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Operating Systems – CSCI 402 Scheduler Activations Model
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Copyright ý . Systems – CSCI 402
Problems With Two-level Model
Two-level model does not solve the I/O blocking problem
if there are N kernel threads and if N user threads are blocked in I/O
no other user threads can make progress
Solaris solution basically goes back to one-level model
Another problem: Priority Inversion
user-level thread schedulers are not aware of the kernel-level thread scheduler
it may know the number of kernel threads
how can the user-level scheduler talk to the kernel-level scheduler?
people have tried this, but it¡¯s complicated
it¡¯s possible to have a higher priority user thread scheduled on a lower priority kernel thread and vice versa
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Scheduler Activations Model – Variation on Two-Level Model
The scheduler activations model is radically different from the other models
in other models, we think of the kernel as providing some kernel thread contexts
then multiplexing these contexts on processors using the
kernel¡¯s scheduler
in scheduler activations model, we divvy up processors to processes, and processes determine which threads get to use these processors
the kernel should supply however many kernel contexts it finds necessary
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Scheduler Activations Model Example
User scheduler
User scheduler
User Kernel
Kernel scheduler
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Scheduler Activations Model Example
Let¡¯s say a process starts up running a single thread
kernel scheduler assigns a processor to the process
if the thread blocks, the process gives up the processor to the kernel scheduler
Suppose the user program creates a new thread and parallelism is desired
code in user-level library notifies the kernel that it needs two processors
when a processor becomes available, the kernel creates a new kernel context
the kernel places an upcall to the user-level library, effectively giving it the processor
the user-level library code assigns this processor to the new thread
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Scheduler Activations Model Example
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
User Kernel
Kernel scheduler
Kernel scheduler does not schedule threads
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Scheduler Activations Model Example
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
User kernel scheduler does an
upcall to offer proceKsesorrn1el to user scheduler A
Kernel scheduler
Kernel scheduler does not schedule threads
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Scheduler Activations Model Example
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
User kernel scheduler does an
upcall to offer proceKsesorrn1el to user scheduler A
user scheduler A chooses a1 to run on processor 1 kernel does not choose threads, just processes
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Kernel scheduler
Kernel scheduler does not schedule threads
Copyright ý . Activations Model Example
Operating Systems – CSCI 402
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
kernel scheduler does an upcall to offer proceKsesorrn2el to user scheduler B
user scheduler B chooses b1 to run on processor 2
Kernel scheduler
Kernel scheduler does not schedule threads
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Operating Systems – CSCI 402
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
User kernel scheduler makes
another upcall to ofKfeer rnel processor 3 to user scheduler B
user scheduler B chooses b2 to run on processor 3
Kernel scheduler
Kernel scheduler does not schedule threads
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Copyright ý . Activations Model Example
Operating Systems – CSCI 402
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
[ blocks ]
User let¡¯s say that thread a1 calls
read() and blocks Kinethrne el kernel
Kernel scheduler
processor 1 now becomes available
Kernel scheduler can have various scheduling policies
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Scheduler Activations Model Example
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
[ blocks ]
User depending on the kernel¡¯s
policy, kernel schedKuelernmealy offer processor 1 to user scheduler A
user scheduler A chooses a2 to run on processor 1
Kernel scheduler
Kernel scheduler can have various scheduling policies
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Copyright ý . Activations Model Example
Operating Systems – CSCI 402
a1 a2
User scheduler A
b1 b2
User scheduler B
[ blocks ]
Kernel scheduler
kernel notifies the user schedulers when reKsoeurncesl are available/unavailable
e.g., when b1¡¯s quantum expires, kernel can take away processor from b1
Kernel scheduler can have various scheduling policies
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Scheduler Activations Model
Scheduler Activations Model seems like a good solution for two-level models
it has not been adopted by a major OS vendor
it can take many many years to take something in research and move it into the real world
need to conduct extensive experiments to know about all the pluses and minuses of a new approach
it may not solve all types of priority inversion problems
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Copyright ý . Systems – CSCI 402
4.1 A Simple System (Monolithic Kernel)
A Framework for Devices
Low-level Kernel (will come back to talk about this after Ch 7) Processes & Threads
Storage Management
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Storage Management
What physical “devices” can you use to store data?
primary storage, i.e., physical memory
“directly” addressable (using “one level of indirection”)
physical memory is not considered a “device”
secondary storage, i.e., disk-based storage
to store files (i.e., implement the abstraction of “files”) to support virtual memory
An application is only aware of virtual memory (it thinks virtual memory is real memory)
applications should not care about how much physical memory is available to it
there may not be enough physical memory for all processes the OS makes sure that real primary storage is available
when necessary
e.g., an application can allocate a 1GB block of memory while
the machine only has 256MB of physical memory
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Copyright ý . Memory Map
virtual memory map
Operating Systems – CSCI 402
Disk Disk
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Copyright ý . Cheng
part hardware, part OS each program thinks
it has its own full address space
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Operating Systems – CSCI 402
Storage Management
Two ways for an application to access secondary storage
using sequential I/O: open(), read(), write(), close() using block I/O: open(), mmap(), close()
Memory management concerns
1) mapping virtual addresses to real ones
2) determining which addresses are valid, i.e., refer to allocated
memory, and which are not
3) keeping track of which real objects, if any, are mapped into each
range of virtual addresses
4) deciding what should be kept in primary storage (RAM) and what
to fetch from elsewhere
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Memory Management Concerns
In reality, the OS is too slow since every virtual address needs to be resolved
some of the virtual memory mechanisms must be built into the hardware
in some cases, the hardware is given the complete “map” (i.e., mapping from virtual to physical address)
in other cases, only a partial map is given to the hardware
in either case, OS needs to provide some map to the hardware and needs a data structure for the map
page table is part of the virtual memory map (it “maps” virtual address to physical address)
Virtual Memory Map (vmmap) data structure in the OS implements the address space
only user part of the address space needs to be represented implements memory-mapped files
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to a location in the physical memory
if it cannot be resolved, the virtual address is considered an invalid virtual address referencing an unresolvable virtual address causes a segmentation fault (the OS will deliver SIGSEG to the process)
the default action would be
to terminate the process
e.g., virtual address 0
A page fault is not a segmentation fault if it can be resolved
Page Table
Operating Systems – CSCI 402
Memory Management Concerns
A valid virtual address must be ultimately resolvable by the OS
Physical Addr


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User Address Space Representation
Operating Systems – CSCI 402
address space
recall that there is something called “address space description” in a PCB
as_region 1000-7fff rx, shared
file object
8000-1afff rw, private
as_region 1b000-1bfff rw, private
as_region 200000-41ffffff rw, shared
file object
as_region 7fffd000-7fffffff rw, private
as_region (address space region data structure) contains: start address, length, access permissions, shared or private if mapped to a file, pointer to the corresponding file object
This is related to Kernel Assignment 3 where you need to
create and manage address spaces / virtual memory maps Copyright ý . Cheng
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User Address Space Representation
Operating Systems – CSCI 402
as_region 1000-7fff rx, shared
8000-1afff rw, private
address space
as_region 1b000-1bfff rw, private
a 1GB file that has been
mapped R/W and shared
as_region 200000-41ffffff rw, shared
file object
as_region 7fffd000-7fffffff rw, private
data+bss heap
file object
In this example, text and data map portions of the same file
text is marked read-execute and shared
data+bss is marked read-write and private to mean that changes will be private, i.e., will not affect other processes exec¡¯ed
from the same file
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How OS Makes Virtual Memory Work?
If a thread access a virtual memory location that¡¯s both in primary storage and mapped by the hardware¡¯s map
no action by the OS
If a thread access a virtual memory location that¡¯s not in primary storage or if the translation is not in the hardware¡¯s map
a page fault is occurred and the OS is invoked
OS checks the as_region address space data structures to make sure the reference is valid
if it¡¯s valid, the OS does whatever that¡¯s necessary to locate or create the object of the reference
find, or if necessary, make room for it in primary storage if it¡¯s not already there, and put it there
fix up all the kernel data structures then return from page
fault so that application can retry the memory access
if invalid, it turns into a segmentation fault (or bad page fault)
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Storage Management
Two issues need further discussion
how is the primary storage managed (in terms of “resource management”)?
how are the objects managed in secondary storage?
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How Is The Primary Storage “Resource” Managed?
Who needs primary storage?
application processes
OS (e.g., terminal-handling subsystem, communication subsystem, I/O subsystem, etc.)
they compete for primary storage
If primary storage is managed poorly
one subsystem can use up all the available memory
then other subsystem won¡¯t get to run
this can even lead to OS crash when a subsystem uses up all of physical memory
If there are no mapped files, the solution can be simple
assign each process a fixed amount of primary storage
this way, they won¡¯t compete but is it fair?
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In Reality, Have To Deal With Mapped Files
An example to demonstrate a dilemma
one process is using all of its primary storage allocation
it then maps a file into its address space and starts accessing that file
should the memory that¡¯s needed to buffer this file be charged against the files subsystem or charged against the process?
If charged against the files subsystem
if the newly mapped file takes up all the buffer space in the files subsystem, it¡¯s unfair to other processes
If charged against the process
if other processes are sharing the same file, other processes are getting a free ride (in terms of memory usage)
even worse, another process may increase the memory usage of this process (double unfair!)
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In Reality, Have To Deal With Mapped Files
It¡¯s difficult to be fair
it¡¯s difficult to even define what fair means
We will discuss some solutions in Ch 7
for now, we use the following solution
give each participant (processes, file subsystem, etc.)
a minimum amount of storage
leave some additional storage available for all to compete
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2) how to access those data in data structures (code)
The file system is usually divided into two parts
file system independent
supports the “file abstraction”
on Unix, this is called the “virtual file system (VFS)”
Kernel Assignment 2
on Windows, this is called the “I/O manager”
file system dependent
on Unix, this is called the “actual file system (AFS)” e.g., ext2, ext3, ext4, etc.
on Windows, this is called the “file system” e.g., FAT32, NTFS, etc.
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Operating Systems – CSCI 402
How Are Objects Managed In Secondary Storage?
The file system is used to manage objects in secondary storage the term “file system” can mean two different things
1) how to layout data on secondary storage (data structures on
Copyright ý . Cheng

(per process) file-descriptor table
Open-File Data Structures (system-wide)
system file table / file object table
inode table
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Operating Systems – CSCI 402
how can this be done?
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ref count
file inode position pointer
(typo in textbook)
In the kernel, each process has its own file-descriptor table
the kernel also maintains system file table (or file object table)
The file object / inode forms the boundary between VFS and the AFS (i.e., points to file-system-dependent stuff)
Copyright ý . Systems – CSCI 402
File Object
The file object is like an abstract class in C++ subclasses of file object are the actual file objects
class FileObject {
unsigned short refcount, access;
unsigned int file_pos;

virtual int create(const char *, int, FileObject **);
virtual int read(int, void *, int);
virtual int write(int, const void *, int);

But wait …
what¡¯s this about C++?
real operating systems are written in C …
checkout the DRIVERS kernel documentation (we skipped this weenix assignment)
similar trick (polymorphism) used in VFS
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i.e., using major and minor device numbers to reference the device and using standard interface provided by
the device driver
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File Object in C
typedef struct {
unsigned short refcount, access;
unsigned int file_pos;

void **file_ops; /* to array of function pointers */
} FileObject;
A file object uses an array of function pointers
this is how C implements C++ polymorphism
one function pointer for each operation on a file
where they point to is (actual) file system dependent
but the (virtual) interface is the same to higher level of the OS
Loose coupling between the actual file system and storage devices
the actual file system is written to talk to the devices also in a device-independent manner
Copyright ý . Systems – CSCI 402
File System Cache
Storage devices are slow
disks are particularly slow
use a lot of tricks to make them look and feel fast
Recently used blocks in a file are kept in a file system cache the primary storage holding these blocks might be mapped into one or more address spaces of processes that have this file mapped
blocks are available for immediate access by read and write system calls
Fancier data structures in storage system and file system
e.g., hash table can be used to locate file blocks in the cache maybe keyed by inode number
More details in Ch 6
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1.3 A Simple OS
OS Structure
Processes, Address Spaces, & Threads Managing Processes
Loading Program Into Processes
(will skip first 13 slides since they overlap with “A Simple OS” slides)
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Our primes program wasn¡¯t too interesting
it has no output!
cannot even verify that it¡¯s doing the right thing
other program cannot use its result
how does a process write to someplace outside the process?
The notion of a file is our Unix system¡¯s sole abstraction for this concept of “someplace outside the process”
modern Unix systems have additional abstractions
abstraction of persistent data storage
means for fetching and storing data outside a process
including disks, another process, keyboard, display, etc. need to name these different places
hierarchical naming structure
part of a process¡¯s extended address space
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Copyright ý . Cheng

shared by all processes running on a computer
although each process can have a different view
Unix provides a means to restrict a process to a subtree
by redefining what “root” means for the process
name space is outside the processes
a user process provides the name of a file to the OS the OS returns a handle to be used to access the file
after it has verified that the process is allowed access
along the entire path, starting from root
user process uses the handle to read/write the file
avoid access checks
Using a handle to refer to an object managed by the kernel is an important concept
handles are essentially an extension to the process¡¯s address space
can even survive execs!
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Directory system
Naming Files
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The File Abstraction
A file is a simple array of bytes
Files are made larger by writing beyond their current end Files are named by paths in a naming tree
System calls on files are synchronous
File API
open(), read(), write(), close() e.g., cat
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what is O_RDWR?
what does perror() do?
cursor position in an opened file depends on what functions/system calls you use
what about C++?
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Operating Systems – CSCI 402
File Handles (File Descriptors)
int fd;
char buffer[1024];
int count;
if ((fd = open(“/home/bc/file”, O_RDWR) == -1) {
// the file couldn¡¯t be opened
exit(1); }
if ((count = read(fd, buffer, 1024)) == -1) {
// the read failed
// buffer now contains count bytes read from the file
Copyright ý . Systems – CSCI 402
Standard File Descriptors
Standard File Descriptors
0 is stdin (by default, the keyboard) 1 is stdout (by default, the display) 2 is stderr (by default, the display)
main() {
char buf[BUFSIZE];
int n;
const char *note = “Write failed
while ((n = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
if (write(1, buf, n) != n) {
(void)write(2, note, strlen(note));
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Back to Primes
Have our primes program write out the solution, i.e., the primes[] array
int nprimes;
int *prime;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

for (i=1; i

fd = open(“file”, O_RDONLY);
will always associate “file” with file descriptor 0 (assuming
that the open succeeds)
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Copyright ý . Cheng

close(1) removes file descriptor 1 from extended address space
file descriptors are allocated lowest first on open() extended address space survives execs
new code is same as running
% primes 300 > /home/bc/Output
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Operating Systems – CSCI 402
Running It
if (fork() == 0) {
/* set up file descriptor 1 in the child process */
if (open(“/home/bc/Output”, O_WRONLY) == -1) {
exit(1); }
execl(“/home/bc/bin/primes”, “primes”, “300”, 0);
exit(1); }
/* parent continues here */
while(pid != wait(0)) /* ignore the return code */
Copyright ý . Systems – CSCI 402
I/O Redirection
% primes 300 > /home/bc/Output
The “>” parameter in a shell command that instructs the command shell to redirect the output to the given file
If “>” weren¡¯t there, the output would go to the display
Can also redirect input
% cat < /home/bc/Output when the "cat" program reads from file descriptor 0, it would get the data byes from the file "/home/bc/Output" 82 321 0 Copyright ý . Systems - CSCI 402 File-Descriptor Table A file descriptor refers not just to a file it also refers to the process¡¯s current context for that file includes how the file is to be accesses (how open() was invoked) cursor position Context information must be maintained by the OS and not directly by the user program let¡¯s say a user program opened a file with O_RDONLY later on it calls write() using the opened file descriptor how does the OS knows that it doesn¡¯t have write access? stores O_RDONLY in context if the user program can manipulate the context, it can change O_RDONLY to O_RDWR therefore, user program must not have access to context! all it can see is the handle the handle is an index into an array maintained for the process in kernel¡¯s address space 321 0 83 Copyright ý . Systems - CSCI 402 File-Descriptor Table File descriptor User address space File-descriptor table (per process) 0 1 2 3 this is yet another pointer "cursor" ref count access mode file location inode pointer n-1 Kernel address space system file table (system-wide) context is not stored directly into the file-descriptor table one-level of indirection Copyright ý . Cheng 321 0 84 VFS vs. AFS We now know more about the "inode pointer"... (per process) file-descriptor table (system-wide) system file table / file object table FS-dependent inode table Operating Systems - CSCI 402 0 1 2 3 4 n-1 We will focus on VFS in Ch 1 AFS will be covered in Ch 6 Copyright ý . Cheng ref count file inode access (typo in textbook) position pointer 85 321 0 open() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Applications OS Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 Process Subsystem Files Subsystem 86 321 0 Copyright ý . Systems - CSCI 402 Put It All Together open() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Applications OS trap Process Subsystem Files Subsystem 87 321 0 Copyright ý . Systems - CSCI 402 Put It All Together open() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Applications OS trap Process Subsystem check access rights... Files Subsystem 88 321 0 Copyright ý . Cheng open() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); trap Applications OS setup polymorphic function pointers at various levels 321 0 Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 89 open() fd int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 Applications OS fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 90 321 0 open() fd int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 Applications OS fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 91 321 0 open() read() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 Applications OS fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 92 321 0 open() read() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); trap Applications OS Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 93 321 0 open() read() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Put It All Together ¡Ü 100 bytes Applications OS Operating Systems - CSCI 402 fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 94 321 0 open() read() close() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 Applications OS fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 95 321 0 open() read() close() trap int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 Applications OS fd file obj Process Subsystem Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 96 321 0 open() read() close() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 Applications OS Process Subsystem file obj Files Subsystem Copyright ý . Cheng 97 321 0 Put It All Together Operating Systems - CSCI 402 open() read() close() int fd; fd = open("foo.txt"); char buf[512]; read(fd, buf, 100); close(fd); Process Subsystem file obj Files Subsystem Applications OS file object not deallocated if ref count > 0
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Copyright ý . Cheng

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