计算机代考程序代写 Java android Haskell /* – cscodehelp代写

This is a Kotlin version of the Haskell “Game of Life” program.


Kotkin is Google’s preferred language for developing Android


Kotlin is now Google’s preferred language for Android app development

Kotlin supports functional programming, as illustrated in this
direct translation of the Haskell program

Try to run it from the command line using these instructions:


$ kotlinc life.kt -include-runtime -d life.jar
$ java -jar life.jar


data class Cell (val x: Int, val y: Int)
typealias Grid = List


* A grid with all cells dead is represented by an empty list.

* We only list the cells that are alive.


fun isLive (c: Cell, g: Grid) = c in g
fun isDead (c: Cell, g: Grid) = ! isLive (c, g)

fun minHeight (g: Grid) = g.map { c -> c.y } . min()
fun maxHeight (g: Grid) = g.map { c -> c.y } . max()
fun minWidth (g: Grid) = g.map { c -> c.x } . min()
fun maxWidth (g: Grid) = g.map { c -> c.x } . max()

val blinker = listOf(Cell(1,1), Cell(2,1), Cell(3,1))
val glider = listOf(Cell(1,3), Cell(2,1), Cell(2,3), Cell(3,2), Cell(3,3))
val pentagenarian = listOf(Cell(1,2), Cell(2,2), Cell(2,3), Cell(4,1), Cell(4,3))
val nicolas = listOf(Cell(0,2), Cell(1,2), Cell(1,3), Cell(2,3), Cell(0,4), Cell(1,4))

/* Escape character: */

val esc : String = 27.toChar().toString()

/* Hardcoded terminal dimensions: */

val terminalWidth = 70
val terminalHeight = 22

/* Move cursor in terminal: */

fun goto(c: Cell) {
print (esc + “[” + (terminalHeight-c.y).toString() + “;” + (c.x+1).toString() + “H”)

/* Print a cell as a character in the terminal: */

fun printCell(c: Cell) {
if (c.x >= 0 && c.x < terminalWidth && c.y >= 0 && c.y < terminalHeight) { goto (c) print("O") } } /* Clear the terminal screen: */ fun cls () { print (esc + "[2J") } /* Render a grid in the terminal: */ fun render (g: Grid) { cls() g.forEach { c -> printCell(c) }
goto (Cell(0,terminalHeight))

/* The cartesian product of two lists: */

fun cartesianProduct(xs: List, ys: List) : List =
xs.map {x -> ys.map {y -> Cell(x , y)}} . flatten()

/* Some special grids: */

val unitGrid = cartesianProduct(listOf(-1, 0, 1),listOf(-1, 0, 1))
val unitGridWithoutCenter = unitGrid.filter { c -> !(c.x == 0 && c.y == 0) }

/* The list of neighbours of a cell in a grid: */

fun neighbours(c: Cell) = unitGridWithoutCenter.map { d -> Cell(c.x + d.x, c.y + d.y) }

/* How many live neighbourhoods a cell in a grid has: */

fun ngbLiveCount(c: Cell, g: Grid) = neighbours(c) . filter { d -> isLive(d , g) } . count()

/* Apply the rules of the Game of Life to a grid to get a new grid: */

fun step(g: Grid) : Grid {
if (g.isEmpty()) return g

val minX = minWidth (g) !!
val maxX = maxWidth (g) !!
val minY = minHeight(g) !!
val maxY = maxHeight(g) !!

val t = cartesianProduct((minX-1..maxX+1).toList(), (minY-1..maxY+1).toList())
val newg = t.filter { c -> (isLive(c, g) && ngbLiveCount(c, g) in 2..3)
|| (isDead(c, g) && ngbLiveCount(c, g) == 3) }
return newg

fun life1 (g: Grid) {

fun main() {
life1 (glider)

/* Alternative: */

/* Print successive iterations: */

fun printGrid(g: Grid, c1: Cell, c2: Cell) {
for (y in c2.y downTo c1.y) {
for (x in c1.x .. c2.x) {
print(if (isLive (Cell(x,y), g)) “O” else “.”)

fun iterate(f: (T) -> T, x: T, n: Int): List {
if (n==0) return listOf()
else return listOf(x) + iterate(f, f(x), n-1)

fun life2 (seed: Grid, n: Int) {
val gs: List = iterate({g -> step(g)}, seed, n+1)
val minX = gs.map {g -> g.map { c -> c.x }} . flatten() . min() !!
val maxX = gs.map {g -> g.map { c -> c.x }} . flatten() . max() !!
val minY = gs.map {g -> g.map { c -> c.y }} . flatten() . min() !!
val maxY = gs.map {g -> g.map { c -> c.y }} . flatten() . max() !!

for (i in 0..n) {
println(“GENERATION ” + i)
printGrid(gs[i], Cell(minX-1,minY-1), Cell(maxX+1,maxY+1))

fun main2() {
life2 (glider, 7)

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