程序代写CS代考 python Data Abstraction – cscodehelp代写

Data Abstraction


Data Abstraction

Data Abstraction
• Compound values combine other values together !A date: a year, a month, and a day
!A geographic position: latitude and longitude
• Data abstraction lets us manipulate compound values as units • Isolate two parts of any program that uses data:
!How data are represented (as parts)
!How data are manipulated (as units)
• Data abstraction: A methodology by which functions enforce an abstraction barrier between representation and use
All Great Programmers Programmers

Rational Numbers
Exact representation of fractions
A pair of integers
As soon as division occurs, the exact representation may be lost! (Demo)
Assume we can compose and decompose rational numbers:
Constructor •rational(n, d) returns a rational number x •numer(x) returns the numerator of x
•denom(x) returns the denominator of x

Rational Number Arithmetic
339 *=
2 5 10
3 3 21 +=
2 5 10
nx ny *=
dx dy
nx ny +=
dx dy
nx*ny dx*dy
nx*dy + ny*dx
General Form

Rational Number Arithmetic Implementation
def mul_rational(x, y):
return rational(numer(x) * numer(y),
nx ny nx*ny *=
dx dy dx*dy
denom(x) * denom(y)) Selectors
def add_rational(x, y):
nx, dx = numer(x), denom(x)
ny, dy = numer(y), denom(y)
return rational(nx * dy + ny * dx, dx * dy)
def print_rational(x):
print(numer(x), ‘/’, denom(x))
def rationals_are_equal(x, y):
return numer(x) * denom(y) == numer(y) * denom(x)
•rational(n, d) returns a rational number x •numer(x) returns the numerator of x •denom(x) returns the denominator of x
These functions implement an
abstract representation
for rational numbers
nx ny nx*dy + ny*dx +=
dx dy dx*dy

Representing Rational Numbers

Representing Pairs Using Lists
>>> pair = [1, 2]
>>> pair
[1, 2]
>>> x, y = pair
>>> x
>>> y
>>> pair[0]
>>> pair[1]
A list literal:
Comma-separated expressions in brackets
“Unpacking” a list
Element selection using the selection operator

Representing Rational Numbers
def rational(n, d):
“””Construct a rational number that represents N/D.”””
return [n, d]
Construct a list
def numer(x):
“””Return the numerator of rational number X.”””
return x[0]
def denom(x):
“””Return the denominator of rational number X.”””
return x[1]
Select item from a list

Reducing to Lowest Terms
355211 *= +=
2 3 2 5 10 2
15 1/3 5 25 1/25 1 *= *=
6 1/3 2 50 1/25 2
from math import gcd Greatest common divisor
def rational(n, d):
“””Construct a rational that represents n/d in lowest terms.”””
g = gcd(n, d)
return [n//g, d//g]

Abstraction Barriers

Abstraction Barriers
Parts of the program that… Treat rationals as… Using…
Use rational numbers whole data values add_rational, mul_rational
to perform computation rationals_are_equal, print_rational
Create rationals or implement numerators and rational operations denominators
rational, numer, denom
Implement selectors and
constructor for rationals
two-element lists list literals and element selection
Implementation of lists

Violating Abstraction Barriers
Does not use
add_rational( [1, 2], [1, 4] )
def divide_rational(x, y):
return [ x[0] * y[1], x[1] * y[0] ]
No selectors!
And no constructor!

Data Representations

What are Data?
• We need to guarantee that constructor and selector functions work together to specify the right behavior
• Behavior condition: If we construct rational number x from numerator n and denominator d, then numer(x)/denom(x) must equal n/d
• Data abstraction uses selectors and constructors to define behavior
• If behavior conditions are met, then the representation is valid
You can recognize an abstract data representation by its behavior

Rationals Implemented as Functions
def rational(n, d): def select(name):
if name == ‘n’: return n
elif name == ‘d’: return d
return select
def numer(x): return x(‘n’)
def denom(x): return x(‘d’)
a rational
Constructor is a
higher-order function
Selector calls x
pythontutor.com/composingprograms.html#code=def%20rational%28n, %20d%29%3A%0A%20%20%20%20def%20select%28name%29%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20if%20name%20%3D%3D%20’n’%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20return%20n%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20elif%20name%20%3D%3D%20’d’%3A%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20return%20d%0A%20%20%20%20return%20select% 0A%20%20%20%20%0Adef%20numer%28x%29%3A%0A%20%20%20%20return%20x%28’n’%29%0A%0Adef%20denom%28x%29%3A%0A%20%20%20%20return%20x%28’d’%29%0A%20%20%20%20%0Ax%20%3D%20rational%283,%208%29%0Anumer%28x%29&mode=display&origin=composingprograms.js&cumulative=true&py=3&rawInputLstJSON=[]&curInstr=0
x = rational(3, 8)

{‘Dem’: 0}

Limitations on Dictionaries
Dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs
Dictionary keys do have two restrictions:
•A key of a dictionary cannot be a list or a dictionary (or any mutable type)
•Two keys cannot be equal; There can be at most one value for a given key
This first restriction is tied to Python’s underlying implementation of dictionaries The second restriction is part of the dictionary abstraction
If you want to associate multiple values with a key, store them all in a sequence value

Dictionary Comprehensions
{: for in if }
Short version: {: for in }
An expression that evaluates to a dictionary using this evaluation procedure: 1. Add a new frame with the current frame as its parent
2. Create an empty result dictionary that is the value of the expression
3. For each element in the iterable value of :
A. Bind to that element in the new frame from step 1
B. If evaluates to a true value, then add to the result dictionary
an entry that pairs the value of to the value of {x*x:xforxin[1,2,3,4,5]ifx>2} evaluatesto {9:3,16:4,25:5}

Example: Indexing
Implement index, which takes a sequence of keys, a sequence of values, and a two-argument match function. It returns a dictionary from keys to lists in which the list for a key k contains all values v for which match(k, v) is a true value.
def index(keys, values, match):
“””Return a dictionary from keys k to a list of values v for which
match(k, v) is a true value.
>>> index([7, 9, 11], range(30, 50), lambda k, v: v % k == 0)
{7: [35, 42, 49], 9: [36, 45], 11: [33, 44]}
{k: [v for v in values if match(k, v)] for k in keys} return __________________________________________________________

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