计算机代考程序代写 database algorithm COMP3430 / COMP8430 Data wrangling – cscodehelp代写

COMP3430 / COMP8430 Data wrangling
Lecture 14: Blocking / indexing (2) (Lecturer: )

Lecture outline
● Improving traditional blocking
● Phonetic encoding techniques ● Alternative blocking techniques

Improving traditional blocking
● Problems with traditional blocking:
– An erroneous value in a blocking key variable results in a record being
inserted into the wrong block
– Attributes that are know to change will mean true matching record pairs
are potentially missed (for example, surname or postcode)
– Missing values mean BKV cannot be generated
– Frequency distribution of a BKV influences the number of record pairs
● Some of these problems can be overcome by careful selection of
the attributes to be used as blocking keys
● Others can be addressed by using phonetic encoding

Phonetic encoding
● Techniques that convert strings (assumed to be names) into
some form of code according to how a string is pronounced – Generally assuming English language
– Variations of techniques for other languages exist
● The earliest and still commonly used technique is Soundex – Patented in 1918 and 1922, used for analysis of older censuses
● Various other techniques improve upon drawbacks of Soundex – NYSIIS ( State Identification and Intelligence System), 1970
– Metaphone and Double-Metaphone, 1990 and 2000
– Phonex (direct improvement of Soundex), 1993
– Phonix, Fuzzy Soundex, Oxford name Compression Algorithm (ONCA), etc.

Phonetic encoding for blocking
● Name variations are common in databases used for linkage (because generally linkage requires names and addresses)
● Many name variations are valid (not errors)
● For example:
– “gail” versus “gayle” versus “gale” versus “gaile” – “albert” versus “alberta” or “alva” versus “alvie”
(all these are valid suburb names in Australia – check Australia Post!)
● Names are often recorded how people think they should be
spelled (based on their experiences)
● Phonetic encoding can help bring together spelling variations
of the same name for improved blocking

Soundex algorithm
● A simple algorithm to convert (name) strings into codes made of one letter and three digits
● Steps:
1) Keep first letter of a string
2) Remove all following occurrences of: a, e, i, o, u, y, h, w 3) Replace all consonants from position 2 onwards with digits
using these rules: b, f, p, v → 1
d, t → 3
m, n → 5
c, g, j, k, q, s, x, z → 2 l → 4
r → 6
4) Only keep unique adjacent digits
5) If length of a code is less than 4 add zeros, if longer truncate at length 4

Soundex examples
● “gail” → g400
● “christine” →c623
● “kristina” → k623
● “peter” → p360
“gayle” → g400 “christina → c623 “kirstin” → k623 “christen” → c623
● Online converter: http://resources.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/soundexconverter
● Questions: What is the Soundex code of your first and last name? What blocks do we get if we use Soundex of our
names compared to our names directly? What are some of the problems with Soundex?

Alternative blocking: Sorted neighbourhood
● Various alternatives to standard blocking have been developed, a popular approach is the sorted neighbourhood method
● Basic idea:
– Merge databases and sort them according to a sorting key – Slide a window over the sorted databases
– Compare records in the window
– Use several passes with different sorting criteria
– Window size can be fixed or adaptive (based on similarities between
– For a window of fixed size w, the number of comparisons becomes
w * (|D1| + |D2|), where |D| is the number of records in a database

Sorted neighbourhood example
● For example, a database is sorted using first and last name:

Alternative blocking: Canopy clustering
● Based on a computationally ‘cheap’ similarity measure such as Jaccard (set intersection based on q-grams)
● Records will be inserted into several clusters / blocks ● Algorithm steps:
1) Randomly select a record in database D as cluster centroid ci , i = 1, 2, . . . 2) Insert all records that have a similarity of at least sloose with ci into cluster Ci 3) Remove all records rj ∈ Ci (including ci) from D that have
a similarity of at least stight with ci, with stight ≥ sloose 4) If database D not empty go back to step 1)

Other blocking techniques
● Q-gram based blocking (e.g. 2-grams / bigrams)
– Convert attribute values into q-gram lists, then generate sub-lists:
“peter” →[‘pe’,‘et’,‘te’,‘er’], [‘pe’,‘et’,‘te’], [‘pe’,‘et’,‘er’], …
“pete” → [‘pe’,‘et’,‘te’], [‘pe’,‘et’], [‘pe’,‘te’], [‘et’,‘te’], …
– Records with the same sub-list value are inserted into the same block
– Each record will be inserted into several blocks
– Works well for ‘dirty’ data but has high computational costs
● Mapping-based blocking
– Map strings into a multi-dimensional space such that distances between
strings are preserved
● Many more advanced blocking techniques developed in recent
years, still an active research area

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