程序代写CS代考 Haskell algorithm # Lazy natural numbers – cscodehelp代写

# Lazy natural numbers

We introduce the lazy natural numbers, with a sample application to
make a certain algorithm faster.

## Motivating example

If the list `xs` is large, the following is slow. Moreover, it loops
without giving an answer if the list `xs` is infinite:
checkLengthBiggerThan :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
checkLengthBiggerThan xs n = length xs > n
*Main> :set +s
*Main> checkLengthBiggerThan [1..10^6] 3
(0.04 secs, 72,067,432 bytes)
*Main> checkLengthBiggerThan [1..10^7] 3
(0.19 secs, 720,067,488 bytes)
*Main> checkLengthBiggerThan [1..10^8] 3
(1.47 secs, 7,200,067,600 bytes)
*Main> checkLengthBiggerThan [1..10^9] 3
(14.35 secs, 72,000,067,640 bytes)

We can make this faster as follows, in such a way that it will take at
most `n` steps, regardless of the length of `xs`.
checkLengthBiggerThan’ :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
checkLengthBiggerThan’ [] 0 = False
checkLengthBiggerThan’ xs 0 = True
checkLengthBiggerThan’ [] n = False
checkLengthBiggerThan’ (x:xs) n = checkLengthBiggerThan’ xs (n-1)
We are ignoring negative numbers.

*Main> checkLengthBiggerThan’ [1..10^9] 3
(0.01 secs, 68,408 bytes)

## Lazy natural numbers

There is another way to make the above fast, by replacing the use of type `Int` by
the type `Nat` of lazy natural numbers in the original algorithm:

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq,Ord)

The idea is that this represents natural numbers 0,1,2,3,… as follows
Succ Zero
Succ (Succ Zero)
Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))

which we can define in Haskell as
one, two, three :: Nat
one = Succ Zero
two = Succ one
three = Succ two
Moreover, we can convert a non-negative integer to a lazy natural number as follows:
toNat :: Int -> Nat
toNat 0 = Zero
toNat n = Succ (toNat (n-1))
But we also have infinity in the type `Nat`:
infty = Succ infty

This computes for ever, producing and infinite pile ` Succ (Succ (Succ
(Succ …` of successor constructors, but, crucially, this computation
is lazy.

We can now define a length function as follows:
length’ :: [a] -> Nat
length’ [] = Zero
length’ (x:xs) = Succ (length’ xs)
For example, we have that
* `length [0..]` loops without giving any answer, but
* `length’ [0..] = infty`.

Now define a lazy comparison algorithm as follows:
biggerThan :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool
Zero `biggerThan` y = False
(Succ x) `biggerThan` Zero = True
(Succ x) `biggerThan` (Succ y) = x `biggerThan` y

The point is that in the second equation, `x` doesn’t need to be
evaluated in order to give the answer `True`. For example:

*Main> infty `biggerThan` three

With this, the first algorithm becomes fast, and also works for
infinite lists:

checkLengthBiggerThan” :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
checkLengthBiggerThan” xs n = (length’ xs) `biggerThan` (toNat n)
For example:
*Main> checkLengthBiggerThan” [1..10^9] 3
(0.02 secs, 69,032 bytes)

But actually we can write this as follows, because we derived `Ord`:

checkLengthBiggerThan”’ :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
checkLengthBiggerThan”’ xs n = length’ xs > toNat n

And this is just as fast, which means that the derivation mechanism
for `Ord` must produce a lazy comparison algorithm similar to ours:

*Main> checkLengthBiggerThan”’ [1..10^9] 3
(0.01 secs, 70,200 bytes)

The point is that the use of the lazy natural numbers makes the natural
algorithm fast, which is slow for integers. Moreover, an advantage of
the use of the lazy natural numbers is that it makes the length of an
infinite list well defined, because of the availability of the lazy
natural number `infty`

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