程序代写CS代考 scheme python interpreter CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs – cscodehelp代写

CS 61A Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Spring 2017
Final (revised)
• You have 3 hours to complete the exam.
• The exam is open book, open notes, closed computer, closed calculator.
• Mark your answers on the exam itself. We will not grade answers written on scratch paper.
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Reference Material.
# Linked Lists
class Link:
“””A linked list cell. >>> L = Link(0, Link(1)) >>> L.first
>>> L.rest
>>> L.first = 2
>>> L
Link(2, Link(1))
>>> L.rest = Link.empty >>> L
empty = ()
def __init__(self, first, rest=empty):
assert rest is Link.empty or isinstance(rest, Link) self.first = first
self.rest = rest
def __repr__(self):
if self.rest is Link.empty:
# Trees
return “Link({})”.format(self.first) else:
return “Link({}, {})”.format(self.first, self.rest)
class Tree:
“””A tree node.”””
def __init__(self, label, branches=[]): for c in branches:
assert isinstance(c, Tree) self.label = label self.branches = branches
def is_leaf(self):
return not self.branches
class BinTree: empty = ()
def __init__(self, label, left=empty, right=empty): self.label = label
self.left = left
self.right = right

Name: 3 # Streams
class Stream:
“””An infinite, lazily computed linked list.””” def __init__(self, first, rest):
“””A stream whose .first element is FIRST and whose .rest is either REST, if it is a Stream, or else the Stream resulting from calling REST(). In the latter case, the function is called only once when first needed, and its result is memoized.”””
def combine_streams(func, sa, sb):
“””Return the stream of values (FUNC(sa1, sb1), FUNC(sa2, sb2), …) where SA is (sa1, sa2, …) and SB is (sb1, sb2, …).”””
def filter_stream(pred, s):
“””Return the substream of S consisting of values, si, for which PRED(si).”””
def make_integer_stream(start):
“””Return the stream containing START, START+1, START+2, ….”””
def stream_to_list(s, n):
“””Return a list containing the first N elements of Stream S.”””

1. (8 points) What Would Python Do?
For each of the expressions in the table below, write the output displayed by the interactive Python interpreter when the expression is evaluated. The output may have multiple lines. If an error (exception) occurs, write “Error”. If an expression yields (or prints) a function, write “”. The first two rows have been provided as examples.
Important: The statements in the table are cumulative—assume that all preceding statements in the table have been executed before each entry.
Assume that python3 has executed the statements on the left initially:
def g(L):
def k():
yield iter(L)
yield iter(L)
return k
def inc(x):
x += 1
return x
def f1():
def h(x): y=x
return h
def f2():
def h(x):
S[2] = x
return h
S = [1, 2, 3]
p = g(S)()
Interactive Output
pow(2, 3)
print(4, 5) + 1
45 Error
t1 = next(p)
t2 = next(p)
z = inc(y) print(z, y)
z = f1()(6) print(z, y)
a = next(t2) b = next(t2) print(a, b)

Name: 5 2. (8 points) What’s the Point(er)?
(a) (4 pt) Fill in code below that, when executed, yields the situation shown in the diagram. The composite boxes in the diagram are Python list objects. Single boxes with labels to their left denote variables, not list objects. Boxes with diagonal lines through them contain None. You might not need the second blank line.
P: 1 2 3 4
P = _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ P____________________________ = ___________________________________________ P____________________________ = ___________________________________________ P____________________________ = ___________________________________________

(b) (4 pt) In the top diagram below, the two-slot objects are Links (see page 2). There are 2N > 0 of these Link objects altogether. Slots with diagonal lines through them contain Link.empty. Fill in the blanks to modify the boxes on the top into the state shown in the bottom diagram. That is, modify the list M destructively so that node k points to node k+2 if k is odd, and to node k−2 if k is even. The only exceptions are that node 2N − 1 continues to point to node 2N , and the resulting list ends at node 2.
Do not create any new Links and do not modify any .first fields.
M: 1 2 3 4 ···2N-12N
to 5
from 2N-3
M: 1 2 3 4 ···2N-12N from 6 to 2N-2
def relink(L, prev):
t = L.rest # L and t are never empty lists.
if _______________________________________________________________:
______________________ = relink(___________________________)
______________________________ = prev
return L
M = relink(M, Link.empty)

def g():
f = None
def h(x): nonlocal f
def inc(): nonlocal x
x += 1
return x if x > 0:
return f r = g()()
f = inc h(x-2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
Name: 7 3. (8 points) Environmental Issues
(a) (5 pt) Fill in the environment diagram that results from executing the code below until the entire program is finished. Fill in the function values (func …[parent=…]) with all function values created during execution.
func g() [parent=Global]
func [parent= ]
func [parent= ]
func [parent= ]
Global frame
f1: [parent= ]
Return value
f2: [parent= ]
Return value
f3: [parent= ]
Return value
f4: [parent= ] Return value

(b) (3 pt)
The diagram on the right below shows an environment diagram resulting from execution of a particular program. Fill in the blanks in the program on the left so as to create a situation consistent with the diagram on the right (do not change any of the environment diagram.)
1 2 3 4 5 6
def f(n, g): ifn>0:
return ______________________ else:
return ______________________ x = f(2, lambda: 1)()
func f(n,g) [parent= Global]
func λ () [parent= Global]
func λ () [parent= f1]
func λ () [parent= f2]
Global frame
f1: f [parent=Global] n2
g Return value
f2: f [parent=Global] n1
g Return value
f3: f [parent=Global] n0
g Return value
f4: λ [parent= f2] Return value 3
f5: λ [parent= f1] Return value 2
f6: λ [parent= Global] Return value 1

Name: 9 4. (8 points) Spring Pruning
Fill in the function prune below so that given a Tree (see page 2) with integer labels, it (destructively) deletes all nodes whose label is strictly less than that of their parent if their parent is at even depth, or whose label is strictly greater that that of their parent if their parent is at odd depth. Deleting a node deletes the entire subtree below it. The root of the entire tree is at depth 0. For example, given the tree on the left, your function should produce the tree on the right without creating any new Tree nodes. The function prune does not return a value.
397 97
24618 61
def prune(t):
def prune_level(t, d):
if ________________________________:
t.branches = _____________________________________________ else:
t.branches = _____________________________________________
for ___________________________________________________________:
____________________________________________________________ prune_level(t, 0)

5. (1 points) Sum of Human Knowledge
In what work do we find the sentence, “His series of judgements in F sharp minor, given andante in six-eight time, are among the most remarkable effects ever achieved in a Court of Chancery.”?
6. (6 points) Stream
What is printed by the following statements? The Stream class is defined on page 3. from operator import add, mul
nums = make_integer_stream(1) astream =
Stream(1, Stream(2,
Stream(3, Stream(4, lambda:
combine_streams(mul, bstream, combine_streams(add, bstream.rest, nums))))))
bstream = filter_stream(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, astream) print(stream_to_list(bstream, 5))

Name: 11 7. (8 points) Raises
Every employee in a company is given a raise every year by a percentage specific to that employee. Assume that there is a table ‘current’ of employee names and salaries, and another table ‘raises’ listing employee names and the fraction by which their salaries increase each year:
current raises
name salary name raise
For example, has a current salary of $60000, which is raised by 0.03 (3%) per year. From these tables, create two new tables ‘next’ and ‘future’ giving employee names and salaries next year and in K years, respectively. For example, given the tables above and taking K = 2, we should have
next future
name salary name salary
For the ‘future’ table, write ‘K’ wherever you need to put the number of years in the future (that is, your solution should work for any value of K.)
SELECT _____________________________________ FROM _______________________
WHERE ____________________________________________________________; CREATE TABLE future AS
WITH temp (_________________________________________) AS (
SELECT _______________________________ FROM _________________ UNION SELECT _________________________________________________________
FROM _______________________________________________________ WHERE _______________________________________________________
SELECT ____________________________ FROM temp WHERE _______________________;
Alyssa P Hacker Cy D Fect
Alyssa P Hacker Cy D Fect
0.03 0.02 0.01
Alyssa P Hacker Cy D Fect
Alyssa P Hacker Cy D Fect
41616 35703.5

8. (6 points) Pair Up
Fill in the Scheme pairs function so that (pairs L), where L is a list, produces a list of lists, where each of these lists contains a pair of elements from L. The function must be tail-recursive. You need not define (or use) the reverse function.
scm> (pairs ’(1 2 3 4))
((1 2) (3 4))
scm> (pairs ’(1 2 3 4 5)) ; Odd element at end put in singleton list. ((1 2) (3 4) (5))
scm> (pairs ’())
(define (reverse P)
“””Returns the reverse of list P. This function is tail-recursive””” ;;; Implementation not shown
(define (pairs L)
(define (accum-pairs lst result)
(cond (_________________________________________ result)
(_________________________________________________________ (cons _________________________________________________)) (else (accum-pairs _______________________________________ _______________________________________
______________________________________ ))))
(___________________________________________________________________) )

Name: 13 9. (10 points) Don’t Go Down!
For the purposes of this problem, define the greedy nondescending subsequence of a sequence S = (s0, s1, . . . , sn−1) to be the sequence (si1,si2,…,sim) where 0 = i1 < i2 < ··· < im < n, ik+1 is the smallest index such than sik ≤ sik+1 , and im is as large as possible (given the first two constraints). (a) (5 pt) Fill in the function upsubseq such that upsubseq(L) returns an iterator that yields a greedy nondescending subsequence of L, where L is a Python list or tuple. Do not use a generator. Your iterator must use constant space; do not create a new list containing the subsequence and return a standard iterator for it. You need not use all the spaces provided. class upseq_iter: def __init__(self, L): _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if ___________________________________________: ___________________________________________ result = ______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ while _________________________________________: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ return result def upsubseq(L): """ >>> list(upsubseq([4, 2, 3, 6, 6, 5, 7, 1, 3])) [4, 6, 6, 7]
>>> list(upsubseq([]))
return ____________________________________________

(b) (5 pt) Fill in the function genupseq so that genupseq(L) returns a generator that yields a greedy nondescending subsequence of L, where L is a Python list or tuple. Your generator must use constant space; do not create a new list containing the subsequence and return a standard iterator for it. You need not use all the spaces provided.
def genupseq(L): “””
>>> list(genupseq([4, 2, 3, 6, 6, 5, 7, 1, 3])) [4, 6, 6, 7]
>>> list(genupseq([]))
“”” ___________________________________________ while _____________________________________:
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ while _________________________________:
___________________________________ ___________________________________

Name: 15 10. (8 points) Sum Range
Fill in the function sumrange so that, given a binary search tree T with integer labels and two integer bounds low and high, it returns the sum of all values in T between low and high, inclusive. If the label of the root of T is within this range, your program must take time Θ(M ), where M is the number of labels in T that are within the bounds low and high, regardless of the number of values in T. Assume that T is of type BinTree, as defined on page 2. You do not need to use all lines.
def sumrange(T, low, high):
“””The sum of all values in BST inclusive.
>>> S = BinTree(50, BinTree(25, …
… BinTree(75, …
>>> sumrange(S, 20, 56)
T that are between LOW and HIGH,
BinTree(10, BinTree(5), BinTree(20)), BinTree(30, BinTree(28), BinTree(40))), BinTree(60, BinTree(55), BinTree(65)), BinTree(90, BinTree(80), BinTree(100))))
if ____________________________________________________________: return 0
elif ___________________________________________________________: return _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ elif ____________________________________________________________:
return _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
return ________________________________________________________

11. (10 points) Big Theta
(a) (2 pt) Circle all of the following that are true.
i. Θ(3N) = Θ(N/3)
ii. Θ(2N)=Θ(2N +N2)
iii. Θ(lg(2N))=Θ(lg(2N ·N2)) iv. Θ(2N)=Θ(2N ·N2)
v. Θ(f(N)+1/N)=Θ(f(N))iff(N)>KforsomefixedK>0.
(b) (2 pt) Using N as the length of the Python list L, give a worst-case bound for the execution time of the following code, assuming that execution time is proportional to the number of times the commented statement is executed.
for k in range(len(L)):
while j < k: s += L[j] # Count this j *= 3 Answer: (c) (2 pt) If T is a Tree containing N nodes in all, what is a worst-case bound on the time required to determine whether a value x is a label of the tree, measuring the number of comparisons to x that are required? Do not assume that T is a search tree. Answer: (d) (2 pt) If T is a binary search tree containing N nodes in all, what is a worst-case bound on the time required to determine whether a value x is a label of the tree, measuring the number of comparisons to x that are required? Answer: (e) (2 pt) We’ve seen how to add a __getitem__ method to the Link class so that one can index a linked list just as one can a Python list. That is, L[k], for L a Link (see page 2), will traverse L to item k and return it. Given such an implementation, what is the worst-case running time of the following program, as a function of N the length of linked list L, where we are counting the number of times a .rest field is accessed? Assume N is set to the length of the list. c=0 for k in range(N): for j in range(k-1): if L[k] == L[j]: c += 1 Answer: Extra space if needed. Extra space if needed.

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