(t) = f3(t, x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t));
x ̇n(t) = fn(t, x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t)).
One can consider the right-hand side as a ”dynamo”, providing
velocity for the evolution of x.
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Basic Concepts in Dynamical Systems
Let the vector x = (x1, x2, …xn) ∈ Rn stand for a vector in Rn, t is a real number, and f = (f1, f2, .., fn), then the above system can be abbreviated as
x ̇(t) = f(t,x(t)) (3)
􏰧 t: instantaneous time
􏰧 x(t): state at time t
􏰧 x ̇(t): instantaneous velocity
In this way one can interpret the system as governing the evolution of the process.
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Basic Concepts in Dynamical Systems
Next let’s discuss the definition of a vector field in an intuitive way
Definition (vector field)
A vector field is an assignment of a vector v(x) for each point x in the phase space, such that v(x) is a differentiable map of x.
Remark: Essentially the vector field consists of two parts: The point x
The vector v(x)
Warning: A vector field may vary along with time!
The equation
x ̇(t)=t x(r) |x(r )|
defined on the phase space R2 {0} depends on explicit on t (UTM) MAT332 Intro Nonlinear Dyn and Chao
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Autonomous Systems vs. Non-Autonomous Systems Definition (Autonomous System)
Consider the dynamical system x ̇(t) = f(t,x(t)). If f does not depend on t explicitly, then the system is called autonomous, otherwise the system is non-autonomous.
More precisely, an autonomous system is of the following form:
x ̇1(t) = f1(x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t)); x ̇2(t) = f2(x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t)); x ̇3(t) = f3(x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t));
x ̇n(t) = fn(x1(t), x2(t), …, xn(t)).
Autonomous System implies that the physical law that the system follow does not depend on time.
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Linear Systems vs. Nonlinear System Systems Definition (Linear System)
Consider the dynamical system x ̇(t) = f(x(t)). If f consists of only linear functions, then the system is called linear, otherwise the system is nonlinear. Let A be its (constant) coefficient matrix, the system can be denoted by
x ̇(t) = Ax(t)
For example, let’s consider for n = 2 the following system x ̇(t)=2x +3x
This is a linear system. What is its coefficient matrix?
1 1√2 x ̇(t)=x+ 2x
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Harmonic Oscillator
Example (The Harmonic Oscillation)
Consider the equation x ̈(t) = −x, x ∈ R. This equation is equivalent to the following system
x ̇ = y ;
y ̇ = −x. (7)
One can explicitly write down the solution as x (t ) = A cos(t + φ). From the explicit formule, one verifies easily that
The flow starting from (0, 0) will remain there forever.
The flow starting from any point (x0, y0) ̸= (0, 0) is 2π- periodic.
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Example (The pendulum)
Consider the equation x ̈(t) = −sinx, x ∈ R. This equation is equivalent to the following system
x ̇ = y ;
y ̇ = −sinx. (8)
Can you still solve the equation explicitly?
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A Geometric Approach
We can instead draw the vector field in the phase space, in order to understand some of its qualitative dynamical behaviours.
Question: Identify the fixed points, the periodic orbits, and the homoclinic orbit for the pendulum according to the picture.
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Double Pendulum
Now let’s amuse ourselves by watching behaviours of the double pendulum, and feel the meaning of ”sensitive to the initial condition”…
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Lessons From the above Examples
Hopefully we agree on the following (not proved yet) conclusions:
1 Two sources for the complexity of the system:
􏰧 The nonlinearity in the dynamics (from oscilltor to pendulum);
􏰧 The degree of freedom (from pendulum to double pendulum).
2 For nonlinear systems, we can still use geometric approach to study them (draw the vector field)
3 To start with the geometric approach, some typical orbits are essential (fixed points, periodic orbits, homoclinic/heteoclinic orbits)
4 To go further, we need to understand the behavior of the system near these special orbits, and we may want to approximate the nonlinear system by a linear system (when x is near 0, sin(x) ∼ x ).
A long yet exciting journey to go for the rest of the semester!
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