程序代写CS代考 Week 8. Socket programming: Sending and Receiving Images – cscodehelp代写

Week 8. Socket programming: Sending and Receiving Images
In this lab, you need to investigate how to send an image by socket programming. The client side (sending side) is given in the lab_client.zip. You need to build up the server side (receiver side) so that you can send the images to the server.
(1) Read the code of the client carefully and understand each line.
(2) Write the server side to receive the file.
a. In the client, when you receive the data from the server, you also need to write the data to a file.
b. Close the file when the data transmission is done. The file saves your received image.
(3) Test if you can send a file from the client to the server in your local machine. Open the received image. It should be exactly the same as image you sent.
(4) Practice in pairs or run in two computers if possible. Run the client and server in two computers. Start your client and see if the file can be successfully received.
(5) Redo (3) or (4) and start Wireshark capture. Use Statistics->TCP Stream Graphs to check the throughput of the TCP connection.

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