程序代写CS代考 SQL scheme python database interpreter CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – cscodehelp代写

CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Spring 2017
Mock Final
• You have 1 hour to complete the exam.
• The exam is closed book, closed notes, closed computer, closed calculator, except one 8.5” × 11” cheat sheet
of your own creation.
• Mark your answers on the exam itself. We will not grade answers written on scratch paper.
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Instructional account (cs61a-_)
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Name of the person to your left
Name of the person to your right
All the work on this exam is my own.
(please sign)

1. (10 points) On My Way to San Jose
For each of the expressions in the table below, write the output displayed by the interactive Python interpreter when the expression is evaluated. If an error occurs, write “Error”. The first box has been filled in for you. Assume that the Link class has been defined. Assume that you have started python3 and executed the follow- ing: statements:
class City: num = 0
def __init__(self, name, pop, people=[]):
self.name = name
self.pop = pop
self.people = list(people) self.num += 1
class Place(City):
lnk = Link.empty
def __init__(self, name, city=None):
self.name = name self.city = city
lnk = self.lnk
while lnk != Link.empty:
lnk = lnk.rest lnk = self
class People:
def __init__(self,place,name,first=0):
self.place = place self.name = name if not first:
self.friend=People(self.place , “Friend”, 1)
print(self.place.city) self.place.city.people.append(self)
def goto(self, place):
self.place = place
print(self.name+” is at “+place.name)
san jose = City(“San Jose”, 1)
tech museum = Place(“Tech Museum”, san jose)
steve, bob = People(tech museum, “Steve”), People(Place(“Library”, san jose), “bob”)

san_jose.goto = People.goto san_jose.goto(tech_museum)
san_jose.goto = steve.goto san_jose.goto(tech_museum)
berkeley = City(“Berkeley”, 2, [steve, bob])
People.__init__(san_jose , san_jose , “Yali’s”)
berkeley.people[0] == san_jose.people[1]
san_jose.city = san_jose People.__init__(san_jose ,
san_jose , “Yali’s”) san_jose.name
[i.name for i in berkeley.people]

2. (10 points) Aaaaaaaaaaaa
Fill in the environment diagram that results from executing the code below until the entire program is finished, an error occurs. You may not need to use all of the spaces or frames.
A complete answer will:
• Add all missing names and parent annotations to all frames. • Add all missing values created or referenced during execution. • Show the return value for each local frame.

Name: 5 3. (10 points) Scheme-ing Merge Given two sorted lists, lst1 and lst2, return a list that sorts both in as-
cending order. Break ties in any way you wish.
(define (merge lst1 lst2)
(cond ((___________________) ____________________________________)
((___________________) ____________________________________) ((___________________) ____________________________________) (else (___________________________________________________))))
4. (10 points) Scheme-ing to Find a Path
Here is the BinTree class provided for your reference:
class BinTree: empty = ()
def __init__(self, label, left=empty, right=empty): self.label = label
self.left = left
self.right = right
Given a binary search tree and an entry, return the path in order to reach the entry from the root in the form of a list.
def pathfinder(bst, entry): “””
>>> bintree = BinTree(4, BinTree(2, BinTree(1)), BinTree(5))
>>> pathfinder(bst, 2)
[4, 2]
>>> pathfinder(bst, 1)
[4, 2, 1]
if __________________________________________:
__________________________________________ elif __________________________________________:
__________________________________________ elif __________________________________________:
return __________________________________________ else:
return _________________________________________________

5. (10 points) Homework Party: The SQL
You are a veteran at RuneSQL, a popular RPG (role-playing game) where you hone your skills to become the best player in the database! However, you are a little short on SUPER DUPER EPIC RARE 61A homework party hats. Other players (a.k.a. n00bs) are fortunately predictable. Through your many years of being a crafty RuneSQL economist, you have taken note of the trends in hat prices. The following chart shows the price per unit (in millions of RuneSQL coins) and quantity for a batch offer of party hats at a certain time (in minutes).
hat prices
time price
0 0.5 20 30 .3 10 60 0.75 40 90 0.7 25
120 1.3 25 150 1.25 30 180 0.4 5 210 0.45 10
Theres a catch! You will have to wait 1 hour after buying a single batch of hats or n00bs will get suspicious and market prices will change. Write a SQL select statement to show you the path to the maximum number of hats you can buy for 50 million coins, your current budget.
— Expected result:
— 0, 60, 210|70
WITH paths(path, prev_time, units, money) as (
SELECT __________________________________________________
FROM hat_prices UNION
SELECT ______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ FROM hat_prices , paths
WHERE money >= 0 and time – prev_time > 30
SELECT _________________________ FROM _________________________;

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