编程代写 SQL database Hive How to submit the MS-SQL work – cscodehelp代写

How to submit the MS-SQL work
This document will guide you through the process to get all the files needed for your submission. I am asking you to provide the information in a couple of ways in case any has a problem.
Please follow the instructions carefully!
1. On the desktop create folder Submission
2. If not already running, start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
3. Close any open query windows (saving work if required)
4. Expand the tree in the left hand panel so you can see the database EEEE4115 (figure 1)
Figure 1 – tree expanded showing the database EEEE4115
5. Right-click the database EEEE4115
6. From the menu that appears select Tasks and then click on Backup (figure 2)

Figure 2 – the location of ‘Backup’
7. The window as shown in figure 3 will be displayed (the text in blue may be slightly different – do not worry about this)

Figure 3: Initial backup database form
8. Highlight (if not already) the text in the lower panel (the one with the ‘Add’, ’Remove’ and ‘Contents’ button to the left.
9. Press remove – the form will then match that as in Figure 4

Figure 4: Form after the ‘Remove’ button has been pressed
10. Press Add (this will be the only button enabled of the three), a ‘Select Backup Destination’ form will appear (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Select Backup Destination form
11. Press on the rectangle with three dots (figure 6), a file browser will be presented (Figure 6)

Figure 6: File browser for backup
12. In the ‘Filename’ box enter EEEE4115_Database.BAK (figure 7) & press OK
Figure 7: Entering name for backup

13. You will now be back at the ‘Select Backup Destination’ form, press OK
14. You will now be back at the ‘Backup Database – EEEE1445’ form which should look as in
figure 8
Figure 8: Form ready for backup to begin
15. Press OK
16. The backup will begin and then complete a pop-up window will appear confirming this
(figure 9)

Figure 9: Backup completed
17. Press OK, you will now be back at the main screen (figure 10)
Figure 10: Back to the main screen

18. Right click the database EEEE4115, from the menu that pops up select Tasks and then click Detach (Figure 11)
Figure 11: Location of Detach

19. The detach database form will appear (figure 12). 20.
Figure 12: Ready to detach the database
21. Press OK
22. The database will now ‘disappear’ from the tree on the left (this is OK!)
23. Minimise the SQL management console
24. Open up the ‘Submission’ Folder
25. With the window highlighted press Ctrl + N ( hold down the Control key & Press N)
26. A second file browser will appear (Figure 13)

Figure 13: Two file browsers shown
27. In one of the file browsers, go to the folder
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL15.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBackup
28. In there you will see the file EEEE4115_Database.Bak
29. Copy this file to the ‘Submission’ folder (the other file browser)
30. Now browse to the folder
31. In here you will see two files EEEE4115 and EEEE4115_log (figure 14)
Figure 14: File browser in the MSSQL Data folder
32. Copy BOTH of these (EEEE4115 & EEEE4115_log) files into the Submission file browser

33. Your submission folder should now contain three files (figure 15)
34. You need to submit these three files as your submission for this task
35. You can now reattach the database (if you wish),
36. From the SQL Management console, highlight Databases, right-click and press Attach from
the menu that appears (figure 16)
Figure 16: Attach database from menu

37. From the form that appears (figure 17) press Add
Figure 17: Attach Database form
Figure 17: Attach database form

38. From the list of files presented (figure 18) select EEEE4115.mdf & press OK
Figure 18: Selecting database file to attach

39. The form will populate as per figure 19, press OK
Figure 19: Database files reattached
40. Your database is back!
All done – don’t forget to submit your work 😊
You can now submit your work either by logging into moodle (see how to change security to allow this on the following pages) from the VM or by copying the files to your own device and uploading from there. If you wish to use this approach you may find the link below helpful in configuring the RDP connection to allow this.
http://geekswithblogs.net/hroggero/archive/2015/03/10/copy-files-from-you-local-computer- to-an-azure-vm.aspx

NOTE: How to change the security settings on the server to allow you to access moodle
When using Internet Explorer to access moodle from the virtual server, you will be continually prompted about security levels (as the default setting is not to allow certain sites/pages etc.)
To get round this problem you need to change a setting via Server Manager, to do this 1. Start server manager

2. Select the ‘Local Server’ tile from left hand panel

3. In the right-hand panel click on the link to the right of ‘IE Enhanced Security Configuration’ (it should be showing ‘on’)
4. On the form that pop change both options to ‘Off’
5. Press OK

6. To confirm the change has been made press the ‘Refresh button’ on the top-right
7. The panel will now show ‘Off’ for the IE Enhanced Security Configuration (box added by me)
You will now be able to access moodle/email etc. from Internet Explorer.

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