程序代写CS代考 Haskell – Calculator example from chapter 13 of Programming in Haskell, – cscodehelp代写

— Calculator example from chapter 13 of Programming in Haskell,
— , Cambridge University Press, 2016.

import Parsing
import System.IO

— Expression parser

expr :: Parser Int
expr = do t <- term do symbol "+" e <- expr return (t + e) <|> do symbol “-”
e <- expr return (t - e) <|> return t

term :: Parser Int
term = do f <- factor do symbol "*" t <- term return (f * t) <|> do symbol “/”
t <- term return (f `div` t) <|> return f

factor :: Parser Int
factor = do symbol “(”
e <- expr symbol ")" return e <|> integer

— IO utilities

getCh :: IO Char
getCh = do hSetEcho stdin False
x <- getChar hSetEcho stdin True return x beep :: IO () beep = putStr "BEL" cls :: IO () cls = putStr "ESC[2J" writeat :: (Int,Int) -> String -> IO ()
writeat p xs = do goto p
putStr xs

goto :: (Int,Int) -> IO ()
goto (x,y) = putStr (“ESC[” ++ show y ++ “;” ++ show x ++ “H”)

— Calculator

box :: [String]
box = [“+—————+”,
“| |”,
“| q | c | d | = |”,
“| 1 | 2 | 3 | + |”,
“| 4 | 5 | 6 | – |”,
“| 7 | 8 | 9 | * |”,
“| 0 | ( | ) | / |”,

buttons :: String
buttons = standard ++ extra
standard = “qcd=123+456-789*0()/”

showbox :: IO ()
showbox = sequence_ [writeat (1,y) b | (y,b) <- zip [1..] box] display xs = do writeat (3,2) (replicate 13 ) writeat (3,2) (reverse (take 13 (reverse xs))) calc :: String -> IO ()
calc xs = do display xs
c <- getCh if elem c buttons then process c xs else do beep calc xs process :: Char -> String -> IO ()
process c xs | elem c “qQESC” = quit
| elem c “dDBSDEL” = delete xs
| elem c “=
” = eval xs
| elem c “cC” = clear
| otherwise = press c xs

quit :: IO ()
quit = goto (1,14)

delete :: String -> IO ()
delete [] = calc []
delete xs = calc (init xs)

eval :: String -> IO ()
eval xs = case parse expr xs of
[(n,[])] -> calc (show n)
_ -> do beep
calc xs

clear :: IO ()
clear = calc []

press :: Char -> String -> IO ()
press c xs = calc (xs ++ [c])

run :: IO ()
run = do cls

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